Tuesday, December 27, 2016

I Hate the Crowded Holidays

My hubs and I got to the gym a bit late on Monday. And it was soooo crowded with faces I'd never seen before. I guess folks are getting to their New Year's Resolutions early. I did manage to do 30 min of cardio, and my basic core warm up, which means a set of pull ups, push ups, crunches, knee-ins and planks.

But there were literally no benches available, with three boys to a station tag-teaming. An older guy in the Smith machine, but only there to use the Inclined Bench for his DB Presses... And I'm not the type to interrupt a workout, so I'm done at that point. I'm literally tripping over bodies and unfamiliar faces. Next time we need to go much much earlier in the day! My hubs is happy enough. He complains he can't straighten his arms out from Friday's Back and Bicep workout. Tomorrow he has to go to Boston for the day so I'll head off to the gym solo and let my son sleep in. It IS Christmas break after all, and I think I can see him growing right before my eyes. I'm kidding. Or not.

I made a pot roast for Christmas Eve dinner but it took so long that we had it the next day for Christmas lunch. It was a crock pot recipe which actually turned out well, except I can never get the gravy right. Thank goodness for Knorr packaged brown gravy mix. Seriously. We ate most of a 5 lb pot roast with boiled red potatoes and gravy. Yesterday my hubs made kalua pork, which is the base for pulled pork: salt, liquid smoke and 10 hrs in a 250F oven. We have another smaller pot roast planned for New Year's Dinner. I can't believe the year is over...

Didn't go to the gym today. Instead we went to the movies because it's $5 Tuesdays. The theater was packed with several films selling out. We didn't see the Star Wars movie, or Assassin's Creed. No, we went to see Sing because I wanted to see something happy and silly. And it was delightful. But no original tunes. Oh well...

Monday's Workout

30 min x-trainer
Calories 142
Miles 3.79
Average Speed 7.57
Average Pace 7:55

Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 100
Crunches 3 x 50
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s 

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