Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Today was perfect in temperature and humidity, mostly sunny but not blazing with a gentle breeze. Every day should be like today! I'm perfectly happy with 75F, except for the biting insects. If I don't spray my clothes with DEET, they bite right through and I have the discolored welts to prove it.

I get to the gym with time for cardio, core and weights. Since I took yesterday off to do a bunch of chores, I know I need to pump up my cardio. Thirty minutes on the Life Fitness cross-trainer is a good start. I skip HGPU though. And add a few minutes on the ClimbMill after doing sets at the Seated Cable Row station. I get a few more steps and one more floor this time around for the same 10 minutes set at the same speed 6 which is no where near 60 steps per minute. Nope. The machine starts at 52, runs for a few minutes at 57, then drops down to 55.

Tomorrow I plan another all cardio day now that I've recovered the timing for the Norwegian 4 x 4. I could also do Tabata but that is so much more strenuous I'm not sure I'm brave enough for 20 seconds On followed by 10 seconds Off for 4 minutes. I know, it's only 4 minutes! 

I'm not just trying to stay fit, I'm also hoping to drop back down to my former size, which is only 6-7 lbs away but feels like so much more. When I first returned to the gym, I did 45 minutes of cardio and almost 5 miles during each workout. I lost a lot of weight but it was imperceptible to me until I realized why my clothes were too loose. I'd thought they were being stretched out in the wash! I could try replicating that routine once again. Today I got 40 total minutes of cardio. I'll aim for 45 in the future.

Not everything works for everyone. There's no way any sort of LISS (low-intensity steady state) will ever burn 300 calories in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe if I'm walking the treadmill while watching a movie on TV? At least I managed to lose two of the 2.5 lbs I put on over the weekend as that was indeed due to overindulging in salty, fatty foods. Really, it's the kitchen that's my nemesis.

28 July 2021
Pleasantly Wednesday

LF cross-trainer
25 min + 5 cool down
Program Manual 1
HR 120-146
Cal 242
Distance 3.54

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

EZ Seated Cable Rows
70lbs x 15 reps
77.5 x 12
85 x 10, 12, 12
77.5 x 12
70 x 15

Matrix StepMill
10 min
Speed 6 (52-57)
HR 115
Cal 79
Steps 539
Floors 33

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