Wednesday, February 8, 2017

When Something Works Too Well

Post workout
My son and I walked through heavy fog to get to the school bus stop. I was worried that my old blue parka didn't provide enough visibility for the occasional car streaking down our road. By the time I got home, the sun was ablaze in the sky and temps crested at 57°F. Crazy! Of course, there was still ice on the lake and snow dotting the road like haphazard molars in an ornery mouth.

The gym was crowded with seniors this morning. All the ellipticals (there's only 4) were occupied. Most of the cross-trainers were too. But I manage to snag one next to my favorite one. Well, better than nothing. I'm tired today. My shoulder still aches weirdly, sometimes down the inside of the bone just under the bicep. But it's not horrible pain, just discomfort. I smeared myself with coconut oil this morning before dressing to alleviate dry skin itchiness. I can't cook with it because it doesn't agree with my gastrointestinal system, but it smells nice when I apply it to my shins and belly.

Because I'll probably be shoveling tomorrow, and there's a good chance school will be cancelled, I figure I'd better get a decent work out in today. But something that's not shoulder-intensive. I'm too tired to whack the machine. Better save that for Friday. Instead, I opt for a "Cardio Day" which is all my basic core stuff, and two sets of cardio. Not much different from my regular routine, except I don't touch a BB or DB today. I have trouble slogging through the cross-trainer. My feet go numb sooner than I expect. The pull ups always start out easy and increase in difficulty quite quickly.

Knee-Ins are always easy, but I think I'm developing a rough patch just over my tail bone. My skin is dry and scaly, and extremely sensitive, especially to irritants. Callouses build easily with little provocation. It's a good thing I'm not consumed with mani-pedis because I could quickly spend a small fortune weekly just to have civilized nails and cuticles. Sshhh. I file the callouses on my palms.

I haven't pushed myself to go past 80 reps for push ups because of the wonky shoulder. My crunches are better when I take my hair clip out so I do that, but put it back in for planks, and the final set of push ups. I see the young Latin Lovebirds again, cooing encouragement at each other. Well, mostly him cooing at her. They're cute and I smile to myself. I do a few Pistol Squats in the hallway. I'm happy that I can actually still do them, but unhappy at how stiff I am when I do them. These used to be easier. But of course, I used to be younger.

I'm drenched and strip off my hoodie before returning to the cardio platform. Hmmmm. Step Mill or elliptical? I decide to do Intervals on the elliptical because I, most likely, won't get the chance on Friday. 17 minutes into the program, my headphone announces "battery low" but I'm not sure if that means the headphones or the iPod is out of juice. I'd forgotten to charge my iPod and noted that it had about a 1/3 charge left on its battery. It turns out to be the A8 earbuds. Hmmm. Not quite the 8 hrs it advertises. I end the program, leave all my stuff in place because there are 3 other ellipticals available and the gym's not all that busy at the moment, dash into the locker room and swap my useless gear for the back up in my purse: old wired Sony MDR-J20s and my ancient square iPod nano. Then I restart the Intervals program for just 15 minutes. Ugh.

Still dripping, I stretch out and then do my final set of pull ups. The last rep takes me a moment to get my face to the bar. Ugh. It was hard. I'm tired. But I want to do one more set of Pistols and the class room is empty. While I walk across the room I note how my arm hangs bent at a 20° angle. Yep, those are big-ass triceps. Catching a photo of them is another matter. My hands are small and the phone is too big for me to manage it well. After another set of Pistols, I retreat to the locker room. Well, at least I didn't fall on my butt. I take a few more photos because I want to see if my efforts to lose this bulk are making any noticeable progress. My face looks a little better. I don't like it when my face is full and round like the moon.

Looking billowy
I'm really surprised when the gym scale bounces between 107.8 and 108 lbs. I'll take the latter. The only things that I've done differently this week is replace lunch with a protein shake mixed with 8 ounces of fat-free, lactose-free milk. I use the Optimum Nutrition vanilla because it tastes like vanilla ice cream. Yum! It seems to keep me full for the rest of the day, and I'm not horribly eager to wolf down dinner later on. Today I added a half teaspoon of cocoa powder, but I think I'll need to add more to actually taste it.

I'm worried I'm going to sabotage myself because this weight loss happened so quickly. I should be more concerned with fat loss, but fitting into my clothes is always a good thing. I'm thinking I can drop further because I need to shed fat. I don't think building muscle is in the cards for me right now. I'm just happy at maintaining what I've already got. Except I know my quads and glutes will bloom with even just a few pistol squats a week. I might have to add split squats sooner than I planned. Just for some hamstring balance, of course.

Tomorrow, Winter Storm Niko is suppose to dump 6-10 inches of heavy wet snow on us. Lovely. Then it'll raise temps at the North Pole a good 30 to 50°F. Seriously? On Friday, we can witness the full moon, which has been rechristened the Snow Moon. Doesn't that sound lovely and benign? It used to be called the Hunger Moon by Native Americans, because February is usually a bad time to search for food or game. We're also suppose to be privy to a penumbral lunar eclipse, and potentially a passing comet (Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková). The latter will require binoculars in the pre-dawn Saturday sky. Yep. I'll be we don't see any of it.

6.05 cardio miles

30 min x-trainer
Calories 131
Miles 3.32

Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 80
Crunches 3 x 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Push Ups 60
Pistol Squats 6 ea leg

17 min elliptical
Calories 159
Miles 1.43
Change iPod & earbuds
15 min elliptical
Calories 148
Miles 1.30


Pistol Squats 5 ea leg

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...