Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Bracing for Weather and Other Disasters

I drove my son to the school bus stop knowing that he'd be home in about 3 hours because the district has decided, out of an abundance of caution, to schedule "early dismissal." This way students are home before the snow hits. A fellow at the dog park (who is a school bus driver) told me yesterday that school buses are horrible to drive in slippery snowy weather. Just lovely. He's not at the park today because early dismissal and staggered runs for the HS, MHS, and elementary schools means as soon as he's done dropping off the little kids, he has to start picking up the big kids to go home. The district's Transportation Department is so understaffed due to drivers calling out sick or quarantined that even the head of the department has to drive a run.

I get to the gym earlier than yesterday which means I have more time. I get all my basics done: cardio, core and stretching, pull a few weights. I'm surprised that at this late stage in the pandemic, people still do cardio with their masks under their noses. That's as good as not wearing a mask at all. Now, with the new more virulent strains spreading within the general population, just a plain cloth mask may not offer any protection. France has already banned homemade cloth masks

Nylon neck gaiters and folded-over cotton bandanas certainly fail. My two-ply commercially-made washable masks also don't qualify so even though we don't live in France, stringent new safety regulations seem likely in the future. I need to research the availability of washable, reusable masks that qualify as FFP2. They may not even exist locally (every website I've visited that offers washable FFP2 masks are based in Europe or the UK) although I feel my reusable cloth masks offer more protection than bandanas and gaiters. The Jaanuu website explicitly states that their masks do not provide anti-viral protection. 

At the gym, I cruise along on the elliptical, feeling comfortable with the breathlessness that comes from exertion. If the session ends and I'm not drenched with sweat, I feel sort of cheated. There are two or three other women in the Aerobic Room, doing their own routines. The first morning class doesn't start until 9:30 and I plan to be on the road home by then. Some members have complained about there not being an earlier class but there are always online classes you can do at home through Gold's AMP program. Of course, you'd need to own your own equipment and have adequate space. 

I have enough time to actually do a few sets of weights and I settle on Seated Cable Rows. It would take me longer to set up on the Smith machine for Inclined Presses. I'm also anticipating doing a bit of shoveling later and I think rows will do less damage to those sensitive sciatic nerves. I've already done a set of push-ups but no pull-ups. At some point, I'll have to rectify that. I hate being pressed for time but I do want the dogs to get their crazies out. An hour at the park and hopefully there's another dog to play with. Today it's the shepherd puppy who loves chasing and wrestling. Tomorrow I'll have to remember to bring my snow shovel in case I have to dig the park gate open. 

26 January 2021
PreStorm Tuesday

Precor elliptical
35 min
Program 3
HR 84, 140-199
Cal 317
Distance 2.85

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Bent Knee Glute Kickbacks 25 x 2
Plank 60s
Pushups 50
Quick Mat Stretch

Seated Cable Row
70 lbs x 15 reps
85 x 12
92.5 x 10, 10, 10

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