Friday, December 15, 2017

Twofer Post

Yesterday I literally had 10 minutes to unload my groceries and walk the dog before rushing out to pick up my son from his after school Archery class and ferry him to kung fu. By the time I got home, all I could think about was getting dinner on the table, and even though it was reheated turkey meatloaf from the night before, I did re-purpose the leftover sauteed mushrooms because there wasn't enough for 3 people. I'm not great with making gravy so I added the 'shrooms to a brown gravy mix which I slopped over the loaf. And arugula side-salad with avocados, carrots and almonds.

Thursday was a Cardio Day, by which I mean I did Intervals. And by the time I got to kung fu class, I felt exhausted. It takes me a while to recover from cardio like that. Never mind that my back is a teensy bit sore from kickboxing the machine on Wednesday. My bruised knuckles were good as new after dabbing dit da jow on them (Chinese herbal bruise remedy), but the side of my right hand hurt. Yep, exactly the spot where you can develop a Boxer's Fracture or a break in the 5th metacarpal. There's no actual discoloration or swelling so I'm guessing it's not broken, merely bruised. A bone bruise. It'll heal, and probably thicken as a result of the trauma.

6.6 cardio miles

30 xtrainer
Calories 144
Miles 3.95
Average Heart Rate 155

Push Ups 60
Scissors 50
Bicycles 50
Crunches 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

30 elliptical
Miles 2.65
Calories 303
Average Heart Rate 145

On Friday, I had every intention of doing some warm up cardio and then glomming onto the Smith. The gym is usually empty on Fridays. But not today. Arrrg. The Smith was always busy so I decided to make today another Cardio Day, but differently. After the routine cross-trainer, pull ups, push ups and core stuff, I did 20 minutes on the Step Mill, and then figured I'd do around 20 minutes on the Expresso bike. All the bikes were busy this morning, but they're usually accessible in the early afternoon. I get on the only one that adjusts to me, and promptly forget my user ID and password. Gym Owner laughs and reminds me that he tells everyone to use their cell phone numbers as both ID and password. How easy is that?!

It takes me less time than I anticipated to pedal the route I selected, but I find it hard to stay focused. Or rather, there's too many things to focus on! There's the course which you have to steer, there's the gradient which is shown both digitally and linearly at the bottom of the screen, there's the gear adjustments to compensate for the gradients, and luckily, there's no consequences to running over other cyclists or the errant rabbits on the course! Gym Owner says he loves doing it because he gets a great workout. I have to admit that I'm sweaty by the time I finish. But of course, I'm sweaty by the time I get off the Step Mill too. My hand doesn't hurt today, so I'm happy. But it's going to snow again, the 3rd time this week, so I'm not so happy. Not enough to shovel, so I'll wind up sweeping the snow out of the driveway, etc. I'll get sweaty doing that too!


20 x-trainer
Calories 97
Miles 2.67
Average Heart Rate 150

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15
Push Ups 60
Scissors 50
Bicycles 50
Crunches 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Push Ups 60

20 StepMill
Calories 142
Floors 59

Expresso bike
Rabbit Run 2.3 miles
13:26 min
Calories 71


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