Some people seem a bit more delusional. I frequent an online weight-lifting site where we cheer on our "friends". A woman recently friended me. She seems harmless enough. But there are certain aspects of her online personality that make me wonder if I shouldn't unfriend her. We can choose however we want to be known and her screen name is Mrs X. It's not really X but I'm not sure what to think of a woman who defines her identity as a relationship to her hubs. But that's not enough to unfriend her. No, there's more...
Never mind the endless nattering and cheerleading about going keto. People have what works for them. Or not. Never mind the endless chatter about being a good person and working hard on the marriage. Uh, this is a muscle-head site. What's weirding me out is her latest post where she states she hasn't tracked her weight since July and shows a 30 lb increase in 5 months. She attributes that to Thanksgiving and wedding anniversary overindulgence. Sorry, what?! The last time some gal put on 30 lbs it was because she was going to deliver a baby in the near future. So it's all I can do to bite my tongue and not ask if she's eating for two. Because keto isn't healthy for unborn babies. I think she's just nuts though...
Today is a Pull Day and I've arrived late morning. The gym is mostly empty so I'm happy, but of course, it'll fill up again towards the end of my routine. As much as I hate doing cardio on the cross-trainer because there's only one machine that I like, and I invariably get numb toes from it, I dutifully start my workout warm up with 30 minutes on it. I'm dragging a bit from yesterday and I already know that I'm going to skip the elliptical session later. The cross-trainer seems to help me maintain my weight whereas the elliptical does not. Go figure.
Even though my mileage is down, I can still muscle through a few more pull ups than usual. Yaay me! The core routine seems very routine. I actually breeze right through push ups so maybe I ought to put variations back in? There's a guy in the Smith doing BB Shrugs. I'm not sure why you'd want to do shrugs in the Smith since there's no one in the Squat rack. Otherwise you'd have to trek all the way to the other side of the gym to the CF area where there are two loose Olympic bars and a rack full of plates. I haven't even ventured there even though I used to do my RG BB Rows without the courtesy of the Smith machine. But I was younger then. And the gym was a lot less crowded with equipment.
I do a few sets on the MaxRack but I hate this contraption. The bar is much heavier and constrained from left to right. It's awkward for me to use. As soon as the Smith is free, I'm over there in a heartbeat. The Smith needs to be cleaned but I keep forgetting to mention it to the staff. There's a lot of visible dust in the pulley system, which makes the motion somewhat sticky. Ugh. Still, I get my reps and sets for RDLs, and RG BB Rows. I'm about to wander over to the Stretch Cage for another set of pull ups when I see that it's occupied.
Some kid in a navy hoodie, and long board shorts doing pull ups. I'm not sure how many. But instead of walking away, he/she (I can't really tell) rests a minute or two and proceeds to do another set. And another. Only a few reps for each set, but I admire the persistence. Of course, I'm not one to sit and hover, so I grab a handle and knock out my Seated One-Arm Cable Rows. This makes doing pull ups that much harder because this movement pre-exhausts my biceps, but I don't really have a choice. I don't want to waste time because I have plans that include baking a banana bread for the Boy Scout Holiday Party tonight, picking my son up from his after-school chess program, walking the dog, and trying a new chicken recipe that calls for vermouth, garlic, lemon and "herbs de Provence". Uh, I'm just going to sprinkle thyme, basil, oregano, marjoram and rosemary.
Eventually the kid is done and I get the chance to stretch my lower back and hammies before doing my last set of pull ups. I'm a lot stronger than I used to be since I can still remember struggling with a mere dozen pull ups. I attribute that to learning how to use my back instead of my arms, but it's a hard thing to teach. There are a few regulars but most of them are gone from the morning. I saw The Mayor lingering by the Smith while BB Shrug guy was unloading the bar. Of course. And I couldn't wait until he said his say and left so that I could finally do my routine.
In the locker room I chat briefly with two ladies. We all discuss losing our jobs and considering alternate career options. I mention that my hubs suggested I become a personal trainer because I like to work out. The older lady pipes up with "Oh no! People would hate you because you're tough. I've seen you work out!" I don't tell her that I'd dumb down the workouts or that I really hate the idea of having to sell a program or machine because I don't believe in them. I only know what works for me.
Tuesday Workout
30 min x-trainer
Calories 140
Miles 3.68
Average Speed 7.35
Average Pace 8:10
HGPU 36 Yaaay!
Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 100
Crunches 3 x 50
Bird Dog 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
MaxRack RDL
Bar (55 lbs) x 12
12 x 75
Smith RDL
12 x 80, 100, 120, 130
Smith RG BB Rows
22 x 80, 100, 120, 130
Seated One Arm Cable Rows
45 lbs x 12 x 3
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