Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Try and Try Again

I admit that I look like some weird sort of hospital pirate when I affixed tape over the super large water proof patch atop my left eye. I haven't been to the CVS yet to see if they have eye patches for kids with lazy eye. The tape and band-aid does a reasonable job of protecting the eye, but I still feel water leak in while I shower. Ugh. Try and try again.

Of course, I probably should've worn goggles this morning when I went out with the hedge clippers to snip back low-hanging vines from our hedges. There's been so much rain that the whole area has literally exploded in jungle-like greenery. It wasn't actually raining, but there was enough water on all the foliage that made the likelihood of being splashed in the face a good possibility. Especially since I was under the overhanging vines and branches, and reaching up to snip them off. It was also still really hot, and humid. Goggles, like my sunglasses, tend to fog up and be rendered useless when I get over-heated.

I did a bevy of cardio machines and eventually broke a light sweat. I didn't incline the treadmill but gradually increased the speed every few minutes until I was back up to 3, which is still walking. Just not strolling. Besides the recumbent bike and the step mill, I also stretched out on the mat, and did a partial routine, or anything that didn't have me putting my head down. After showering and changing, I head to my car because I have my annual Ob/Gyn appointment. As I'm walking, I hear The Mayor and his bud SquareJaw. The Mayor is even louder outside the gym, which surprises me. Worse, the only part I hear is (and perhaps I mis-heard, but probably not) him saying "...that fucking broad..." I'm not shocked by expletives. I'm not a prude. But I haven't heard anyone call anyone "a broad" except maybe in old movies. Which makes me more certain than ever that he's someone to avoid.

Now, of course, I'm wondering if I can do some DBs as long as they're under 20 lbs total weight. Yes, always looking for a way around this "strenuous exercise ban"... I know it's temporary, but 4-6 weeks is a really long time. It's most of the summer. Ugh.
Looks totally normal Day 14

Boring Tuesday

15 Recumbent Bike + 3 cd
Level 1 Manual
Calories 79
Miles 2.61

30 treadmill
No Incline
Speed 3.0
Calories 113
Miles 1.41

15 Step Mill
Speed 3
Total steps 558
Floors 34
Calories 87
Average Heart Rate 125

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