Friday, May 15, 2015

Day Four

Day Two is the name of a dance piece performed by Pilobolus Dance Troupe. I used to see them annually at the Joyce Theater when I lived in NYC. But today is Day Four and has nothing to do with dance, theater or acrobatics.

Today is Friday and the fourth day of my unplanned de-load, my unanticipated vacation from the gym. I'm slowly recovering my energy but it's still disappointing how quickly I tire. I'm guessing that there's two obvious reasons for that: lack of calories and the body is still healing. True, I'm not vomiting anymore. But that prolonged bout of violence has wrecked havoc on my system in more ways than I had initially surmised. It changed my body's pH, making it more alkaline, which in turn made it ripe for opportunistic infections.

Yes, ladies. We all know what I'm talking about: yeast. I'm currently trying the yogurt cure as I'm reluctant to see a doctor who charges me $50 copay just to step in the door (yes, thanks to obamacare and the great healthcare reform), never mind the prescription that will inevitably be written. There are OTC medications but how seriously should I heed the warning to see my doc if I've never been diagnosed with a yeast infection? I have been diagnosed. Once. Maybe 15 years ago? Because this never ever happens to me. Until something drastic tosses everything in delicate balance all askew. If the yogurt doesn't work, then there's always garlic. As in a freshly peeled garlic clove. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with this one. But I do also have tea tree oil, which is also suggested as a remedy.

The other, more troubling aftermath of being violently ill, is esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophagus. It's probably why I'm waking up with the sensation I've thrown up in my mouth all night. Stomach acids are trickling back up my throat into my mouth. I can taste it, feel it on my teeth when I wake. I could have micro-tears in my esophagus as well. It would explain the feeling I have of something stuck in my throat. I read that it can be cause by infections such as yeast. Oh good god! I'm just going to be optimistic about this and assume it was caused by violent vomiting that is now over. Nix to acid-inhibitors, which fuddle the balance of other systems. What's left?

Aloe vera juice, marshmallow tea, sleeping propped up. No harsh foods. Got to let the body heal itself. Aloe vera juice isn't the most horrible thing I've ever drank, but it tastes better hidden in some fruit juice. There is a weird grassy saltiness to it that makes me think I've eaten lawn clippings. Grass isn't edible except to cows and sheep. I eat some tofu that's been simmering in chicken broth and dump it over sticky rice. A dab of oyster sauce gives it flavor. I'm trying not to lose all my hard-earned muscles, but I know the body cannibalizes muscles before fat when it goes into a fasting mode. So I'm trying not to fast. But I'm trying not to aggravate my throat and stomach either.

I get on my scale and read 109 lbs, 15.6% BF. I've lost a few pounds, and a percentage of muscle mass. I'm surprised I've lost any fat at all. This isn't the way I want to lose BF either! I'm planning to go back to the gym on Monday, but I'm going to take it slow. Because things are still broken and need time to heal.

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