Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 9 and I Feel Okay

My eye still itches and aches a bit when I administer medicinal drops, but it's less red and almost looks normal. Both my forearm and face are still sore though, especially the outer edge of my eye socket where the anesthesia was injected twice and vigorously massaged into the surrounding tissue. My skin has enough freckles and other discolorations so as not to make the bruising all that noticeable, which I guess is a good thing.

I did a bunch of errands today, including buy a new cheap dog bed so I could hose off the stinky one by the front door. My old pup leaks a bit when he naps even though he's on a twice daily dose of Proin®. Lately he's been a lot stinkier and wiping him down with paper towels and spray-on waterless dog cleaner barely helps. I bought some mango-scented dog wipes today just to help with odor control. I can't imagine he doesn't know he's stinky since he still has a fairly decent sense of smell. A woman in line behind me at the store asked if I'd considered doggy diapers. Her old lab developed such incontinence that he'd poop himself while laying down. Mine hasn't gotten that bad yet, but he's definitely stumbling more. The muscle weakness is progressing. At least his appetite is still good!

I also went to Kmart to look for bigger sport pants for my son. He's too tall for the boys XL, but there's barely anything in the Sm sizes for teens and men. Kmart seems to cater to the XXLs! I wander by the Clearance rack and spy a bunch of sports bras on sale for $7.99. That's cheaper than buying at Marshalls! I select several in the L and XL sizes, and see a cute navy dress with tiny red stars. I wear a S in dresses. In the dressing room, I discover that the dress has an internal shelf bra. Uh oh... the dress is simultaneously too big with gaping arm holes, and too tight because of the shelf bra elastic. Oddly, there's also no support from the shelf bra at all. Not buying that!

The sports bras fit okay, with one making me look positively busty. I find that hilarious as a triple A! And of course, I'm never going to wear these sports bras without a tank or shirt over them so I put my long-sleeve T on just to make sure everything looks okay. Done! I'm thinking about adding a few minutes of Step Mill to my boring cardio workout tomorrow...

I did stay up too late reading up on the latest micro-stents used in glaucoma surgery. The first on the list is the one I currently have implanted in my left eye, the Glaukos iStent. There's discussion of inserting multiple stents simultaneously to more effectively reduce eye pressures. All the studies cited compare plain cataract surgery with cataract surgery including stent implantation. There's no mention of installing stents without cataract surgery! I have more research to do...

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Monday the 13th

I got a text this morning from a dog park compadre, warning me that the parks department had suddenly decided to do some spring maintenance ...