Friday, July 30, 2021

Plans Change

I hate it when the tire pressure light goes on in my car, necessitating a trip to the local Valvoline. I'm 200 miles shy of the next oil change but close enough. I've popped into that shop countless times just to have them check my tires and pump a little air and they do it for free. It buys loyalty. I also have a $15 coupon that expired months ago, but Valvoline shops never refuse to honor any of their coupons, no matter how old! This also buys loyalty. Everything else checks out, including my a/c coolant, which the other Valvoline shop claimed was low and could be refilled for $150. Uh, no thanks. The only reason I ever went to the other shop is because they're certified to do the required annual NYS "safety" inspection and my local shop is not.

Between that and waiting in a long line at the CVS, I barely make it to the gym with just enough time to do the one critical thing: 30 minutes of cardio. I toss in a few stretches and a bird dog, all the things that make my sciatica feel better, before showering and dashing off to pick my son up from his camp job.

We were all looking forward to seeing Lindsey Stirling at the Beacon Theater on Monday, but she has unexpectedly cancelled that show. Ugh. There's no explanation, but I suspect it's because Covid infection rates are on the rise. Boy Scout camp is a week away. My son will have exactly one day from the end of his camp job as a counselor to pack his gear and I've printed out the list of items he'll need. We'll see if he actually manages to pack it all.

30 July 2021
Pleasantly Friday

LF cross-trainer
25 min + 5 cool down
Program Manual 1
HR 124-150
Cal 242
Distance 3.55

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

A Nice Cardio Workout

Weather is so changeable these days. The threat of torrential rain looms over the day but I'm still at the dog park with the pups for their morning romp. Luckily there are other dogs to play with. The gym isn't too crowded so I'm able to pedal the elliptical first. I don't give myself time to cool down before I hop on the Octane for another 15 plus minutes. 

My lower back on the left side starts to ache when I use the mid-range lateral width (5). I have to narrow to 4 and the ache lessens. My feet are never happy with the lateral movement of the Octane: pressure on the outer edges make my feet hurt by the time I'm done. Oddly, I get more distance with ten more steps but fewer calories expended.

from Butterflies at Home
subtle differences
Thankfully, the Aerobic Room is cooler and it's mostly empty. I always select a corner far from any equipment so I can stretch out and not be in anyone's way. I don't understand people who plop themselves on a mat next to the pile of mats, forcing others to step over and around them just to get a freaking mat. That's just rude. 

I do another 10 minutes on the ClimbMill after the requisite push-ups and air squats. Yesterday was a beautiful day and I spied a butterfly I'd not only not seen before, but I had no idea what it was. Black and orange but its underside resembled a dead leaf. But it wasn't a Dead Leaf butterfly. I had no idea what type it was. I snap a few quick photos to review later. Tossing the image into Google brought up Question Mark butterfly vs Eastern Comma butterfly. What? It's definitely a Question Mark butterfly. And I'll probably never see one again.

Question Mark butterfly

29 July 2021
Cardio Thursday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 144-195, 84, 87
Cal 326
Distance 2.91

Octane LX8000
15 min +2 cool down
Program Manual 1 lateral 5-4
AHR 131 max 140
Cal (118) 114
Distance (1.18) 1.29
Floor (36) 35
Steps (2214) 2124

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

Matrix StepMill
10 min
Speed 6 (52-57)
HR 120
Cal 79
Steps 537
Floors 33

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Today was perfect in temperature and humidity, mostly sunny but not blazing with a gentle breeze. Every day should be like today! I'm perfectly happy with 75F, except for the biting insects. If I don't spray my clothes with DEET, they bite right through and I have the discolored welts to prove it.

I get to the gym with time for cardio, core and weights. Since I took yesterday off to do a bunch of chores, I know I need to pump up my cardio. Thirty minutes on the Life Fitness cross-trainer is a good start. I skip HGPU though. And add a few minutes on the ClimbMill after doing sets at the Seated Cable Row station. I get a few more steps and one more floor this time around for the same 10 minutes set at the same speed 6 which is no where near 60 steps per minute. Nope. The machine starts at 52, runs for a few minutes at 57, then drops down to 55.

Tomorrow I plan another all cardio day now that I've recovered the timing for the Norwegian 4 x 4. I could also do Tabata but that is so much more strenuous I'm not sure I'm brave enough for 20 seconds On followed by 10 seconds Off for 4 minutes. I know, it's only 4 minutes! 

I'm not just trying to stay fit, I'm also hoping to drop back down to my former size, which is only 6-7 lbs away but feels like so much more. When I first returned to the gym, I did 45 minutes of cardio and almost 5 miles during each workout. I lost a lot of weight but it was imperceptible to me until I realized why my clothes were too loose. I'd thought they were being stretched out in the wash! I could try replicating that routine once again. Today I got 40 total minutes of cardio. I'll aim for 45 in the future.

Not everything works for everyone. There's no way any sort of LISS (low-intensity steady state) will ever burn 300 calories in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe if I'm walking the treadmill while watching a movie on TV? At least I managed to lose two of the 2.5 lbs I put on over the weekend as that was indeed due to overindulging in salty, fatty foods. Really, it's the kitchen that's my nemesis.

28 July 2021
Pleasantly Wednesday

LF cross-trainer
25 min + 5 cool down
Program Manual 1
HR 120-146
Cal 242
Distance 3.54

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

EZ Seated Cable Rows
70lbs x 15 reps
77.5 x 12
85 x 10, 12, 12
77.5 x 12
70 x 15

Matrix StepMill
10 min
Speed 6 (52-57)
HR 115
Cal 79
Steps 539
Floors 33

Monday, July 26, 2021

Weekends Are Fattening

I spent more time at the dog park than planned, mostly because people arrive later than I'd like, but dogs don't care as long as they get a chance to frolic and runabout. This of course impacts how much time I have for exercising, especially since I discover that the bread I planned to make sandwiches with this afternoon (for my son's lunch since he never eats at his job) has been sitting too long. It's moldy and needs to be tossed. Which means I also need time to hit the grocery after the gym and before I pick my son up from camp. Temps have risen to the mid-80s so it's plenty hot out and I'll need ice for the beverage cooler as well.

The gym is unusually crowded today so I hop on the Octane for a quick 20 minutes (plus 3). It goes faster than I expect. Next time I'll shoot for the full 30 (plus the automatic cool down but I don't remember whether that's 3 or 5 minutes). I realize that I might be too tired to attempt pull-ups after push-ups and air squats so I do them beforehand and only manage 15. Core and stretching feel fairly routine until I get to push-ups which are more difficult than I'd like. Ugh. I do my eye yoga exercises and then air squats.

The gym scale tells me something I've suspected. I've once again put on weight, but the amount is shocking: 2.5 lbs over the past two days. I'm hoping it's water from the salty foods I've eaten all weekend, but I can't deny the truth: I'm not eating properly. And instead of losing weight, I'm gaining. This calls for a drastic rethinking of my food, what, why, and when I'm eating. Because I can't continue this way: I'll be fatter than when I started exercising 10 years ago! And no one wants that!

26 July 2021
Basics Blazing Monday

Octane LX8000
20 min +3 cool down
Program Manual 1 lateral 4
HR 121-156
Cal 160
Distance 3.09
Floor 49
Steps 2956


Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

Friday, July 23, 2021

Digging Up the Norwegian

I'm happy that my notepad app now has a search function, enabling me to look for a HIIT cardio program. I've forgotten what the exact timing should be but since I normally detail my workouts at least once, I can find this information easily. My search reveals that it's been several years as the entries I find are back in 2018!

There's a problem using the Precor elliptical to judge the On and Off portions of the program if I rely on the heart rate data. The elliptical always registers my sessions in extreme ranges, from a low of 86 to a high today over 200. That's crazy. (The Octane elliptical never tells me these lies.) I also find it impossible to lower my perceived HR just by pedaling slower. Instead, I base the On and Off portions on Strides Per Minute, pedaling over 180 for the On portion, and below that for Off. I recall trying to pedal between 135 and 150 when I first tried this routine. Oddly, it's easier to keep the Off portion between 160 and 170. However, that's probably not going to benefit my heart the way a lower Off period would. Next time I'll try to drop to 135 SPMs...

Core is routine, including push-ups and air squats. Eye yoga is easier when there's something in the background to focus on. The bottom position feels the hardest to achieve (try staring at your shoes while sitting cross-legged without moving your body, neck or head). The top has me wondering if I'm arching my eyebrows but you can't see your own face if you're staring at the ceiling. I manage a decent set of push-ups and then it's time to shower and pick up my son from his camp job.

I've discovered that it's nearly impossible to buy picaridin bug repellent these days. My last spray can served me well at the dog park but now I need more. I use the 25-30% DEET spray (Off or Cutters). None of the grocery stores nor the CVS carry anything except DEET, and most of it in the ineffective "family friendly" 7-15% dose. DEET is fine for spraying my shoes and pants with, but it tends to be unpleasantly oily on skin and destructive to synthetics. The only cans I stock at my house are 25-30% and considered "deep woods." Picaridin, on the other hand, is more skin friendly, but equally effective as an insect deterrent. The RiteAid has two last spray cans of Ben's Tick Repellent (20% picaridin). I buy them both. 

At the dog park, I spray my head and the tops of my hands with it because I've been bitten through my regular pants and on my face, throat and fingers, all the parts of me not covered by the permethrin hoodie I wear for such occasions. Ticks have also been pervasive. One dog owner told me he contracted babesiosis last summer and had symptoms similar to malaria with night sweats that lasted for weeks. It's not just Lyme disease that we have to worry about now...

23 July 2021
Pleasantly Friday

HIIT Precor elliptical
(Manual: resistance 1; elevation 7)
4 x 4 Norwegian:
5 min warmup
4 min 85-95% HR (143-159)
3 min rest
4 sets
(at minute 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33)
Miles 2.77
Calories 311
Avg HR 149, range 86-207

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25


Thursday, July 22, 2021


The dogs got to play with friends they haven't seen in a while so I make it to the gym a bit later than I had intended. I thought about doing another "cardio only day" but really I needed to push some weights. I've been blowing off weight lifting far too often because cardio seems to be more critical for health in older folks. I don't have enough time to do all three components (cardio, core & stretching, weights) so today I skip core. Besides, I do that almost every day that I exercise and I've read that some now believe that doing core everyday isn't productive. 

However, I don't make it to the Stretch Cage to do pull-ups. Those will have to wait until tomorrow, which will be a "fun" cardio and core day. Maybe I'll do Intervals or, if I dig up my old files, some HIIT cardio. I just don't remember the sequences I used and it's always helpful to plan in advance what the routine will be. Math is the last thing I want to do while pedaling as fast as I can!

I stop off at the store before picking up my son from his summer camp job. I haven't been able to buy any pastrami for weeks now. The fellow behind the counter says their supplier has been having trouble getting stock in so no one can tell me when or if there will be pastrami for sale next week. Pastrami is pricier than deli ham or turkey but well worth it: lower in fat and sodium and much tastier. I like to lightly pan fry the strips, then layer it on a toasted bun with a slice of spicy jalapeno-studded Monterey Jack cheese (pepper jack). It doesn't even need mustard. A few bread and butter pickle chips on the side are always nice. I buy some arugula instead to make a nice spicy salad.

22 July 2021

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 2
HR 85, 130-177, 90, 88
Cal 321
Distance 2.87

DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 4
Rev Incl flys (w/u) 15 lbs x 20
20lbs x 20, 25, 25

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Gross Old Men

I have more milkweeds than I expected and have seen a few monarch butterflies, although there are no signs of caterpillars (except for two I spotted a few weeks ago, but then they disappeared and have not been seen since) or even the tiny blue butterfly eggs on the underside of the leaves. What I am seeing are milkweed beetles, ants, spiders, and a lot of really big bees. I don't mind the bees. I'm also distressed to find that a lot of the plants have leaves that are deformed with curling edges. 

I've never seen this before and a quick search online tells me the plants might be suffering from a spider mite infestation. Ugh. I'll have to gently pinch off the deformed leaves and hose the leaves to flush the mites away. I'm skeptical this will work but I'll at least remove the curled and yellowing leaves.

I get to the gym and avoid the cluster of old men blocking the walk aisle. Maybe they haven't seen each other since before the pandemic, and they're probably all vaccinated but it's still not a reason to stand four deep, inches from each other's faces. And since they are most likely hard of hearing and the ambient music is louder than a whisper, they are also yelling at each other. Uh, no thanks. Sure, they're vaccinated and so am I. But it's still possible to contract the delta variant Covid virus, and I don't want to wear a mask and I don't want to get sick, even if it's not going to be fatal. So, I'll keep my distance. Because people are gross. Especially old men.

I get on the elliptical after stashing my gear in a locker. The old men are still blocking the walk lane. It's a good reason to use the the Octane machine sandwiched between the two ancient and non-working Nexersys stations instead of the one across from the beverage display where people cluster. I've always been uncomfortable in crowds. 

Today I only do cardio and then core and some basic stretches. Push-ups feel easier today. Air-squats even more so: I'm dropping past parallel so I can feel the back of my thighs hit the back of my calves at the bottom of each rep. I'm tempted to see how many pull-ups I can muster but think better of it. Tomorrow, if I have time, I'll work shoulders and try a set of pull-ups beforehand. Otherwise, there's always Friday.

21 July 2021
Another Cardio Wednesday

Precor elliptical
20 min + 5 cool down
Program 1
HR 91, 142-198
Cal 232
Distance 2.07

Octane LX8000
15 min +2 cool down
Program Manual 1 (lateral 4)
HR 129-150, av 136
Cal 118
Distance 1.18
Floors 36
Steps 2214

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

Monday, July 19, 2021

The threat of rain was greatly exaggerated over the weekend although we did have flash flood warnings (and some area flooding), power outages (one due to a lightning strike vs utility pole), a tornado touchdown the next state over, and sporadically heavy winds. Today was overcast and cooler, but still humid. Dogs went to the park hoping for playmates. After 2 hours, only one other pup showed up to frolic and they had to be satisfied with that.

I got to the gym at half past noon and it was crowded with regulars and maybe college kids. They were mostly all gone by 1 pm, and by 1:30 the younger kids showed up. I'm happy I got my cardio in, some core and a smidgeon of stretching, pushed a few weights. I'm not happy that I keep gaining weight. Ugh. I'm sure it's an age/metabolism thing (I am, after all, in my 60s). My father resorted to eating just one meal a day to keep himself slim enough to wear all his favorite clothes. I'm not sure I can do that now that I'm eating oatmeal to control my cholesterol. And I've added 5 prunes a day to my meal routine. Again for cholesterol control. And I won't know if it's working or not until I go for new blood tests next month. 

Meanwhile, I've got to figure out where I can cut calories because I can't see increasing my activity any more than I have. I suppose lunch is the indulgence I can't afford unless it's going to be just a salad...

In the Aerobics Room, there are two boys doing planks. I want to tell one that he's going to give himself a backache with the way he's doing planks: his shoulders much higher than his hips with a big dip in the lower back. But I don't say anything because that might embarrass him and at least he's trying.

19 July 2021
Moderate Monday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 106, 86, 133-194
Cal 316
Distance 2.85

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25


EZ Seated Cable Rows
70lbs x 15 reps
77.5 x 12
85 x 10, 10, 10
77.5 x 12
70 x 15

Friday, July 16, 2021

Bug Bites and Then Some

Today's another scorching hot day but since it wasn't over 90 degrees, it's technically not a heatwave. It's just hot. And humid. With nary a breeze. I did see another monarch butterfly dancing over the Common Milkweeds in my yard. And another fritillary butterfly drinking from the newly bloomed Swamp Milkweeds by the driveway. But no caterpillars. My son found a cicada shell at the park and brought it home. It was as light as paper and a perfect replica of the emergent adult, a creature nowhere to be seen but maybe heard trilling in the forested wetlands.

The dogs got to play with a few friends this morning and I still had time to do a decent workout. As easy as it is to stay home after hand-feeding the pups, I'm compelled to pack my gym gear and drive to the gym. Not only am I still trying to lose those pesky pandemic pounds, but I'll kick myself if exercise is the only thing saving my mind from aging and I don't do it. And I don't mean stretching (yoga, anyone?) but good, brisk cardio. I still fancy being able to do for myself when I'm in my 80s, and having the presence of mind to know it.

I'm always better after a good sweaty workout and I do miss going rounds on the Nexersys kickboxing machine. Now I'm not so sure my joints wound endure that sort of abuse. Summer is biting bug season and I'm beside myself trying to wear gym clothes that don't chafe the multitude of insect bites on my legs. 

It's not that other people aren't getting bit (well, maybe not as much), but that they don't react as severely as I do. I have an assortment of anti-itch creams, gels and ointments for when the sprays and mists (DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil) fail to deter mosquitoes, gnats, thrips and biting flies. The 1% hydrocortisone creams do nothing. The anti-itch gels and creams labeled "skin anesthetic" are misleading: diphenhydramine HCl is an antihistamine. Yes, an antihistamine reduces itching and swelling associated with insect bites, but it's not in itself an anesthetic. Especially when marketing labels blare "compare this to Benadryl," a well-known allergy medication. 

Menthol is an excellent anesthetic though and I have creams with that plus benzocaine or lidocaine, both topical numbing agents. Very useful for when you're about to rip inflamed skin off with your fingernails. But I've had the best success with fluocinonide, a prescription-only ultra-strong steroid ointment. (Steroids are known to make glaucoma worse so I have to be judicious with usage.) 

I've got a tube of fluocinonide 0.05% leftover from a bout with an itchy neck that, after months, I finally determined was a new sensitivity to handmade soap with tangerine oil. Citrus oils can be irritants but only my neck was affected when I bathed with it. A dab of fluocinonide on the bites and I can roll my pants legs down again. Whew. Today it's so hot I actually put on a dress after showering. It's nice not having pant legs but I worry about biting flies as I walk across the parking lot. 

I'm not sure if the Eye Yoga is improving my vision or my glaucoma, but I don't think there's anything detrimental about the movements. I skipped yesterday's workout and won't hit the gym again until Monday. And I've become so inured to the sciatica that I can't remember whether it bothered me this morning when I brushed my teeth. That's when I usually notice that unpleasant sensation that something inside the length of the leg is pulled a bit too taught. These days, less seems to be more.

16 July 2021
Blazing Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 2
HR n/a
Cal 325
Distance 2.90

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 3
Rev Incl flys (w/u) 15 lbs x 20 x 1
20lbs x 20, 23, 25

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Disrupting the Rut

The pups had another disappointing morning at the park with no one to play with except an older dachshund they'd never met before. So once the novelty of new scents wore off, they were back to digging and ingesting dirt (geophagia). Ugh. One of the pups pooped something akin to actual rocks -- it was so firm and compact! Luckily, they don't actually eat rocks, just dirt. Someone surmised it was earthworms or a buried critter, but I haven't seen them eating little wriggly things or anything corpsey. Just actual dirt. 

Which meant I leashed them up and took them home because waiting around for an additional 30 minutes just for other dogs to show up is time enough for them to be horribly bored. Even the promise of "cookies" isn't always enough to sway them from digging. And once the cookies are all eaten, then they're back to the dirt. Unless there are other dogs to distract them with play.

At least I got some decent coffee to drink this morning. My husband ordered a new variety from our standby whole bean company, Zero Dark Thirty is a military term meaning too early in the morning. We got a pound just to taste test it and it's a good strong brew that stands up to cream and sugar (how I drink it) or black (how he drinks it). Some days I pour hot coffee into a thermos and bring it to the park with me, but lately it's been too hot for anything except a chilled beverage. Which means I make it the night before, filter out the cafestol, and put it in the fridge for the morning.

It's "hump day," the middle of the working week, and time for me to climb out of the abbreviated "routine rut" I find myself in. Coincidentally, nearly all the standard cardio machines are in use, including all three cross-trainers, the elliptical, and the sweaty dude dripping all over the ClimbMill. Both stair machines work but one is missing any semblance of a cup holder so there's no place to put your water bottle or the cleaning spray/towel everyone is issued upon entering the gym.

I look around and see that both Octanes are available. I haven't used one since before the pandemic began. I mostly remember everything about it except that if I slow down too much during the 3-minute cool down, the machine ends the program. So instead of 20 plus 3 minutes, I have 20 plus maybe a minute. I work up a good sweat and reassurance that my heart rate falls within normal range, starting at 60 bpm and then hovering around 130, with a max heart rate at 142. (None of that crazy 184 bpm heart rate that the Precor screams at me.)

I also check out the Expresso bike for 15 minutes of fun chasing dragons. There's 4 bikes and I choose one at the end. The Dragon Island game is just as fun as I remembered. But I'm not done yet. Since I have no intentions of doing core or any stretching, or push-ups or air-squats, I look around to see what other machines are open. 

The step mills are now both vacant. I always wipe down cardio equipment before and after use, and the smell isn't as bad as the last time I used this machine. But there's still an odor. Sometimes a sweaty stench just lingers around the machine, making me wonder if I shouldn't be wearing a mask for protection because obviously the ventilation is lacking in this particular area. When I'm done, it's time for me to change and shower. I have time to pick up some groceries and the $5 sushi that my son is fond of. Being a camp counselor for 8 yr olds is exhausting and he prefers not to eat lunch there! By the time I pick him up, he's tired and hungry.

14 July 2021
Cardio Wednesday

Octane LX8000
20 min +1 cool down
Program Manual 1
HR 69, 123-142
Cal 145
Distance 1.95

Expresso bike
15 min
Dragon Island
Distance 2.81
Cal 82
Points 113733

Matrix StepMill
10 min
Speed 6 (52 spm)
HR 109
Cal 74
Steps 523
Floors 32

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I got a decent workout today because I shortchanged the pups out of time with friends. They went to the park but we go so early that there's rarely anyone else there. By the time people respond that they'll be there in 20 or 30 minutes, I've already packed the dogs up and returned home. Not because I'm mean but because they were bored without anyone else to play with. And bored pups dig up interesting dirt to eat. I'm not sure why but once one finds a tasty spot, all the other pups will want to get a mouthful too. Ugh. I'm glad I give them Simparica Trio (good for roundworms and hook worms but not against whip worms or tapeworms). Maybe I should consider a wormer? 

4-day old ankle bug bite
I don't think I got bitten today, but the bites I already have are more than annoying. Today, I doused myself with DEET, including my face, neck and hands. It still tastes awful. (I know I'm supposed to spray my hand and then pat my face but I honestly didn't want DEET on my palms when I still had dog treats to dispense.) The nasty bite on my front ankle chafes with socks and you can't wear boots or trainers without socks. Well, you could but that'd be gross. The bite I got through my pants leg yesterday turned out to be three welts making an uncomfortable raised itchy triangle.

I'm a little taken aback at how crowded the gym is on a Tuesday, but while I'm pedaling the elliptical, the room clears out. Whew! I see a few more regulars from pre-Covid times but I'm not inclined to greet anyone. I'm disappointed that my HGPU are 2-3 reps shy of what I can normally do. However, in the past, I wouldn't've done air-squats and push-ups beforehand. It's embarrassing that just two little exercises should affect a movement that isn't really stressed by them. Push-ups stress core, triceps, pectorals, some delts. Air-squats are quads and glutes. Pull-ups are core, lats, biceps, forearms, maybe some traps and delts.

The vet's office has called and emailed for me to set up a new appointment but I'm going to wait until he's less stressed. I joke that the pup's got PTSD from his last visit. Maybe next time I'll bring both pups and my son as a support team. I think that might calm him down even though he'll be drugged with gabapentin and trazadone. Maybe tomorrow I'll stick around and let the dogs play with friends. If I do, that'll necessitate a quick cardio only workout... because everything takes too much time.

13 July 2021
Overcast Tuesday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 1
HR 80, 140-189
Cal 319
Distance 2.86

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

HGPU 14 

Seated Cable Rows
70lbs x 15 reps
77.5 x 12
85 x 10, 10, 10
77.5 x 12
70 x 15

Monday, July 12, 2021

Some Days Are Bloody

The day did not start auspiciously. Voracious mosquitos bit me through my pants at the dog park. One landed on my face and I smushed it, leaving a smear of blood all over my fingers. I got a finger snagged in the gate when we left and again, blood all over my hand. I did manage to get to the gym and do a basic "cardio plus" workout before having to take one of my pups back to the vet to see if they could get a blood sample. He was too ornery at the last go so this time I gave him a half tab of gabapentin (300 mg) a few hours before his appointment. His brother stayed home but was quite upset at being left behind.

After 20 minutes, the vet techs conceded defeat and (did not escape unscathed). They also gave me a vial of trazadone to treat anxiety. So next time I'm to give him 600 mg of gabapentin the night before, and then a half a pill a few hours before the appointment with a tab of 100 mg trazadone. I've know people to call it thunderdome (after Mad Max) because trazadone doesn't exactly lend itself to memorability. (Yes, trazadone is also prescribed for people, as is gabapentin.) All for a thimbleful of blood to test for heart worm and Lyme disease. I'm not anxious to reschedule the next appointment. The pup's got PTSD from his solo trip to the vet and the dog who stayed home suffered separation anxiety. I suspect he thinks his brother went to the park without him. I'm not sure how much dogs can actually communicate to each other.

Tomorrow, if it's not pouring rain, I'll douse myself with DEET before taking the pups out to the park. It's not just my biology that makes me attractive to biting insects. I know that the skin cream I use to keep my ridiculously dry skin moisturized is an attractant, not because of any fragrances, but because insects like lactic acid which is the working component in many dry skin creams. Alpha hydroxy acids fall into this category as well. And since I can't not use moisturizing cream, DEET is going to be my best friend for the entire summer. The insects have been really bad this season. Or I'm just more allergic than most people.

12 July 2021
Overcast Monday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 140-183
Cal 317
Distance 2.85

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

Friday, July 9, 2021


Tropical Storm Elsa was brief but intense, causing near white-out driving conditions and flash flooding on roadways. I know because I was driving home with groceries when the sky got dark and suddenly it was raining torrents. My son was still at camp and the skies had cleared briefly when it was time to pick him up. Then it rained again and didn't stop until nearly noon today. No park for the puppies. They're quite disappointed because the sun did pop out this afternoon in a blaze of brilliance and heat. And tomorrow I'll have to bring them to the park super early with my fingers crossed that no large dogs will be there because it's time for the annual NYS auto safety inspection. 

Next time I'm taking my car to the Valvoline because it won't take them an hour. I'm supportive of small businesses but when the local auto shop sends you an email with a link to make appointments that start at 7:30 AM and then emails you three days later to say that well, they don't actually open until 8 and by the time they get started it'll be 8:30 so drop your car off and pick it up after 9:30... Well, maybe I have better things to do with my time?

I get to the gym with enough time to do cardio, core and some stretching, and since camp got cancelled today (because no one could really tell how long TS Elsa would be in town), I don't have to rush back. I've cut down on crunches and dead bugs because core is core. No need to go crazy. Since my left knee is sensitive and the hip is a bit off (it's hard to explain), I've stopped doing the piriformis stretch on the left side. Pushing a bent left knee to stretch out the piriformis muscle actually injures that knee, which in a domino-like fashion, causes issues with the sartorius muscle where it inserts into the lower anterior hip. My chronic sciatica is on the right 90% of the time so I'm only doing the stretch on the right side.

This gives me time to do those Air-Squats, and more importantly, a round of Eye Yoga movements. The most basic of these (the only one I do) has me seated on the floor staring straight ahead. Without moving head or neck, look up and then back to center. Do it three times. Followed by looking down (again, don't move head or neck) and back to center three times. Then, look as far left as possible without moving. Back to center. Far right and back to center. It's harder than it sounds. Today I'm seated with the stationery bike far behind me, which makes it perfect as a center focal point. It's hard to bring your eyes back to center without a target to lock onto. The same goes for each direction: find an object to target and this exercise gets a tad easier. 

The DB area isn't too crowded so this is my chance to do shoulders. The Muscle-Up girl is standing inches from the DB rack so I motion to her to back up a bit. So many people, newbies and pros, position themselves so that no one can use any of the equipment directly in front of them. I'm sure it's not intentional, just a complete lack of awareness of everyone around you. It's one thing to act that way, but another to actually be oblivious to your surroundings. Not cool. 

I get to finish doing a few sets of V-bar Press Downs. I haven't done those in a few weeks so it's nice to get more than one exercise accomplished. I lose count during the heavy set. It's a matter of focus. 

My new gym bag is causing me grief: a zipper keeps poking me in the leg as I walk with it from the car and there's no way to move it. Ugh. I'm not thrilled with all the separate compartments but having different colored plastic bags helps me stay organized. Pulling things in and out of different zippered spaces feels like it takes more time and again, I need to focus or I can't figure out where things go, like shoes, clean vs dirty clothes and wet towels. It was easier with the old gym bag and a few bags but I'm unable to find a reasonably priced gym bag of the right dimensions.

9 July 2021
TS Elsa Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 2
HR 82, 91, 96, 149-195
Cal 329
Distance 2.93

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
50 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 4
Rev Incl flys (w/u) 15 lbs x 20 x 1
20lbs x 20, 20, 25

V-bar Press Downs
20 x 15
30 x 15
40 x 12? (lost count)
30 x 15

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

About Steps and Ice

Apparently we don't need to take 10,000 steps for optimal health. Half as much will do as well. What's 5000 steps? About 2 miles (even though twice as much translates to 5 miles which is more than expected). The "health app" on my phone tells me that I'm walking less than last year, which is true because I'm not longer walking the dogs up and down our road. Instead, I'm taking them to run through the dog park while I gingerly follow behind with poop bags in hand, careful to step only where I can see my footing. 

On average, I'm walking 2600 steps per day, which using an online step calculator, equals 1.26 miles. Not very much. Thank goodness I do cardio at the gym. That gets me to about 4 miles. If I do cardio. Which I don't always do. Because I don't always go to the gym. No wonder I'm packing on a few pounds! I probably need to up my cardio game, which means getting to the gym earlier than 1 pm. It's hard to get motivated once I'm back home with the pups. They're not the best eaters and often need to be hand-fed to ensure they've ingested enough meaningful calories. After some basic chores, I'm ready to spend a few hours at the gym but everything takes more time than I expect.

Today, I actually got to do cardio, core, and some weights. My son texts me that he's ready for pick-up as I'm pulling out of the gym parking lot so he'll have to wait 15 minutes. It's been so hot lately that I've reverted to spending the last 5 minutes of the shower under cold water. It's refreshing and helps to keep me from getting sweaty as I head to the car in the blazing heat. Generally, I dislike being cold but even the "cold only" tap isn't terribly icy. As for ice, new data now says icing an injury actually inhibits healing. That makes sense to me. Ice is only good for cooling you down (if you take it internally as in a cold beverage) and numbing the skin.

Push-ups feel easy today and Air-Squats aren't bad as long as I stay parallel and lean forward. If I drop my butt too far down, I have to lean back a bit more and that bothers my right knee. I'm more nervous about pull-ups but I manage a decent 17 reps before starting at the Seated Cable Rowing station. I feel as if I've cooled down too much as the 85 lb stack feels heavy. I get all my sets done and still have enough time to shower and change. 

The red swollen insect bites on my right arm and elbow are driving me crazy today. The ones on my legs have been mollified with massive amounts of over-the-counter itch (OTC hydrocortisone) cream and lots of rubbing. The other bites need stronger meds. Luckily, I've got an assortment of steroidal creams to resort to when the OTC doesn't work. Something's gotta work. And I'm now packing DEET when I go to the dog park.

7 July 2021
Blazing Wednesday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 1
HR 138-188
Cal 322
Distance 2.88

Crunches 60
Piriformis Stretch
40 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w Seated Twist
Air Squats 25


EZ Seated Cable Rows
70lbs x 15 reps
77.5 x 12
85 x 10, 10, 10
77.5 x 12
70 x 15

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


I'm a walking bug attractant. After I tossed my gym bag into the car, I noticed some activity near the bulk of my precious milkweed plants and was rewarded with the sight of the first monarch butterfly I've seen this year. I'm hoping for caterpillars! Of course, there were countless other insects as well, including a rather large and intimidating huntsman or wolf spider lying in wait on a stem just under the big bowl of milkweed blooms. It looks to be about 3" long from front tip to back tip, which is a pretty big spider around here. Yesterday I saw a wee praying mantis barely 2" in length as well as countless baby grasshoppers and assorted ants of varying sizes and colors.

What I don't see are all the insects that bite me and leave my bare arm welted, itchy and red. I'm in my gym clothes and thus, unprotected. When I wear bug-proof clothes, I get bit between the fingers and on my face and neck. This morning, I got bit through my cargo pants legs while at the dog park. I don't want to wear DEET every morning so I cover up, but lately that's not enough protection. Ugh.

I get to the gym late. It's nearly 90F outside and I have just enough time to do cardio and core with push-ups and air squats. Maybe I'll get around to pull-ups tomorrow.

6 July 2021
Blazing Tuesday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 84, 137-180
Cal 319
Distance 2.86

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
40 Dead Bugs
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Mat stretch w Seated Twist

Friday, July 2, 2021

A Cooler Ending to the Week

A cold front pushed stormy weather into the region and broke the heatwave. Whew! It's still July in the northeast so it's not actually cold, just more reasonable. The dogs are happier when the temps are 30 degrees colder but this is okay as long as friends arrive to frolic with. I get to the gym by 1 pm, plenty of time to do cardio, core, and push a few weights. All the cross-trainers and treadmills are occupied so there goes any fantasy of mixing up my cardio routine today. I do the old standby: a Precor elliptical.

I enjoy the Precor even though the handles are stationary because the three programs I use have varied elevations and move from pedal forward to backward and then again. It feels like a good workout but I realize that that might not be enough to maintain strength and stamina. I read an article that states people over 60 should incorporate strength exercises in their routines. Duh. They suggest goblet squats and the like. I'm okay with adding air squats to alternate with push-ups and pull-ups. I do 25 and admit that they seem harder today than they did last year when I was working out in my garage. Ugh. Maybe I'm out of shape and I'm definitely getting older.

Re: Air Squats -- I only drop to parallel with my arms extending out front. My form seems okay. It's not especially taxing on my legs, just my breathing so next time I'll do my reps slower. I do spend more time in the Aerobics Room than most of the folks who pop in for a quick plank or a few sit ups. It's those Dead Bugs that eat up all my time.

There's enough time to do shoulders today so I plant myself in front of the inclined adjustable bench and secure the 15 and 20 lb dumbbells. There are a few HS kids but not a lot. Perhaps they've gone away for the extended holiday since it's Fourth of July weekend? I don't care. All I know is that I enjoy the gym more when it's less crowded.

2 July 2021
Rainy Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 2
HR 136-194
Cal 318
Distance 2.86

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
40 Dead Bugs x 2
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Air Squats 25
Mat stretch w Seated Twist

DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 3
Rev Incl flys (w/u) 15 lbs x 20 x 1
20lbs x 20, 20, 25

It's Not Just Cardio

I call the majority of my workouts All Cardio, but in reality, it's a lot of cardio mixed with other movements to achieve a more or less...