Thursday, May 17, 2012

No Closer to an Answer

Today's a beautiful sunny crisp Spring day. Today's also a Push day and I've decided that if I don't start pushing my maximum weights again, I'll lose strength. Not that that's ever happened. Muscles and muscle memory is surprisingly resilient.

I get on the scale at home this morning. 103.2 lbs. Hmmm. This continuous weight loss wasn't part of my plan. But I don't want to stop doing cardio either. I've cut back to 30 minutes so I'm only doing 18+ miles a week (still doing a double on Leg Day) instead of 25, but perhaps I need to rethink this. Lifting heavy might be the only thing that's keeping muscle mass on me -- otherwise I'd really look like a cardio junkie -- all sinewy skin and bones. My husband's told me that he doesn't like skinny chicks that look (to steal a line from SpongeBob) "all icky and corpsey". Too many hard angles.

I'm not used to having such a "boney butt". It makes sitting on hard things, well, rather uncomfortable. However, what I used to blame on a prominent coccyx (tail bone) is actually a caveat to be extremely vigilant about one's underwear and exercise pants. I'm talking about seams and tags! Things that chafe the delicate skin below your hips when you're doing outrageous sets of twisting sit ups. Shame on companies that sell "yoga" pants, etc that have major massive double-stitched seams right up the seat. I thought thongs were unpleasant, but developing a tail bone callous is definitely worse. Other observations include the fact that my navel has become very shallow, and my knees have odd protuberances I'd never noticed before when I was heavier.

I get on the scale at the gym after my workout and it reads 105.6 which is sort of what I was expecting. B points to my empty 1.5 liter water bottle and frowns. I shrug. I'm starting to lift heavier this week. It's the best I can do, and I'll just see what happens next.

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...