Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Hot and Crowded

Today's temps peaked at 64F, which is downright tropical for New York in February. Unfortunately, I dawdled too long after getting the pups home from the park so consequently, I got to the gym at 1:30. It wasn't horribly crowded. Until 2:10 pm. When a stream of teens flooded the facility. I got my cardio done. I had to share the Aerobics Room with a quartet of giggly girls who were lined up to do something like crunches or bicycles or something. Mostly what they did was chat and giggle.

Both steppers were occupied by teens flirting with each other, and the weight area had more bodies than benches. It's warm and sunny outside and you'd think they'd want to be out there, but nope. They want to be on their phones while giggling and chatting and draped over the equipment. Thank goodness I did my pull-ups yesterday. Thank goodness I did the Rip Skulls yesterday. And yes, my arms are a little sore, which is reassuring that I actually did some work. I'm really hungry because all I've had is a cup of coffee. (I'd rather exercise hungry than feel too full to move!)

My sciatica isn't bothering me as much as the soreness in my lower back and the intermittent numbness in my toes. Temps are forecast to plummet down into the 20s tonight so I spend an hour dragging firewood into my house. We might also get snow and sleet on Friday. After all, it's still February. My son is asleep when I get home but spent the night roaming about like a ghost. At 4 am he decided to make brownies but didn't know where the vegetable oil was kept. He thought using olive oil might make for a weird taste, so he melted butter. A lot of butter. I tasted the brownies once I got home. They definitely taste of browned butter. Perhaps an acquired taste but they're good in small bites...

23 February 2021
Tropical Wednesday

Precor elliptical
Program 3
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5892)
Distance: 2.94
Cal: 331
HR: 84, 151-207

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 30
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga

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