Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thankgoodness for That Little Red Pill

And of course I'm speaking of pseudoephedrine. I took one last night because I just couldn't take the burning lint sensation in my head anymore. Took one this morning, and I only take 1 pill at a time (half dose) because this med can cause elevated BP and heart rate. I was a tad worried about having disrupted sleep, but I'm so dang tired from yesterday that I fell asleep watching TV with the family after supper while sitting upright.

I take it easy today and only do easy cardio (5.5+ miles), and some ab work. I haven't done twisting sit ups in a long time so I knock out a few of those, then do those lower ab knee-in, kick outs afterwards. Because my shoulder and wrist are twinging oddly during the elliptical, I skip doing Push Ups and Planks during Mat stretch. Then I take 10 minutes to sit in the sauna before running off to do errands.

Tuesday Easy Cardio Workout

Calorie :   147 CAL
Distance: 3.32 mile
Speed :    6.59 mph
Duration : 00:30:15
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Calorie :   237 CAL
Distance: 2.25 mile
Duration : 00:30:10
Set 1 : 115x5
Set 2 : 115x5
Set 3 : 115x3

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