Thursday, November 10, 2016

When the Bug Catches You

I took my time at the gym today because my son had extra orchestra practice and was taking the late bus today. Which meant he wouldn't actually be home until nearly 3:30 pm. Because I'm planning to take him to the gym tomorrow and have him work out with me (I secured permission from the owner today since my son is younger than the 13 years required for a "student membership"), I debate whether I should spend today doing weights or kickboxing. Weights wins. If my son decides not to sleep in, we'll do mostly cardio and body weight exercises.

I know there's certain precautions to be made where children are involved since their long bones aren't fused yet and can be damaged by heavy lifting. No worries here. Even though my son is now bigger than I am, he's not as strong. It's taking me a surprisingly long time to adjust to the fact that he's bigger than I am. Yes, I've just discovered that I fit into his favorite outgrown hoodie. LLBean no longer carries this item, which is orange and striped like Tigger! And lined with really soft fluffy fleece! Mine! (He's actually fine with the idea that I'll be taking a few of his "hand-me-downs".)

The favorite cross-trainer is busy so I hop onto one closer to the door. It's harder to pedal and I don't get great mileage. But everything seems fairly routine, except my hands are still sore. And after pushing weights on the bench, my left hip feels out. That's really weird. I've purposely restricted a lot of extreme stretching because I thought they were causing my hip issues. Now I have to rethink this. I've also developed an annoying cough that starts with a dry irritating throat tickle. Not quite fur balls yet, but getting there. I don't actually feel sick, but I must have a cold or something. I'm taking vitamins and zinc so maybe this could be worse?

I see Venus working out. She's has a nice long line and an extremely feminine shape because of her large bust and glutes. Her arms are shapely but not big. You'll only see muscles once she's pumped. As she walks past, I notice tiny red dots all over her face. I've seen that on my son, who is struggling with changes to his body, hair and skin. He's 11 and pubescent changes have already started. She's kind of old to have acne.

Still have biceps without curls
I start benching on the Breaker bench because two Latinas are using the Smith for Squats. But they walk away and leave plates on the bar. Finally, I ask the one who's sitting by the DBs if they're finished with the Smith. She says Yes, and I tell her that no one can tell because when you leave plates on the bar, it means you're still using it. Her blank expression and the insistence that I can use the Smith shows me she doesn't understand basic gym etiquette. WTF?

The right shoulder feels a tad sore today and I don't go to my max bench. Saving myself for swim tonight is what I tell myself. I manage to do everything else in my routine including pull ups and 30 minutes of Intervals. But I can't muster the speed or mileage I'm used to. Ugh. I pick up a few items I need to make turkey chili tonight for dinner. My plan is to put it in the slow cooker and go to swim. But it takes so long to get everything prepped and ready that I reconsider. My hip is feeling worse. And the cough is definitely worse. I picture having to spit while I'm in the pool and that's enough to dissuade me from attending class. But I do call and let the instructor know that I'll be absent.

5.99 miles total

30 min x-trainer
3.40 miles
144 calories
6.74 average speed

Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 100
Crunches 3 x 60
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Breaker flat bench
Bar x 15
65 x 13

Smith flat bench
Bar x 15
12 x 80, 100, 120
25 x 90

Smith inclined bench
Bar x 15
12 x 70,
80 x 12 x 3

DB Lat s/s Rev Incl Flyes
20 lbs x 12/20 reps x 3

Rip Skulls
12 x 30 lbs, 35, 40

30 min elliptical
Calories: 294
Miles: 2.59


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