Monday, June 4, 2018

Some of My Favorite Things...

 I've been watching Glee on Netflix lately. I know the show is over, having run 6 seasons. The deaths of two cast members make watching all the more poignant because in spite of their demons, all these performers were amazingly talented. I'm enraptured by incredible singing, but I especially love watching the dance numbers. So far, my favorite has been the hallucinatory dream scene where Artie, aka Wheelchair Boy, ignites a flash mob to The Safety Dance (Men Without Hats). I've embedded it below. It's not the best copy (a bit fuzzy) but you can clearly see some amazing footwork and choreography.

Of course, I'm a sucker for things like this... When I'm really bored, I look up those fabulously synchronized K-pop bands, even though I have no idea what they're singing about. It doesn't really matter, because beautiful movement is what it's all about.

I only have today and tomorrow before my forced vacation from rigorous exercise. And I don't have a lot of time today because I still need to make it cross county to drop off a check at my glaucoma doc's office and get a few questions answered. Like why do I need to remove all my jewelry, not that I wear much. And how should I fix my hair, i.e., am I lying down so no hair clip, right?

I do Intervals because I skipped them last week. But only 20 minutes because I plan to push some weights. I'm not sure that 10 minutes really makes that much of a difference, but I'd rather have more energy than less to bench. The colossus bench is again in the Smith cage but I know better than to use it for Inclined Presses. Instead, I lay it flat for regular benching. I can just set my feet on the horseshoe arc of the front foot because there's no way I can actually touch the floor. I have my head where the seat is, careful to place my shoulders above the gap. It works okay and I'm able to get a decent bench session in. I only go to 110 lbs though. I know I can do 120, but I also know I'll probably hurt my right front delt doing it, so I don't.

Pressed for time, I run through my DB super sets fairly quickly. And I only do sets of 8 reps for the Rip Skulls because sets of 12 have me resting much longer between sets. I don't even stretch! The only thing that makes me slightly happy is that I got on my home scale this morning and weighed in at an even 110.0 lbs. Of course, the 16.1% body fat isn't great, but it's not the worst it's been either.

As much as I'd love to spend tomorrow whacking the Nexersys, my left hand is still sore and I'm worried about bruising the tiny bones in my hand. So maybe tomorrow's just an exuberant cardio day, because it's gonna be weeks before I can do this again. And I worry I'll be so out of shape, and out of breath that I'll be totally discouraged. I hope not.

Mayhem Monday

20 elliptical
Calories 203
Miles 1.78
Average Heart Rate 140/188

Spidermans 20
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Bicycles 50
Crunches 30/20

Smith Colossal Flat Bench
Bar (30) x 15
50 x 12
80 x 12
100 x 12
110 x 12
80 x 25
70 x 25

DB Laterals s/s Rev Incl Flyes
25lbs x 8/15, 10/15, 12/15 reps

Rip Skulls
40lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets

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