Friday, May 22, 2015

I Should Probably Be Tired

Leg Day Selfie
Every now and then, I twist oddly and realize that I might actually have a touch of soreness in my lats, or back of my arms. It's rare that I actually get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) except for my glutes, and only when I do Split Leg Squats in the Smith machine. And today is Leg Day, so of course, not only am I going to do a full hour of cardio, I'm also going to push some weights. The women's locker room is marred by dirty black sneaker prints on the bench. Some women are total pigs. Church-going, cackling, crowing grandmotherly pigs.

I feel a bit slow on the cross-trainer although my mileage is decent. I'm fairly sweaty when I get to the Smith machine. It's unoccupied! Yaaay! I'm on it for the next three exercises but the gym's not that crowded today. Some old guys are benching behind me. I see Latin Baseball wandering through the free weights. Not many women here either. Smith Squats feel okay. Even Split Squats feel okay. But by the time I get to Smith SLDLs I'm a bit tired. I feel sloppy towards the last set. Just then, a woman I've seen sporadically, asks me how many more sets. I tell her I'm done and re-rack all my weights. She does a few squats but she's not there very long. I'm disappointed.

Glute Ham Raises are always a challenge so I'm impressed with myself for getting through the first two sets okay. I struggle to keep my form for the last three reps of the last set. And then I'm done. Well, not quite. There's the rest of my cardio to deal with. I like to experiment. Instead of doing 10 minutes straight of HIIT (15 sec On/ 45 sec Off) followed by 20 min of LISS, I do 5 min of HIIT followed by 5 min of LISS to recuperate better. Then another 5 min of HIIT, followed by 15 min of LISS. 30 minutes goes by so much quicker!

I take a few minutes to do an abbreviated Mat Stretch, doing a set of Dive Bomber Push Ups and a 90 sec plank to start, before I completely forget. My lower back is tired and needs the stretch. The hot shower feels really good. Lately, I've been finishing with cold water for a few seconds just so I don't start sweating immediately afterwards as I'm trying to dress. Some sports literature suggests that this cold shower increases the minute amounts of testosterone to help build and maintain muscle. One of the female trainers does it, but she immediately dashes into the sauna afterwards to get to room temperature. Seems counter-productive to me. If the cold water hits my head first, I can deal with it a few seconds longer than if it hits my back and shoulders first. Probably the insulating factor of having so much hair. When I get goosebumps I'm truly done.

Leg Day Friday Workout
(5.84 miles; 17,640 lbs moved)

warm up
Calorie :   143 CAL
Distance: 3.71 mile
Speed :    7.42 mph
Duration : 00:30:03
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 140x12
Set 5 : 150x12
Set 6 : 100x15
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 70x12
Set 3 : 80x12 +10 lbs Yaay!
Set 4 : 80x12
Set 5 : 80x12
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 120x12

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 12 Lap/Rep
Calorie :   206 CAL
Distance: 2.13 mile
10 min HIIT
20 min LISS
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 20 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:01:30

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