Monday, June 25, 2018

Mondays with...

I didn't actually bust a sweat today so that's a tad disappointing, but not really unexpected since I spent most of the time keeping an eye on my son. He's finally old enough to have his own gym membership, at least for the summer. It's $99 for two and a half months, which isn't a great deal, but at least I don't have to put any money down. I could get him a student membership for $159 for the year, but he has no intention of coming here during school holidays. When there's no school, he'll be sleeping in. My intention is to bring him 3 times a week except during those weeks when he's at Boy Scout camp. The day rate for guests is $10. That works out to roughly $240 to $210 if I were to pay for each visit.

We do the recumbent bike and the treadmill. I didn't think my son could handle the step mill and then everything else I had planned, in spite of me considering this a light and easy workout. He got 5 chin ups but I've got to work on his form. He curls himself up so his knees are up to his chest while he pulls himself up. I suppose that's because he's not quite comfortable with the actual movement yet. There are other teens at the gym, some with their dads. I see a woman with both her daughters. I'm the only mom with her son. It's okay as long as my son is okay with it.

On the Mat, we do some basic core moves followed by push ups. My son can knock out 20. I'll have to prod him to do more. Twenty is good for now. I do neither push ups or pull ups because I haven't cleared it with my doc yet. And yes, I'm seriously worried about having to start from scratch once I get the A-okay. I move him to the free weight area because I'm not going to have him play around with machines. Nope. I know he's not used to doing this type of routine so I figure today he'll do just three basic exercises. Now that he's warmed up.

I have my son do benching on the Smith because I can control the basics here. I know the bar is only 30 lbs and I know he can handle that. I give him pointers on his form. After a set of 12 reps, we add a 10 lb plate to each side. That's 50 lbs. He does 2 sets of 12 reps. Now I know I can put him on a regular flat bench with an Olympic bar next time. He'll have to balance the bar but at least he'll know where his hands, shoulders, butt and feet should be. To mix things up a tiny bit, we move over to the DB area for Shoulder Presses. Just 3 sets of 12 with 10 lbs in each hand. He says the last set was a little hard. I push him to finish because he's not struggling at this weight. It's more his mind telling him he's a little uncomfortable.

The last movement is Seated Cable Rows. We increase the weight with each set since I'm not sure what's reasonable for a 13 year old boy who's bigger than I am. He follows directions conscientiously, but he also tires quickly. I know he wasn't pedaling or walking as quickly as I was during our cardio warm up. But he also did pull ups, and push ups. Of course, normally I would too. He says he's tired so I tell him to go change his T-shirt and wait for me. I need to do some shoulder warm ups and then shower. Between the hair and the eye, changing takes over 20 minutes. My son is content to stare at his phone in clean clothes. He says the Mens Locker Room smells weird, like yeast. Ewww! I tell him he doesn't have to shower there, just use some deodorant and change his clothes so I don't have to smell the gym in my car as we drive home.

Tomorrow we're going to see The Incredibles 2, probably the first showing of the day either at 11:10 or noon. My son tells me that because the original movie came out 13 years ago, the only people who are excited to see the sequel are the adults who were children back then. We've watched it several times, but he was about 5 then. He suggests we rent it tonight and watch it again since he barely remembers the first movie. That's a good idea.

I am however, toying with the idea of going to the gym super early tomorrow and getting a semi-real workout in. As in, a workout where I actually feel worked out. I can't wait until my doc gives me the all-clear to resume my exercise routine. Seriously.

Monday with My Son

15 recumbent bike
(am I just phoning it in today?)
Calories 62
Miles 1.80

30 treadmill
Speed 3
Incline 5%
Calories 191
Miles 1.50
Average Heart Rate 109 (65%), Maximum HR 118 (70%)
394 ft climbed

Max Pull ups 5
Max push ups 20

Elbow Plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Max smith Bench press
1 x bar
2 x 12 @ 50lbs
Max DB Shoulder press
3 x 12@ 10 each
Max Seated cable rows
12 x 30
12 x 40
12 x 50

T, Y & I Raises
3lbs x 15
5lbs x 15

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

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