Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Keeping Focus

Down to 112.2 today
My sister sent me a link to, a website that provides information and news for healthcare practitioners, specifically with a link to glaucoma treatments. Stem cell therapy is in the distant future, but there are other treatment options. Unfortunately most involve some sort of surgery. I read up on the two most prevalent, and both make my skin crawl. One involves cutting a drainage flap in the white of the eyeball. The other involves embedding a drainage shunt inside the eye. Both require abstaining from bending, lifting, straining for several weeks during recovery. Success is not guaranteed, and vision loss or blurry vision can result. Oh jeeze...

Meanwhile, I find myself particularly sensitive to the floaters in my eyes lately. My right eye feels as if I've got gunk on my lashes, so my vision feels a tad blurred on the upper periphery. It could just be my vision. Ugh. Scanning the latest research on glaucoma seems to show that sleeping on one's side increases eye pressure on the eye closest to the mattress, and that sleeping with your face squished, let's say between your arm and pillow, also increases measurable eye pressure. Oh good grief! I'm probably best off sleeping propped up. Double ugh.

It's foggy when I get to the gym, but that's better than the perpetual rain we had yesterday. Temps promise to rise into the high 40s. Eventually the sun makes an appearance. I warm up on the elliptical for 10 minutes, then whack the bag for three 5-round sets. The Nexersys is relatively well-behaved until I get to the Advance Rounds. The first three rounds are an exercise in patience as the machine arbitrarily flashes combinations, blanks, and under-scores kicks and digs, although I suspect I'm a little too quick for some combos. I actually have to wait a split second before striking the Dig Pad before it'll register. Otherwise the machine says I missed. Oh well.

I'm quite gratified that I'm not really tired by the end of 15 rounds. Dripping sweat yes. But tired? Not that much. So I do 30 minutes on the elliptical. It's not my best mileage, but pretty good considering I just spent an hour smacking the kickboxing machine. The last pull ups are kind of hard, especially the last few reps because I can feel it in my left elbow. Uh oh...

A voice declares Low Battery just moments before my tunes abruptly end. It's good that I'm ready to go shower anyway. The iPod still has 2/3 of it's battery, but the BlueTooth ear buds are dead. My hubs says they should last at least 4-5 hours so perhaps I haven't charged them properly? I did put them on a micro-USB cable last night, but I'm not sure the ear buds actually charged. It's not that I've become a Luddite, but I hate buying new things just for the sake of having the latest gadget. I'm a firm believer in using something until it dies, unless it's just too horrible to deal with. So, I'm not completely sold on wireless earbuds yet. I'm still going to order those old Sony MDR-J20s because they had the best sound, and were the most comfortable, in spite of wires...


10 min elliptical
Calories 93.8
Miles 0.84

5r Beginner
5r Intermediate
5r Advance

30 min elliptical
Program 3
Calories 283
Miles 2.52


Photos for actual stats:

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