Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm a 5-Day Workout Gal

Privet flowers
Wild Daisies?
I had to skip the gym yesterday to wait for the septic tank guy. He came right on time, pumped the tank and then tried to clear the line that leads from the house. The rain and sudden swarm of biting insects made me think of the Maui rainforest. And I got bit up all over my hands and neck, all the exposed skin not hidden under rain gear. "I can't clear it. I think it might be just inside the trap under the house," he told me, "You'd better call Electric Snake."

I'd been planning to call them anyway but was surprised that a company that promoted itself as "specializing in the installation, repair, and maintenance of residential & commercial septic systems, electric/water/sewer utilities, site excavations and landscape construction" would have me call a sewer and drain service. But I only had to wait a few hours for a same-day appointment, and after 20 minutes, they managed to clear the clog. By this time it was mid-afternoon, the sun was out and my son was due home in another hour. No time to go to the gym.

Japanese Honeysuckles
Today is a beautiful sunny day with a refreshing breeze and I'm surprised to still have vertigo. I can smell the lush syrupy fragrance of the Japanese honeysuckles hanging off the privets in our driveway. The privets themselves are also abloom with tiny seed pearl buds and white star-shaped flowers. They have a sweeter, lighter perfume and the bees are intoxicated. Summer means happy humming hedges. The grassy strip across from our house is filled with tiny daisies. I've never seen them there before.

I briefly debated whether I should do Legs (Smith machine Squats and SLDLs) or cardio (kickboxing the Nexersys) but it wasn't much of an argument. Next week, my son's elementary school will be in session for only 4 days, and only for 2.5 hrs each day. I'm not quite sure what the point is other than to qualify for Federal school funds. This means my workouts will be very short. At least for me. On days that I bring him to the gym's Child Care Room, my sessions will be even shorter. It's a bummer because I really like my current routine as it is because I think I'm starting to see some progress. Finally. Which means I'm going to continue with my current cardio program, and just try to make my weight training more efficient.

I get to the gym late but at least the Precors are available. My vertigo makes me feel slow and confused in the mornings. Working out makes me tired, but my head feels better. My heart rate isn't behaving at all. The Tabata still feels like it's going to kill me, but I'm able to push my pace to 260 for several seconds for more than one interval. I only start to sweat at the 17 minute mark. I always do a Cage Stretch before kickboxing. The Cage is tucked into a mirrored corner, flanked by a few stretch seats and two cable machines. The trainer from yesterday is there with DBs and a yoga mat all over the floor. Oh no, not again. Well, at least he's confined himself and his clients to a more private area of the gym. The Nexersys stations are only a few yards from there. I pay no attention to him, or the two or three different women he's training simultaneously.

I feel tired already. Kickboxing the Nexersys gives me proof of it because my scores are lower than usual. I briefly consider skipping the Intermediate Level but not seriously. I know my scores are going to be abysmal and I still punch in 5 rounds. My form falls apart on the 5th round. Because I'm concentrating hard on my accuracy, my power score drops. The Intermediate Level moves so much quicker than the Beginner Level, and sometimes I'm not sure if the machine is actually signalling a punch, or if the image is just a residual electronic blip. I'm not usually so tired. And I took yesterday off! Normally I'd've done boxing the day after doing Back and Triceps. Perhaps my body needs those 5 straight days of workouts to function at optimal mode?

I towel off my ponytail with my hoodie before I clamber back onto the Precor. After 5 minutes of a light jog, I do 5 minutes of Tabata. Because I can. But I won't lie. It hurts like hell and leaves me gasping like a fish. But only for a few seconds. Then a steady-state pace until I log 3 more miles. And like last Friday, I decide to do a few minutes on the Step Mill as well. For some reason I'm not inclined to do planks when I get around to the Mat Stretch, but add crunches at the end. So done now! The gym scale reads 111.8 lbs and I've just about sucked down all my water. Hmmm. My home scale reads 110.8 lbs (which seem really odd) and 20.2% BF. It's a tiny decline and it might just be a blip but it makes me happy.

Friday Workout

Calorie :   167 CAL
Distance: 2.01 mile
Duration : 00:23:00

Lap/Rep :  14 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:56:00

Calorie :   253 CAL
Distance: 3.06 mile
Duration : 00:35:00

Calorie :   108 CAL
Lap/Rep :  731 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:15:00

Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep

photos posted for actual stats:

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