Monday, January 9, 2017

Start Again

We had a weekend snow squall that dumped a few inches. Not so bad really. My son went on a Boy Scout hike, slid on his butt a few times and saw a fabulous ice cave. Unfortunately, his phone, which had an iffy battery to begin with, died in the cold. We went to the Apple Store on Sunday, waited two hours for an appointment with a tech who told us "No, it's not the battery or anything we can fix. It won't start up so it's probably the motherboard or something. We recommend buying a new phone for $349 instead of replacing this one for $225." Of course you do. Instead, we went home and I gave my son my old iPhone 5 because it still works, and I'm using my husband's old iPhone 6+ anyway.

Then, last night the power goes out. Sorta. Half the lights are on but very dimly. Most of the lights are out, but our generator has kicked on. Weird. I call the power company on my cell to report the power weirdness. Five minutes later all the power goes out completely. Well, at least the generator works! We sit and try to read by flash light, wishing the wood stove gave out more light. An hour later the power is restored. This morning, the internet goes out. As in no phone, no tv except for what's already stored on the DVR, no email, no texting or chat. As I drive to the post office, I note there are four Verizon trucks along one stretch of road with lots of cables and wires between them. At least I get a cell signal in the parking lot. My hubs left for Boston this morning and promptly forgot his travel mugs full of coffee. There was no way for me to tell him either, even though he'd just left, because well, no chat when the lines are down.

I get to the gym late and frozen. The outdoor digital thermometer wouldn't give a reading until it hit 1°F. Odd. I remember that it sometimes gave negative numbers. My son and I stood at the school bus stop at 7:13 when it was 6°F. (He's a tad chilly. It's 20F when he gets off the bus and the sun is out.) The cross-trainers are all busy so I hop on one of the ellipticals and do 30 minutes of Program 1. At least I'm warm when I'm done. Pull ups aren't awful today but I only do one set. Today is a Push Day and after I knock out my 100 push ups, pull ups, crunches and planks, I do Dand (Hindu) push ups to see just how many. A guy drops his Bosu at the end of the mat I'm on, and he starts doing push ups on it. I don't know why he needs to do this on a mat. It annoys me and I can't focus as much as I'd like to. I get to 35 reps but wonder if 50s in my reach. Next time...

The Smith is already set up for Inclined Benching so that's what I do. For my last set, I like to do high reps, normally 25 but 60 lbs feels so easy that I get to 30 before I stop. I might've gotten more, but I don't want to be here all day! Occasionally I glance into the wall mirror to see who's at the gym. Ugh. It's Frankenstein on one of the machines, staring this way. I had totally forgotten he was here today after seeing him on the Torso Twist while I was pedaling on the elliptical. He is rudely creepy because he stares like a brain-damaged moron, and stands too close when there's lots of room to be somewhere else. And no, I don't actually think he's brain-damaged because I saw him once at Home Depot, dressed in a button down shirt and suit like a professional. What is it with old, out-of-shape guys who are totally oblivious to how creepy they are?

I knock out my DB laterals superset with Reverse Inclined Flyes. I have to do it in the Smith because the one other Inclined Bench is being used. All the flat benches are free though and I drop my gear on one to do Rip Skulls. I'm between my 2nd and 3rd set when lumbering Frankenstein comes over and stands literally inches from my bench. He's doing some version of DB laterals waaay too close to the DB rack. I curse out loud while tapping into my phone. My hubs suggests I smote him with a DB. I wait until he stops circling the area (between his sets) and then knock out my last set. So glad to be out of there! Meanwhile an even older, more clueless guy plops himself on the bench next to mine to do a hamstring stretch. Uh, dude, people do that on floor mats.

Later, the same clueless old guy plops himself down on a mat perpendicular to mine. I'm doing some basic leg and hip stretches. He likes to lay across the mat and put his sneakers on someone else's mat while he does sit ups. Dude, that IS soooo rude, and no one wants you to flash your junk at them. Point your feet and nethers somewhere else! I'm so aggravated I walk off and finish my basic stretch in the now empty exercise class room. Ugh. I'd do another set of pull ups, but when I glance over at the Stretch Cage, I see the Grand Dame there. She's responsible for nagging the gym owner into restoring the Stretch Cage. She's like 90 years old but in great shape, thin and fairly flexible. But not like me. She once told the trainers she wanted to look like me, but I don't think anyone puts on muscle when they get to be 90 years old. I'll be lucky to be as active as she is!

Hot shower, followed by a brief cold shower so I don't start sweating as I'm dressing. The gym scale reads 111.6 lbs. Well, I knew I'd be a bit heavier today, but it's not horrible. The week's just starting! And temps promise to rise into the 40s by mid-week. Of course, it's not like this snow and ice is going anywhere... it IS January after all.

Monday Workout

30 min elliptical
Program 1
Calories 280
Miles 2.50

Push Ups 100
Crunches 3 x 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Dand Push Ups 35

Smith Inclined Bench
Bar x 15
12 x 50, 70, 80, 90
60 lbs x 30 reps

DB Lat s/s Rev Incl Flyers
25 lbs x 12/15 x 3

Rip Skulls
40 lbs x 12 x 3

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