Friday, June 6, 2014

Workaround Leg Workout

Gym rats are notorious for finding alternate ways to get a workout in. Vertigo is no excuse. It's not constant, but it does make me feel like my head is filled with aspic, like head cheese, one of my mom's favorite luncheon meats. I'm not a fan. I've started adding an ibuprofen to the pseudoephedrine. Maybe it will relieve the inflammation inside my ears. Since this might be a virus related to shingles, chickenpox and fever sores, I figure adding some lysine wouldn't hurt either. All I now is that it's been a week and I still have it.

Today is Leg Day and I already know I'm not going to do Stiff Legged Dead Lifts because bending over is one of the things that really hurts my head. All the Precors are occupied so I grab the last remaining LifeFitness cross-trainer and log in a bit over 3 miles. The Smith is free so I test the waters by doing a set of just-the-bar squats. Okay. I can do this as long as I don't turn too quickly in any particular direction. I do all my regular sets and other than my right knee feeling a tad achy, I'm okay. A guy is hanging out on the Seated Leg Extension machine with two of his pals chatting over him. Okay, skip that. I do 3 light sets on the Seated Leg Curl just to do something for the hamstrings.

One of the Precors is free so I grab the opportunity to finish up my mileage. After 5 minutes, I decide to try something I haven't done before: do 4 minutes of Tabata after lifting. I certainly tire quicker but I can still do it. Then I kick back and lope along for the remaining 12 or so minutes until I get my 2 miles. I've been meaning to play on the Step Mill as well. There are two and usually they're busy but sometimes they're vacant for hours. I clamber on for 20 minutes. Then a quick 3 sets of Glue-Ham Raises at the Lat Pull Down machine. Vertigo doesn't seem to bother me when I do this, or push ups. Probably something to do with my head position. Done! Time for a hot shower and home to wait for the water softener service guy.

Leg Day Workout

 Exercise Name
Lifting Logs
Calorie :   143 CAL
Distance: 3.09 mile
Speed :    6.14 mph
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 140x12
Set 5 : 160x12
Set 6 : 130x12
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 60x12
Set 3 : 75x12
Calorie :   167 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:22:00
Calorie :   150 CAL
Distance : --
Speed :    50 mph
Lap/Rep :  1020 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:20:00

Glute Ham Raises 3x10 (there's no entry on JeFit for this movement)

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...