Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Resolve to Eat Better

Today was my first workout for 2017, and it's much like my workouts for the past several years. Except that I went "wireless" today. Okay, not totally wireless. But close. Or closer. I loaded some tunes on my new iPod nano because luckily my ancient Mac mini (circa 2012) has a newer version of iTunes (12.4) on it than my ridiculously ancient MacBook (2006). Other than the bulging battery that's messing up the tract pad below the keyboard, the laptop works fine. And had been the repository for all my iPod tunes. Oh well...

My hubs got me a red clip case for the new nano, and lent me some BlueTooth earbuds to test out. It's nice not to constantly have to adjust the wires stuck to the inside of your tank top, or accidentally pull out your earbuds because you got tangled in your wires. But these earbuds aren't as sound proof as my other head phones, forcing me to up the volume more than I'd like, and the wire that connects the two buds behind my head tends to stick to my sweaty neck and shoulders. So... better, but not ideal.

The iPod itself is longer and I'm not used to the clip. The old iPod had a very easy clip and I appreciated the machine's small, perfectly square dimensions. (I'm also partial to the silver zippo-looking finish, but that's just me.) My cardio mix ended and I was at a total loss as how to loop my tunes. It's not readily apparent and I find myself searching online. Isn't the internet a wonderful place? I would never have thought to tap the cover art to bring up a hidden menu regarding repeating songs and playlists. Why isn't this in the manual anyway? And yes, I read manuals. although lately I've taken to using both my reading glasses and a hand-held magnifier.

Because my hubs had to go to Boston in the middle of his vacation time, he took today off. I had an eye doc appointment at 8:30 but made it back in plenty of time to get my gym gear and head to the gym. He decided to come as well. Unfortunately, he forgot his towel so did not get to enjoy the hot shower afterwards. The eye appointment was for a Visual Field test, and I'm worried about my right eye. For the first time, the bright pin point lights weren't very bright. Is my vision fading in that eye? Thinking about things like that make me determined not to waste my time on things I don't want to do, and to focus on things that are fleeting. Going blind isn't a death sentence, but it sure sucks, especially for a visual artist.

My sis sent me a link to the number one rated glaucoma center (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute), which happens to be in Miami, Florida. My hubs wants me to make an appointment right away, but I'm not really sure what this will accomplish. I need to do more research.

My hubs is done with his workout before I'm done with mine. I did do 30 min of cardio on the elliptical since all the cross-trainers were occupied. And push ups, pull ups, crunches and planks before heading to the Smith for RDLs and RG BB Rows. I'm finding that my forearms and elbows are less forgiving on the RG BB Rows these days, necessitating a thumbless hook-like grip even though I'm using Versa Gripps.

I'm not sure if it's age or something more nefarious when it comes to my extremities now that my heels are going numb as I lay in bed. Maybe it's the mattress? I'm particularly sensitive to the hard edge and springs I can feel through the 25+ year old bedding. And I know this because my hubs and I decided to "camp" in our living room by the wood stove while our son was at a sleepover. We have a large inflatable mattress that I found quite comfortable. It's probably the first time in ages that I've managed to sleep on my side without my shoulder and arm falling numb! The hubs, however, needed more support. Oh well...

I see a few regulars in the gym while I'm working out. Shaggy keeps pacing next to me. Big Mustache stares oddly after I chat briefly with my hubs. My hubs has his own routine and he's done by the time I get to the Seated Cable One-Arm Rows. I tell him three sets and then I'll be ready to leave. He complains he's hungry and wants to go to lunch. I tell him we need to buy milk and other groceries. He'll just have to wait. Well, it gives him time to do some core and stretching. One of these days I'll walk him through one of my stretch routines, but I don't think he'll be able to follow it. Because he's not only much bigger than I am, he's not nearly as flexible.

I think I'll whack the machine tomorrow... The gym scale tells me 113.0 lbs. Not horrible, but it could be so much better. I take a few selfies and think I look like a thug! If I want to drop this bulk, I'll need to be much more responsible with my eating habits. Like only eating when I'm hungry. Unfortunately, I tend to feel light-headed and unfocused before I feel hungry. Not good at all! I don't like having to eat by the clock, so having better snacks might help. Nuts aren't agreeing with me lately. Not sure if it's the macademias or the cashews. I suspect it's the high fat content, because, like the dog, I tend not to process fats very well. Doesn't mean I won't get fat. Just means there's a lot of foods that disagree with me. Oh well...

Tuesday Workout

30 min elliptical
Program 1
Calories 293
Miles 2.58

Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 100
Crunches 3 x 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Smith RDLs
Bar x 15
12 x 80, 100, 120, 130

Smith RG BB Rows
25 x 80
22 x 100
20 x 120
15 x 130


Seated one-arm cable row
45 lbs x 12 reps x 3


  1. You should look into a Sleep Mumber bed. You set your side as soft as you like and your hubs can set his side firm.

    1. Thanks! I just got this month's issue of Consumer Reports where they rate mattresses and mattress companies. Gonna read it at my son's kung fu class this evening!


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