Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Winter to Spring in One Day

It was 14F when I started my car this morning, but afternoon temps promise to hit in the 40s. Sure seems like the groundhog was wrong! But there's a chance of snow and rain come this weekend, so we're not celebrating just yet. Meanwhile, the gym is crowded again. Maybe this sunny illusion has folks worrying about their summer bods? Still, I get on a good elliptical, one that doesn't clunk and has a working heart rate monitor -- not that I take those very seriously although perhaps I should because one of my friends has just been diagnosed with SVP (superventricular tachycardia) and is now taking beta-blockers for it. 

If that doesn't improve her situation, she may have to look at more invasive procedures like a catheter ablation or a pacemaker. She's concerned because the heart palpitations have increased lately, are unnervingly unpleasant and she's afraid it might make her faint and fall. I, on the other hand, don't sense anything amiss when the HR monitor on the cardio machine rockets up to 190 or drops down to 95. Nope. Doesn't feel any different to me and I'm not more out of breath or tired when it's happening. It could just be unreliable equipment but I'm not concerned enough to investigate further.

The ache in my left lower back is still there. It's one reason I gave up doing any sort of twisting exercises like cross-body elbow to knee crunches. If I push too hard I'll suffer a painful spasm and I don't see the need to tempt that fate. The health insurance company has denied my request for an MRI because they claim they don't have documentation of 6 weeks of physical therapy/chiropractic care for the sciatic pain. Yet, a review of my claim records clearly show all my chiropractic appointments from last August to December: more than 6 weeks but apparently not credited by the insurance company because my primary doc's office didn't fill out the paperwork correctly. Ugh. 

I may wind up seeing a spine specialist at another practice if this doesn't pan out in the next week or so... Taking ibuprofen every night before bed is probably not the best thing for my kidneys, and last night I added a gabapentin because I have a "new" symptom: an intermittent mild burning sensation in the muscles surrounding my lower spine and tailbone. Inflammation? Irritation? Pick one. Or both. I know I'm irritated.

Surprisingly, I wasn't all that sweaty once I got done with cardio, and it was a good cardio session! Pull-ups didn't feel great but I muscled through them. However, I think my hands are rebelling because I've discovered callouses at the top of my palms and since I'm not really doing weight lifting other than body weight stuff, it's got to be the pull-ups. Yes, having ichthyosis vulgaris is a lot of fun. And I still have the cold urticaria (winter rash).

I had to start again with push-ups because I tried doing them parallel with the mat but found my hands sliding out from under me, so perpendicular to the mat is much much better. Big Baldy wasn't at the stair climber today but I did see a lot of other regulars down in the free weight area. The Step Mill actually hit 60 steps per minute a few times this session, but mostly it lagged between 52 and 55 so not quite as many steps climbed today as yesterday. 

Took the pups to the park and trudging up the frozen hill made my quads ache. At least the dogs had fun chasing each other through the snow, ice and leaf litter. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer but with the threat of rain. Dogs don't care so we'll be there.

16 February 2021
Mid-Week Wednesday

Precor elliptical
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5878)
Distance: 2.93
Cal: 330
HR: 252-197, 84, 101


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 15, 25 (positions)
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga

HGPU 17.5

Matrix StepMill (left)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-60)
Step 528
Floors 33
Calories 77
HR: 141

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