Monday, July 12, 2021

Some Days Are Bloody

The day did not start auspiciously. Voracious mosquitos bit me through my pants at the dog park. One landed on my face and I smushed it, leaving a smear of blood all over my fingers. I got a finger snagged in the gate when we left and again, blood all over my hand. I did manage to get to the gym and do a basic "cardio plus" workout before having to take one of my pups back to the vet to see if they could get a blood sample. He was too ornery at the last go so this time I gave him a half tab of gabapentin (300 mg) a few hours before his appointment. His brother stayed home but was quite upset at being left behind.

After 20 minutes, the vet techs conceded defeat and (did not escape unscathed). They also gave me a vial of trazadone to treat anxiety. So next time I'm to give him 600 mg of gabapentin the night before, and then a half a pill a few hours before the appointment with a tab of 100 mg trazadone. I've know people to call it thunderdome (after Mad Max) because trazadone doesn't exactly lend itself to memorability. (Yes, trazadone is also prescribed for people, as is gabapentin.) All for a thimbleful of blood to test for heart worm and Lyme disease. I'm not anxious to reschedule the next appointment. The pup's got PTSD from his solo trip to the vet and the dog who stayed home suffered separation anxiety. I suspect he thinks his brother went to the park without him. I'm not sure how much dogs can actually communicate to each other.

Tomorrow, if it's not pouring rain, I'll douse myself with DEET before taking the pups out to the park. It's not just my biology that makes me attractive to biting insects. I know that the skin cream I use to keep my ridiculously dry skin moisturized is an attractant, not because of any fragrances, but because insects like lactic acid which is the working component in many dry skin creams. Alpha hydroxy acids fall into this category as well. And since I can't not use moisturizing cream, DEET is going to be my best friend for the entire summer. The insects have been really bad this season. Or I'm just more allergic than most people.

12 July 2021
Overcast Monday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 140-183
Cal 317
Distance 2.85

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

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