Monday, May 18, 2015

Back to the...

I'm finally back in the gym after nearly a week off. And because I've been fairly inactive this entire time, I almost talked myself out of going. It's amazingly easy to make excuses. But I've learned not to listen to myself most of the time. I get to the gym a bit late in the morning because I like having an empty locker room. Early morning is packed with women jostling for a position in one of the classes. I feel a little like a newbie, and I look like hell. My skin has gotten very dry so my face seems drawn and tired even though I've barely been up three hours.

I'm undecided as whether to adhere to my previous program or make adjustments. But I did lift last Monday so I should be okay. I do a 15 min warm up on the cross-trainer. It's humid but relatively cool today. But almost every woman here is wearing shorts. Except for the older women. I only wear shorts on Leg Day. My warm up gets me warm but not even close to sweaty. It's a bit frustrating. I see  giant rubber plates in a CF plate rack where the stretch cage used to be. There's a fellow doing Olympic-style clean and jerks there.

I see a towel on the Smith so I know Tattoo Tank is using it. I track him down and before I can ask, he laughs and says, "Just three more." He's shorn off the stringy collar-length hair. The buzz cut looks good. I do a bunch of sets on the Matrix breaker bench facing the Smith. A large woman is on the oppsoite breaker bench, struggling with her set. She's lost a ton of weight but still has a lot to lose before she isn't categorized as obese. She's got a 10 and a 2.5 lb plate on each side of the Oly bar. I would've thought she'd be stronger by now, but I keep my thoughts to myself. I used to be able to do 25 reps with a 25 lb  plate on each side. But that was last year.

As soon as Tattoo Tank is done, I toss my gear into the Smith cage, then retrieve one of the smaller flat benches. I wrestle the adjustable Inclined Bench out of the way, but there's hardly any place to park it except perpendicular to the breaker bench. I can already tell that my right front delt is iffy today so again, I don't hit my max weights. The smaller flat bench allows me to place my feet relatively flat if I use the base as blocks. There's a lot of newbies this morning. Colleges are out and the gym offers a summer deal for students on break.

I've stopped doing Inclined Benching for now. It's not worth the damage to the front delts. However, DB Laterals and Reverse Flyes are always good. I guess I shouldn't gripe about newbies re-racking  the DBs haphazardly. At least they're putting them back, right? But it's annoying to find everything out of sequence. I especially hate it when plates are re-racked willy nilly. Because you have to unrack all theses stupid large plates to get to the 10s. And there's a place for the big plates, but dum-dums are too lightheaded or distracted to notice or care. Maybe it's my OCD?

I don't notice Venus until I'm back at the breaker bench to do Close Grip Bench Presses, followed by RIP Skulls. She's in the new Max Rack doing Leg and Glute movements, wearing a snug, long -sleeve, B&W brindle-patterned top and black yoga shorts. Her legs are surprisingly smooth. I was expecting more definition. She's letting her blonde hair grow out brown. I don't see Chatty Guy.  I'm glad my gym is civilized. She's doing Hip Thrusts. There's a guy in the adjacent Squat Rack. And guys all over the benches. But no one is rude.

On the elliptical, I make a concession and only do 5 minutes of HIIT. I can still reach 284 SPM but I don't want to tax myself too much on my first day back. During LISS, the machine occasionally freaks me out with ridiculous heart rate readings, but a quick finger to the throat to check my pulse dispels any worries. Maybe it's the act of taking my pulse that calms everything down? Does it matter? I see Venus at the cables doing Glute Kickbacks. More regulars trickle in.

I haven't stretched in a week and wonder how hard this will be, especially since I'm not really warm. But it isn't a problem. Splits are fine. There's a large woman on one mat so I use the big mat out front. She leaves to exercise and Venus shows up on the mat but I have no idea what she's doing because I'm focused on getting through my stretch routine. No abs today. No push ups or pistols either. Tomorrow's another day!

Monday Push Workout
(3.91 miles cardio; 18,070 lbs moved)

Warm Up
Calorie :   72 CAL
Distance: 1.81 mile
Speed :    7.22 mph
Duration : 00:15:03
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 65x12
Set 3 : 85x12
Set 4 : 95x12
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x8
Set 4 : 120x10
Set 5 : 120x8
Set 6 : 80x25
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 25x8
Set 4 : 25x8
Set 5 : 25x8
Set 6 : 20x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 20x15
Set 3 : 25x12
Set 4 : 25x12
Set 5 : 25x12
Set 6 : 20x15
Set 1 : 45x25
Set 2 : 65x25
Set 3 : 75x10 Bleah!
Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12
Calorie :   171 CAL
Distance: 2.1 mile
5 min HIIT
25 min LISS
Duration : 00:30:01

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...