Friday, September 18, 2015

Squeaky Wheels

Today's Selfie
My grandmother used to tell me that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Then my mother would counter with her father's admonition, an empty tin can makes the most noise. I'm hoping to be the former, not the latter. Searching online for a solution to the SouthPaw issue on the Nexersys, I came across the Nexersys FaceBook page. The company is introducing a new speed bag product which seems interesting but not very practical for a commercial gym. At least the FB page has walls related to their other products, and I post my question there. A few hours later, I actually get a response instructing me how to fix the issue!

When I get to the gym this morning, I immediately log in to my profile on the Nexersys and select Settings. There are options that can be clicked on, including Do Not Change My Stance. I also note that the machine has me listed as Gender Indeterminate, with blanks for Age and Weight. I wonder how the machine is going to behave now that I've updated my profile. I was already hitting too hard. Now it thinks I'm smaller and older than the average user. Is the machine totally going to freak when I do 3 rounds Beginner Level next Tuesday? I guess I'll find out!

Today I have on my new Ryka shoes. Now that I've threaded the laces through the last eyelets on the shoes, the laces are a reasonable length. My right heel also no longer wants to slip out. However, my right foot goes numb in the toes 15 minutes into the first cardio session. Just can't quite win.

I'm slow to adopt new social media technologies. Am I showing my age by being stubborn? I can't see the point to Twitter because I don't want to know what half the world is thinking at any given time. I don't have time for all this nonsense. And there's no reason for them to know my every mutterance or banal thought. However, I use FB to keep tract of friends, and to contact local companies. It works surprisingly well.

Today is a Cardio, Core and Everything Else Day. I do 30 minutes on the LifeFitness cross-trainer and get distracted by the TV because Kelly has Anderson Cooper as a guest co-host. And he's funny. My first set of pull ups is always a bit creaky. But not as bad as the set that follows all those push ups and planks. I keep my push up routine the same, but try to remember the plank variations I want to try today. Bird Dog is getting easier. Side Planks are a bit tough because I'm not quite sure where to put my feet. I save the Knee to Opposite Elbow planks for last, and toss in a few Camel and Cat lower back stretches between sets.

This 2nd set of pull ups is always the hardest because not only am I a bit breathless, but my abs and core are tired now. As I pull up, trying to keep my body straight and not swaying, I feel a twinge in the center of my stomach, just under the rib cage. Abs. Thank goodness doing the elliptical doesn't require any core work other than holding myself upright! I punch in Intervals for 30 minutes.

I use my hoodie to blot the sweat off my face and arms when I'm done. Time for another set of pull ups. These are easier. Whew! People seem to freak a little when I stretch at the Cage, probably because I can get my leg up over my head. But they could too, if they worked at it. People complain that they're not flexible, that they wish they could do that. But they don't make the attempt. Just as well that I'm plugged into my tunes and can't hear them. What I can hear is The Mayor. Honestly, I don't know why he talks so loud, or why he feels compelled to talk so much.

After a few Pistol Squats and most of a good Mat Stretch, I go back to the Cage for one more set of pull ups. The first 8 are always easier than the last 4. Then as I'm hanging there, debating how I feel, I do 3 more from the fully extended position. I don't normally fully extend my arms because it's hard on my elbows, but since these are the last reps before the weekend, I figure I'm safe. Yaaay!

My son has set up a play date with another child he rides the school bus with. He's going to get off the bus at that child's house, then call me when he wants to come home. I'm a bit nervous since this is a new thing, but I realize he's growing up and becoming more independent. Next year he'll be at the middle school. And I should probably get a job. And probably spend a lot less time working out, and writing about it.

Friday Workout
(6.49 miles total cardio. I should probably be happy with 6 miles. A study reported that running or jogging at a fast pace is associated with a greater risk of death, equivalent to not exercising at all. Jeeze. Can't win! )

Steady State
Calorie :   144 CAL
Distance: 3.74 mile
Speed :    7.44 mph
Duration : 00:30:12
Set 1 : 112x12
Set 1 : 60 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:02:07
Set 1 : 30 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:02:29
Set 1 : 30 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 60 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 112x12
Calorie :   318 CAL
Distance: 2.75 mile
Duration : 00:30:03
Set 1 : 112x12

Set 1 : 50x25
Set 2 : 50x25
Set 1 : 112x15 +3 Yay!
Set 1 : 112x5 ea leg

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