Friday, January 14, 2022

Partially Recovered

I went to the gym this morning and had another abbreviated workout. Workouts always feel okay; it's the aftermath that makes me reconsider the rest of my day. Again, I only do 20 minutes plus "cool down" at a moderate pace (148 strides per minute or less) and I'm not warmed up enough to take my hoodie off. Again, the only aspect of my workout that I'm happy with are my pull-ups. Even recuperating from what I assume is omicron, I can knock out basic body weight movements without any difficulty. Core is a yawn. I should try something else just for variety. But the back doesn't like twisting motions. I'm not a big fan of the side plank either: too much stress on my bony little feet!

If I was 100% recovered, I wouldn't be sneezing several times a day because the inside of my nose and back of my throat is irritated due to "dryness." It feels like I have lint trapped in there somewhere! Sneezing makes the nose runny so I'm constantly blowing it, making it pink and raw. Slathering cream on my philtrum is soothing but not much of a preventative for chafed skin. The "cold rash" on my legs flares up like cystic acne in spite of the ointment the dermatologist has prescribed. And now, one of my heels has cracked so it's painful to walk on even slathered with medicated cream. My heels and fingers always develop fissures in the cold dry weather of winter in the northeast so I'm not surprised. I've been using O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet but it's no match for Flexitol, a balm containing 25% urea, for softening and moisturizing tough, dry skin. I'll need to buy more.

There's no point to getting Covid tested at this point, even if tests were available. The Department of Health testing site has been closed for the past 3 days due to cold weather. They might've been open today. Or not. There are no rapid tests on the store shelves and ordering online shows a delivery date more than a week away. I'll be fully recovered by then. I might be considered recovered right now, but it still feels like I have a lingering head cold.

Monday is looking like a "get your exercise by shoveling" kind of day with Winter Storm Izzy slated to arrive late Sunday night into Monday. It's a Federal holiday, so I'm not worried about getting my son to the school bus, just shoveling out and if the roads aren't icy due to sleeting rain, then getting the puppers to the park. Because dogs don't care about weather.

14 January 2021
Easing Back Friday

Precor elliptical
Program 1
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd (3656)
Distance: 1.92
Cal: 208
HR: 123-151, 109


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga


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