Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Anger as Fuel

Yesterday I was convinced that I'd seen the last of the vertigo fairy, only to be disabused by an episode of rolling blackness. Nothing more disturbing than being half asleep, turning over in bed and having your brain feel as if it's doing somersaults inside your skull. Morning light didn't make it any better. Plus I had to adapt myself to my husband's car to drive to the gym, since he's significantly bigger than I am, and his car is a different model year. Everything's similar and just different enough to be annoying. The door locks button moves in a different direction. The window buttons sit further back. The sound system is awful and tinny. He usually hooks his phone up to the radio to stream Sirius. I have an actual Sirius antennae in my car and better speakers. The phone holder stuck to the windshield is right in my line of vision but because I'm only borrowing his car while he takes mine for repairs, I try not to make too many adjustments.

I'd half convinced myself to take it easy today. I only did 2 miles warm up on the Precor. No Tabata. Then I get down to the free weight area and see it's a wreck. A member seems to be training a small woman with a free weight circuit routine. Which means he has his crap draped over benches he's not actually using at the moment, two Oly bars with different plates on them, DBs of assorted sizes all over the floor, and a yoga mat between the racks. I do a few sets of Lower Back Extensions while I assess the situation.

He's really pissing me off. They have all this crap all over the BB area but they're over in the DB area on one of those benches? When they return, I ask him if they're using ALL THIS STUFF? And he says yes, and I look at him like he's a big a-hole and he says, "Oh but you can use this bar 'cuz she's done. What are you doing?" I tell him Rows and he says I can use her BB, like he's doing me a big favor. I strip the single 25 lb plate off, do a quick set with just the bar and then grab the 45 lb plates. Because I'm doing RG BB Rows. He's doing what look like Pendlays. When I'm done, I strip the bar and roll it to the wall, out of the way. I hate people who leave stuff for the maid to pick up. I look around and they've got two stripped Oly bars, one on each stay (high and low), of the Inclined Press. Really? WTH?

Matrix Breaker Bench: too big,
too high, too wide, and I really
hate the separate head area.
I'm in such a mood that I ignore the vague dizziness that lingers after I set up for V-grip Lat Pull Downs. I'm mad enough to actually just barely get all my reps for my three heavy sets. I still want to do Rip Crushers so I put my towel at the end of a Breaker Bench, placing my feet on the support bars. I have to adjust my ponytail because it's uncomfortable to lay on. After three sets (not including warm up) I look for the Cable V-bar Tricep Press Down but it's in use. Instead, I grab a DB and do One-Arm Tricep extensions. I don't think these really do much for me because although my triceps could probably handle more weight, my wrists and elbows can't. Still, it's better than DB Kickbacks which I think are fairly worthless.

I'm a little tired so I wonder how my next 3 miles will go. After 5 minutes, I stop thinking and just do the Tabata. For 5 minutes this time. There was a second after the 4 minute point when I thought, Hey, I can just stop. But the next thought was, Hey, let's see how godawful hard this will be. And then it was done. And I got to lope along for the remaining time until I hit 3 miles. And my heart rate stayed mostly within reasonable range. I do a full Mat Stretch although not fully inverting my head to touch my nose to my shin from a standing position. I can feel the vertigo lurking in the background, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let it ruin my day.

Tomorrow I have to wait for the septic tank people to come inspect our system. We have a "state of the art" peat moss "digester" installed by the county to preserve the local water quality. Our land is clay and swamp atop granite rock up a very steep hill. There's little drainage except for the stream that feeds into the small lake across the road. That lake is one of many "back ups" for the NYS reservoir system. It needs checking every two years. They're suppose to come tomorrow morning and that means I might not have time to get to the gym. Oh well...

Wednesday Back & Triceps Workout 
Calorie :   169 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Duration : 00:23:00

Set 1 : 180x15
Set 2 : 180x15
Set 3 : 180x15

Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 135x12
Set 3 : 155x12
Set 4 : 155x12
Set 5 : 155x12
Set 6 : 135x20
Set 7 : 135x20

Set 1 : 90x12
Set 2 : 120x8
Set 3 : 135x8
Set 4 : 135x8
Set 5 : 135x8

Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12

Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12

Calorie :   254 CAL
Distance: 3 mile
Duration : 00:32:00

Set 1 : 00:01:00

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep

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