Thursday, November 17, 2022

Seed Vs Salt

I skipped the gym yesterday to do errands, but don't think I didn't do my fair share of heavy lifting. I managed to wrestle a 50 lb bag of black oil sunflower seed into my car before heading off to the Job Lot where I loaded several 30 lb bags of ice melt into my shopping cart before discovering better ice melt (pet and plant safe) in the back of the store, next to an array of snow shovels. Which meant emptying the cart and loading two bags of 50 lb ice melt. These were also cheaper! But infinitely harder to pick up and load into the cart, and later, into my car. Getting everything out also took a bit of effort. 

A 50 lb bag of seed is definitely easier to move than a comparable amount of salt, even though the seed bag is over twice as big in volume. I can't find anything online to help me explain (I'm probably using the wrong search parameters and the wrong search engine) why it is so much easier to pick up a 50 lb solid iron plate compared to a bag of seed. And the bag of seed is easier to hold onto than a bag of salt. 

They all weigh 50 lbs, but the solid plate gives you something to grab and exert pressure on, whereas the seed and sand act like fluid and behave worse than "dead weight." The easiest chore I've done is load my wheelbarrow with firewood from a rack several yards from the house, drag it closer, and then carry the firewood, 4-5 pieces at a time, up five steps into the house to stack next to the wood stove. Winter is here!

I got to the gym today and did a routine 35 minutes of cardio, core and stretching, and then the DB shoulder exercises. I added a few reps back to the Inclined DB Press and it didn't suck so that was good. Sitting there, I glance up at the ceiling to see one of the fans. It's not moving. All the others are a blur. This one is so caked with dirt that I worry it will rain sticky dust everywhere should someone turn it on. Yuck! 

Tank and B are chatting and laughing so loudly I can hear them through my tunes. The caterwauling dissonance emanating from the gym speakers doesn't help either. It might be Miley Cyrus. An old guy sets up in the Squat Rack immediately to the left of me. He doesn't even take his heavy jacket off but does a few quick reps, adds more plates, a few more reps. Then he leaves. Well, that was kind of weird. Time for me to go anyway, since it's cold and damp but dogs don't care and need their "run like loonies" time...

17 November 2022
Frosty Thursday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5524)
Distance: 2.81
Cal: 311
Avg Hr: 154, 188-74

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Knee-tap plank 15, 10 alt knees
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga x 3

DB Incl Press s/s Lat Raise s/s Rev Inc Fly
10 lbs x 25/15/25 reps warmup
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 lbs x 25/15/25 reps x 3 sets

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