Monday, May 11, 2015

Gotta Be Adaptable

I didn't sleep well last night and I blame, however improbable, the two tiny sips of chocolate espresso wine I sampled. Ultimately, I tossed the glass because it conveyed the unpleasant sensation of creamy milk chocolate mixed with grain alcohol. I'm not a milk chocolate fan either. Maybe I'm too picky about my food, but there's a lot of things I don't eat just because there's not enough reward: it's got to taste good, and be mostly good for me. It's also too hot today, peaking at 82F. Thank goodness the gym has A/C.

It's crowded this morning. After a 15 minute warm up, I can't get on the Smith. There's a towel on it and some heavy plates on the bar. I ask two regulars if they know who's on it. "The big guy with the tattoos," one of them says to me. Well, that's half the guys here. "The tow truck guy," the other one says. I'm not sure who he's talking about but Tattoo Tank reappears in a few. He's supersetting between doing Incline Benches on the Smith and the Cable station. He has a suprising brogue when he tells me that he's got 3 more sets. I tell him No problem. I don't want to rush him, just wanna know when he'll be done. I do a few light sets on the breaker bench, then move on to a few sets of DB presses. My right shoulder feels off today.

The space is so tight now that I can't change benches when I finally get use of the Smith. I'm stuck with the larger adjustable inclined bench which I position flat. It has a huge gap between the seat and the back rest, but it's narrower at that end, and I need to be able to drop my elbows close to my body. I can't get the proper position when the bench is too wide. Benching feels heavy today, and part of that is lack of sleep, and ill-fitting equipment. I bench better on the smaller flat bench. So I don't hit my max weight today and opt for sets and reps. Because of the right front delt has given me ample warning, I skip Inclined Presses as well.

All the benches are occupied by chatty people in the DB area. I drape my towel on the Matrix Inclined Bench and grab a pair of 20s. Then a pair of 25s. The Mayor and Skinny J are chatting loudly, and The Mayor keeps brushing past my bench. I turn the volume up on my tunes. I up my reps without much issue. Regulars show up: Ponytail and Maroon, Big Glasses Dude, Wraith King, Skinny Mustache, Soccer Boy. There are newbies as well. They always come in groups and they always talk too much.

Close Grip Bench Presses are next. Trying to retrieve plates for the bar is like running a maze. The weight trees have been moved and I can only find one EZ bar. It's on the Preacher Bench. I use it for the last movement: Rip Skulls. Newbies are on the Chest Press machine, trying not to stare. Even Skinny J is trying not to stare, and he wanders close by for no apparent reason.

I have 30 minutes of Precor elliptical left to do. I slack a little and only do 10 minutes of HIIT, followed by 20 minutes of LISS. Again, I'm only able to make max speeds after the 5th and 6th cycle, and by the 10th, I'm pretty spent. I don't do much of a stretch either, but add some crunches. I'm feeling guilty about not doing any core work last week.

Monday Workout
(3.86 cardio; 19,312.5 lbs moved)

Warm Up
Calorie :   74 CAL
Distance: 1.75 mile
Speed :    6.95 mph
Duration : 00:15:08
Set 1 : 45x15
Set 2 : 65x12
Set 3 : 85x12
Set 1 : 25x12
Set 2 : 30x12
Set 3 : 35x12
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x10
Set 4 : 120x10
Set 5 : 120x10
Set 6 : 90x10
Set 7 : 90x8
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 25x10
Set 4 : 25x12
Set 5 : 25x12
Set 6 : 25x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 20x15
Set 3 : 25x15
Set 4 : 25x15
Set 5 : 25x15
Set 6 : 25x15
Set 1 : 45x25
Set 2 : 65x25
Set 3 : 75x15
Set 1 : 17.5x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12
Calorie :   203 CAL
Distance: 2.11 mile
10 min HIIT
20 min LISS
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep

1 comment:

  1. Still a good workout Pixie. You crack me up with all your nicknames of the other gym rats! However, the fact that folks keep trolling by you, and staring would be disturbing to me. I guess I just don't enjoy the public gym atmosphere.


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