Friday, October 27, 2017

Clueless at the Gym

Looking fat and puffy today
There seems to be no optimal time to go to the gym if I want to have access to the cross-trainers AND ellipticals I favor. If I go early, there's a big crowd because everyone wants to squeeze their workout in before spending the rest of the day doing more fun things. The lull between the morning and lunch crowd lasts less than an hour. After lunch there are kids from the local high school.

My knuckles are still a bit sore and pink from yesterday's Whack the Machine Day. I may just go back to using the broken machine. (At least until the Cross Arm actually breaks off.) Today's a Cardio Day. I need to kickstart my metabolism and new meal "plan." I've also started tracking my food again just to keep calories in check. Yes, back to using MyFitnessPal (by UnderArmour). Because I cut my cardio down to just 35 minutes per workout, I've labeled myself as only moderately active. It's not like I have a crazy physical job like ditch digger. If I'm not at the computer or driving someplace, then I'm on the computer or reading. Or reading on the computer. This gives me 1350 calories to play with.

Today I've already spent more than half of that (716 to be exact) on breakfast and lunch. One ounce of walnuts is great for the fiber and omega-3s, but a whopping 190 calories. I like to toss them into my oatmeal, along with a scoop of protein powder and a 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries. BTW, walnuts are toxic to dogs. Sorry pups.

I can get on the cross-trainer I like for the first 35 minutes. My plan is to follow up with pull ups, push ups and abs. Then another 35 minutes, preferably on the elliptical. Everything goes to plan until I get on the elliptical. Stinky Butt is pedaling on one of the reclining bikes a few stations ahead of the ellipticals. Ugh. I figure it's okay because I can't smell him from where I'm pedaling. Uh oh. He dismounts, and then stands right behind the machine next to me. I don't panic at first because he could just be checking his phone. There are 4 ellipticals. I pick the 2nd in the row because it has the best glide to it. The 3rd one had issues with the display console, but a smooth glide. Not really sure about the first and last machines. Stinky Butt gets on the machine right next to me and I find myself getting extremely upset. Ugh, I don't want to wait until I can smell him. He's also huge, well over 6 feet and 300 plus pounds, so he looms over me like a mountain.

I've already started Program 1 but I'm only 3 or 4 minutes into it. It's too much of a coincidence that Stinky Butt has decided to hop on the same machines as I am. There are treadmills, Step Mills, Octagons, rowers, stationery bikes, Espresso bikes. Why is he right next to me? As soon as he starts setting up, I shut down and grab all my gear, probably muttering and cursing under my breath. Because damn it, WTF!? The whole gym is virtually empty. Is he really that clueless, or does he think this is endearing behavior? I was born and raised in NYC, so I'm not as charitable as most people. I vote for him being a stinky creep. Others might say that he's merely a clueless oaf at the gym.
56 min of Not Me snoring

There's a skinny kid on the good cross-trainer so I get on the one I've used earlier in the week. My legs are a bit tired, and I didn't get great sleep last night. My husband's snoring makes me want to invest in a set of earplugs just for sleeping. Or a white noise machine. So I'm fairly certain I'm not going to get anywhere near 4 miles. Except that I do, in spite of my feet going numb just 15 minutes into it, and clearly not getting enough sleep. Well, that's shocking. Stinky Butt is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he left right after I vacated my elliptical? That supports my contention that he's a creep.

I do just 3 pistol squats in the next room before an abbreviated stretch to loosen my upper back. I'm attempting to work up to a reasonable 6-8 rep set. But I'm not in any hurry. My left shoulder feels twingey today and I wonder if it's from whacking the machine with the new but misaligned strike pads. It's looking more and more that I'm better off whacking the broken machine. At least until I break it. Kidding. Or not.

Next week I'm one of the chaperones for my son's 7th grade class trip to Bear Mountain where they'll visit the ruins of Ft. Montgomery, the Bear Mountain zoo (which I hear is pathetic) and some playing fields. I'm not sure what the point is, except maybe to use up an "educational trip" day. Skipping the gym that day!

Friday Cardio Day
8.81 miles

35 xtrainer
Calories 167
Miles 4.55
Average Heart Rate 143

Push Ups 60
Scissors 50
Bicycle 50
Crunches 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Interrupted elliptical Ugh

35 xtrainer
Calories 155
Miles 4.26

Pistol Squats 3

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