Thursday, September 3, 2015

Little Changes, Big Results

Today in front of the Nexersys machines
My lower back and legs felt a bit thick today. I don't normally feel this way until the day after Leg Day when I've done Smith Split Squats, GHRs and pedaled 30 minutes on the Precor elliptical. I like to do the Intervals program to make up for not doing the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)/LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) combo. It's suggested that doing HIIT 3x week is optimal for increasing cardio health and endurance. After the 2nd day of HIIT, I want to do something more akin to steady state endurance, but not lose any of the benefits of HIIT. Which leads me to Intervals. OMG! I'm sore today because I did 30 minutes of Intervals yesterday!

The Precor Intervals program automatically defaults to 60 minutes but can be modified for duration and intensity. I shorten the time to 30 minutes, but leave the peaks at Level 10 Resistance 8 and the valleys at Level 4 Resistance 1. But instead of jogging in the valleys and scrambling on the peaks, I do the reverse: jog on the peaks (135-140 Strides Per Minute) and run hard in the valleys (180-205 SPMs). It feels more natural this way, but it's probably not what I'm suppose to be doing. That's also my excuse for not taking those gym classes: I'm not good at following directions. Or maybe, I just don't want to color inside the lines.

I adjust the elliptical manually during my 10-minute warm up to get the limbs moving properly, and the heart rate up. I see Shaggy in the CF area. Luckily, he leaves by the time I tape my hands and wrap them before stuffing them into my gloves. Thank goodness I spritz those nasty pink things with "fabric refresher" when I get home: they're smelly but not horrible. I've been practicing wrapping my hands in front of the TV at night. I'm so much better that I'm happy with my wraps the first time around. And my knuckles don't hurt afterwards either. Yaaay for tight fists!

I'm debating whether I really need to tape my knuckles though. I have patches of moleskin on strategic places, and white tape around specific fingers that tend to get scraped by either the glove edge or my other fingers. But maybe I don't need to wrap my knuckles with white tape? I worry that there will be too much friction with just the cotton wraps. I have, after all, very dry delicate skin. I can buy 32 rolls of white athletic tape for $65 on Amazon. Otherwise, each roll can cost upwards of $4-6 depending of what store you go to. I guess I'll bite the bullet and buy. So far, this has been working for me and I don't want to mess with success.

Even though the gym has A/C, I start sweating profusely by round 2 of the Intermediate program. It's a lot faster than the Beginner program, and not nearly as frustrating. I really have to cut the Beginner program down to 3 and toss those extra rounds into Intermediate. After all, when I'm done, the machine's recommendation is for me to Add Rounds to get to the next level. Yep. The programs are both familiar and yet unpredictable because each round presents different combinations. Some rounds are easier than others just because they focus on basic Cross-Jab, Cross-Lead Dig combinations. Others through you off-balance with their Jab-Lead Kick, Cross-Lead Kick combinations. I'm still having some issues with the machine registering my Lead Sweep and Lead Kick. Getting vexed doesn't help because invariably the machine beeps that warning and all activity stops because you're Punching Too Hard and need to adjust your 1) power and/or 2) stance. Yep.

Mom clothes
I see The Mayor and he's chatting, of course. I see a few other regulars, but the Nexersys kickboxing machine is near the entrance of the gym. Since my back is to the doors, I don't really see anyone come in or leave, which is just as well. Too distracting. I shot a quick photo in the CF mirrors of me standing in front of the machines, with the Mountain Bike Simulators in front. What you can't see are the CF equipment on the floor, the Cable machine to the right of that and the LifeFitness Cross-trainers behind me. The gym is crowded with equipment. They just replaced both rowing machines with newer versions, but the old ones are standing next to the two tanning booths across from the front desk. There are two more tanning booths in the back as well.

People, especially some women, give me a wary look as they pass by. I guess I must be scary, especially since I'm not a naturally "smiley" person. Or, as is noted on memes on FB, I have that RBF (resting bitch face) that makes people get out of my way. At least I don't have jokers telling me to smile when I walk by. A lot of famous people have been noted in the obits lately. It's scary. I think 75 years old. Only 75, as if that wasn't old. Heck it's only 20 years from my current age. And that scares me. Because 20 years isn't really a long time. I read about people who are slightly younger than I am getting scary lab work back and deciding not to compete any more. Oh hell, what've you been putting into yourself? And I read a great article in about how all those shredded professionals claiming to be all natural, usually aren't. Well, now I feel better about not seeing my 6-pack.

I'm happy I can do sets of planks, push-ups and pull-ups, whack the daylights out of the kickboxing machine, and still be a "normal" mom to my son. In 20 years, my son will be 30. And I hope to still be active and healthy for a good 'nother 20.

Thursday Workout

Warm Up
Calorie :   94 CAL
Distance: 0.83 mile
Duration : 00:10:00

Lap/Rep :  14 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:56:00

Photos posted for actual stats:

5 rounds Beginner Follow Me

9 rounds Intermediate Follow Me

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