Monday, May 21, 2012

Let me scream "WaHoo!" quietly

I've resigned myself to weighing more on Mondays than on Fridays, and at 107.6 lbs I'm not disappointed. Although I've forgotten (and this is why it's good to write things down) that for the past 2 Mondays, I've weighed in at 108 even. So today's actually better!

 And it's getting even better. 30 minutes of cardio (after two days of being a spud) and I've got 3.27 miles down. I'm warmed up and the Smith Machine is free so I get adventurous, toss caution to the wind and decided to lift what I can lift. Which basically means, do a warm up set or two, then toss 45 lbs on each end of the bar and see if I can't get more than 8 reps. I get 12! That's a full set. I get 3 sets (the last 2 reps were kinda breathless but they still count). I'm ecstatic! That's 135lbs! WaHoo!

Above is an image I pulled off the internet from showing bench pressing with a Smith machine. For a different video and description of this exercise go to this link at

A few tips on bench pressing:
  1. Make sure you are properly positioned so that your feet are flat on the floor, and your head and shoulders also lay flat on the bench. Do not raise your head or shoulders during this exercise! If the bench is too high off the ground, lay 25 or 35 lbs weights flat on the ground under your feet to give you a level base.
  2. Make sure your arms are spaced shoulder's width apart and that you have a comfortable grip on the bar. Use gloves or neoprene grips for better control.
  3. Remember to breathe! Exhale as you push the weight up, and inhale as you control the bar's descent. Count out loud if possible to help focus. 
Abs and shoulders (delts) come next with 3 of front dumbbell raises, supersetting with 3 sets of lateral raises. Then 3 sets of lateral raises solo. Then 6 sets of inclined bench rear delt raises. My shoulders are kind of tired now, but the Decline Bench is open so I hop on that to do a few sets. I'm not expecting much though since the shoulder muscles do play a role in supporting the bar as you raise it up over your chest. I get a few sets in, maxing out at a wispy 95 lbs and call it quits when the guys next to me turn on the floor fan. The blast of cool air is distracting and I'm too annoyed to do anything except leave the station.

Instead, I go and do more abs, then triceps, and finally, my stretch routine as a cool down. I'm parched. 1.5 liters sometimes doesn't last past triceps and I'm wondering how to put on a little more size, i.e., what and when to eat more. I'd like to get stronger, maybe a tad bigger. Definitely more defined. As always, there's more research to be done!

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