Friday, February 10, 2017

Post Niko

Winter Storm Niko brought arctic temps along with the bonanza of fluffy snow. It's not hard to shovel, but there's a lot of it. It's so cold though that after shoveling a good 8 x 10 spot for our secondary parking, I haven't busted a sweat even though I'm wearing a fleece hat and winter parka. Temps should rise into the 40s tomorrow, but only areas with patches of visible ground will absorb any heat. Everything else will stay frozen and white. Tonight's suppose to be a lunar eclipse, but true to form, the sky is overcast and gray. It had been blazingly sunny all day! Now, not a star, planet or the moon in sight anywhere! The news states there's more snow and/or rain and/or sleet on the way. Oh yaaay. Kidding.

My right shoulder and hips don't appreciate shoveling. The lungs are getting a good workout though. I drove my son to the school bus stop because our road is slippery with slush this morning. And then I went to the gym. It's only partially full, probably because not only is it Friday, but lots of folks are still shoveling their way out of their driveways. We've had worse snow. And more frequently. Before my hubs and I were married, we spent quite a few winters shoveling snow out of the driveway until the side banks were too high to see over. This isn't even remotely as bad.

The gym is also really cold today so I don't feel very warm after 10 minutes on the elliptical. There's an old guy boxing at the good Nexersys and I'm not going to bother with the other machine because it reverts to SouthPaw unless you log in, and it's impossible to log in because the keyboard is funky. Funky as in you press the W key once and it shows up as WWWWW. Then you hit Backspace and maybe you lose 2 or 3 Ws, or maybe all of them. Ugh. So not worth it. Only by logging in can you turn off all the alarms that stop the machine and tell you that you're hitting too hard. And only by logging in can you prevent the machine from reverting to southpaw stance. The gym owner doesn't care because he doesn't actually log in. He just runs the Spar program in Default mode.

I only do a mild stretch at the Cage because I'm not really warmed up. And then I suck it up and do some pull ups. I'm always so relieved when I make it past 31 reps. The old guy is done, resting at the coffee bar. No one else is waiting. I take my time and affix the moleskin, tape, wraps and finally stuff my hands into my gloves. I'm cold. The machine is near the front door and even though it's a double door system, there's a chill from everyone entering and leaving. I go through all 5 Beginner rounds and never bust a sweat. It's only at the end of the Intermediate rounds that I feel warm. Finally! Temps have also risen outside. It was 17°F when I got to the gym, and closer to 28F by the time I leave. One of the Advance rounds goes a bit haywire, and I catch myself mumbling "Oh, fuckit" when I miss a complete 3-blow combination. None of the combinations are the ones listed beforehand. I don't even know why I bother prepping for each round.

I have to force myself to focus because I'm distracted by how moody I feel. I suspect it's a vitamin imbalance. I've been taking vitamin 250 mg of B-12 along with just 2 capsules of the Optic Nerve vitamin formula. Instructions are to take 4 capsules daily (no consideration given for how big you are so I'm taking the same dose as a 250 lb guy), but because the ON already contains B12, my urine starts to smell noticeably bad. So I skip my 250 mg tablet of B12, my pee smells normal but I don't feel as good. If anything, I feel sort of depressed and anxious, in spite of exercise. Ugh. I should probably take my own B12s again, but maybe cut back on the ON to 3 capsules?

I spend 20 minutes on the elliptical but I don't have the energy to pedal very fast. I'm barely sweating at the 15 min mark. Ugh. Not a great workout. I go to the Stretch Cage. WTH... I stretch and then pump myself up for pull ups. And I actually make it to 40. Yaaaay me! The last 5 aren't pretty, but I'm pretty sure I'm not kipping them either. Whew! I do a quick Mat stretch, note that my left inside quad still feels tight from an inflamed tendon. That's going to take a few weeks to heal up. Sigh. My shoulder's not better. Not worse either. Ugh.


10 min elliptical
Calories 89
Miles 0.80


5r Beginner
5r Intermediate
5r Advance

20 min elliptical
Program 3
Calories 180
Miles 1.63

HGPU 40 Yaaay!

Photos for actual stats:

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