Monday, June 30, 2014

Act As If

Today was my son's first day of summer camp so I had to make sure everything was packed and ready to go before we were. It's only for 4 weeks, 3 days a week. On the other two days I'll bring him to the gym with me where he'll wait for me in the Child Care room. Tuesdays we'll go to $5 movies. Thursdays we'll do something else. I'm not sure what he'll be doing the rest of the summer. Last year we split his time between summer camp and tae kwon do camp. I might do that again this year.

The fresh cherries we've been gorging on have made my stomach a bit crampy so I'm late getting to my workout. Two miles on the elliptical is hard, and I barely bust a sweat. I have no enthusiasm either. But I'm a contrarian. Taking weekends off doesn't make me feel better come Monday. Instead time off makes me slow and stiff, as if I'm not quite awake. My second cardio session of the day is completely different: I feel happy and energetic afterwards. The vertigo is virtually gone. Virtually. It only bothers me when I'm leaning forward, like when I'm brushing my teeth.

So Benching is okay today, but nothing to get excited about. My right shoulder still twinges at the heavier weights and I cut my sets to just one 20-repper. Dave Draper (, old-time Blonde Bomber of the 60s, claims that Bench pressing is awful for the shoulders as we age. He recommends lighter sets of DB press. There's definitely a greater range of motion with DBs but I have too much flexion in my upper back. At heavier weights I've nudged my back out of alignment and that's painful. I don't want to need a chiropractor every time I do chest so I limit the weight to the three sets of 115 lbs and a 20-repper or two. Today it's just one set.

But, I feel pretty good on the Inclined BB Press. I have moved more in the past, but again, I'm going for volume: sets and reps. I see a few regulars flit about but I'm not chatty when working out. Two exercises for each body part should do it for today: Chest, Shoulder, Biceps. I should probably up my weights on the DB Lateral Raises but I don't. I actually do up the weights on the Inclined DB Reverse Flyes though. It's less than the 30s I was hoisting with Bent-Over Rear Flyes. But getting 15 reps means I should probably do at least a few sets at a higher weight. Yes, I'm a true believer in high reps and sets. I figure the proof is in the mirror.

One thing I can't figure out is when I see some folks holding a slightly loaded BB over head as in a Bench Press or Inclined Bench Press, and then they just move it barely two inches, like a reverse shrug of sorts. I'm not sure what it's suppose to do for them, and I'm not really interested enough to break my routine in order to question them. Of course, these are not muscley people either.

By the time I get to Bicep DB Curls and BB Curls, I'm in a much better mood. Then I hop back on an elliptical for 3 miles, varying the incline and my speed, sometimes pedaling backwards just for fun. I don't have time (again!) for a full Mat Stretch or abs because I need to be across the county for an eye doc appointment. The abbreviated Mat Stretch hits the hamstrings, glutes, upper and lower back, shoulders and neck. Tomorrow I'll do some cardio, kickbox a few rounds, do some more cardio and stretch. Then my son and I will sneak our own popcorn into the theatre to watch Maleficient.

Monday Workout

Calorie :   170 CAL
Distance: 2.01 mile
Duration : 00:23:00
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 95x12
Set 3 : 115x8
Set 4 : 115x8
Set 5 : 115x8
Set 6 : 95x20
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 65x12
Set 3 : 85x10
Set 4 : 85x10
Set 5 : 85x12
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 20x12
Set 5 : 20x12
Set 6 : 20x12
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 25x12
Set 3 : 25x12
Set 4 : 25x12
Set 5 : 25x15
Set 6 : 25x15
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 1 : 15x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 47.5x12
Set 4 : 47.5x12
Set 5 : 47.5x12
Calorie :   260 CAL
Distance: 3 mile
Duration : 00:32:00

2x12 Dive Bomber Push Ups

Friday, June 27, 2014

Super-Abbreviated Leg Day

When you know you have to cut your workout short, you front-load the important items. Today is the first day of summer vacation for my son so I had to take him to the gym's Child Care room. Luckily there were other boys his age already there. It's hard to do cardio, lift weights, stretch, shower and change all within the two-hour window. I ran 10 minutes late. He was the last child in the room, but he says the other kids had just left. Whew.

First I get my cardio out of the way. If I don't do anything at all today, at least I got my 5 miles in. It's just steady-state pedaling with allowances to vary the incline but I allot myself 55 minutes. Done in a bit over 53 minutes. I could go faster but I'm trying to adhere to the heart rate guidelines. Sometimes, though, the elliptical's heart rate monitor gets wonky. It zoomed up to 199 BPM and stayed there for almost a minute. I didn't even have my hands on the sensors at that point. So it's not very accurate, but I'm not going to wear those around-the-chest or wristband monitors.

By the time I'm done with cardio, the free weight area is mostly empty. I was worried I wouldn't be able to use the Smith machine. I do my Squats. They seem hard because I skipped Legs last week. The SLDLs seem even harder. Because I'm pressed for time, I only do 1 set at 160 lbs. My vertigo has been worse in the mornings, and better as the day goes on. I think that exercise helps the inner ear drain fluid that's accumulated during sleep. A quick Cage Stretch and then just three sets on the Leg Extension. This has definitely been easier in the past. I skip Leg Curls. I don't have time. Instead I grab a bosu and set up on the Lat Pull Down Station for GHRs.

Creepy middle-age Mr Pajama Pants is situated at a back machine at 1 o'clock. As I knock out my sets, he switches to a machine directly in front of me. Thankgoodness I'm on my last set and can exit abruptly. Some men are so obviously creepy, especially if they drape themselves over the equipment and stare. I swear I can see them drooling. Yuck.

I think I have enough time to do most of a Mat Stretch. I'm worried that if I don't, I'll be suffering from knotty stiff muscles all weekend. I skip abs completely. The gym scale reads 110.8 lbs. I'm good with that. I ordered skin-fold calipers but haven't taken them out of the package yet. My home scale is giving me inconsistent readings. The inconsistencies are small, but annoying. At 8 am today, it told me I was 109.4 lbs and 20.6% Body Fat with 4.4 lbs bone. Then at 3 pm today, which is when I usually take my readings, it read 109.8 lbs and 20.2% BF but 4.6 bone. Bone readings shouldn't change in a few hours! BF doesn't either but that's somehow dependent on the amount of water in your cells at the time of the reading. Still, I think my arms and thighs are starting to look better. I've resigned myself not expecting to ever have a six-pack. The loose baby belly skin I developed when I was pregnant will never be thin enough to show muscles. Still, I'm happy with my progress so far.

Abbreviated Leg Day Workout

Calorie :   425 CAL
Distance: 5 mile
Duration : 00:53:28
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 140x12
Set 5 : 160x12
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 140x12
Set 5 : 160x8
Set 1 : 75x12
Set 2 : 105x12
Set 3 : 135x12

Set 1 : 12
Set 2 : 12
Set 3 : 12 
Set 1 : 12
Set 2 : 12

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Double Cardio Thursday

Every day is a new day. Today I don't feel particularly dizzy when I roll out of bed. Tilting my head back to administer eye drops doesn't make me grab for the closest stationary object. But bending over to brush my teeth makes me want to hurl. Yep, still got vertigo. Just a tad different from yesterday. Still, I feel as if I'm getting better.

Today is the last day of school and it's only 2 1/2 hrs long. I get on the elliptical and do my 2 miles with 4 minutes of Tabata. It would probably hurt less if I didn't go as fast as I can for those 20 seconds, maxing out at 275 Strides Per Minute. But what would be the point then? I barely have enough time to drop to a walk in 10 seconds before having to pedal as fast as I can. It takes me about 45 seconds to recover from the Tabata and ease into a steady-state pace until I hit 2 miles. Sweat is dripping off my brow and I pull my hoodie over my face to blot it.

A quick Cage Stretch and then I wrap my hands to box and kick the Nexersys. Yesterday I took my son to the mall to return some clothes, and also to shop for summer sandals for him and a new pair of boxing wraps for me. After wending our way through the maze that is Sears, we find the Olympia Sports store only to be told that they no longer carry such items. "You have to go to Sears. They carry that stuff," the clerk tells me. How annoying. So we go back to Sears. I refuse to buy pink wraps, the only ones hanging next to stupid pink kickboxing gloves. The only other wraps are a pair of red ones sitting in an open package that used to contain two more rolls. There's no label or tag on it. I take the lone roll to the elderly cashier and ask him if I can buy it. He takes it to the back, then returns a few minutes later, stuffing it into a plastic bag. "It's a gift," he says. "Really Are you sure?" I ask. I don't want him to get into trouble. "We'd just toss it out anyway because we can't sell it and there aren't any more in back. So just take it." I thank him profusely. Score! I have a new pair of boxing wraps, and they're not stupid pepto pink.

I feel more energetic today than the last time I boxed this machine. Still, by the 9th round, I'm completely drenched. The combinations strikes for some rounds leaves me gasping and a bit breathless, but I recover quickly. I stop the machine a few times and lose accuracy points again. Bummer. I have time, so I do 3 rounds Intermediate. Today I realize that there are glitches in the screen because my strike rate is much higher. I'm striking when no blow is called for, but only because of a residual flicker on the monitor, or ghost images. 12 rounds is enough. I strip off my gloves and wraps and do 2 more miles on the elliptical, the first 5 minutes a gentle stroll, then 5 minutes of heart-racing Tabata, and the remaining time at a steady-state jog. My hips and lower back seem a bit stiff today so I drop onto the mat for some lower back stretches and hip bridges. Done.

The gym scale reads 111.2 lbs. I'm pleased. At least I'll still fit into my summer clothes. Today my son and I are planning to trim our hedges or at least the parts we can reach. My son only comes to my nose and I'm not all that tall. I buy new hedge trimmers at Kmart and spray my rusty old ones with WD-40 lithium grease. I've already harvested the first snow peas of the season. The zucchini don't look very promising as there are only three melon leaves in a field of yellow wood sorrel. But I'm excited about the snow peas. My husband is in Boston until Saturday. Then he'll be home to ostensibly smoke some ribs and do some work at his computer before returning to Boston for another several days. My son starts camp on Monday. Summer's already begun!

Thursday Abbreviated Workout

Exercise Name
1 RM
Lifting Logs
Calorie :   169 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:22:00
Calorie :   --
Distance : --
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  12 Laps/Reps
Duration : 00:48:00
Calorie :   164 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:22:00
Photos posted for actual stats:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Abbreviated Back and Triceps Day

It probably helps that I don't incorporate Tabata in all my cardio sessions. I explained it to my husband and he said, "Too much math." I'm glad he's able to utilize HIIT cardio though, as he's dropped 25 lbs since he started. He's used to wearing XL polo shirts but now they swim on him. Today I have to return several shirts he ordered last month. He's a bit bummed that he's been "downsized" to size L, but I keep telling him that he looks much better, and healthier. Strong and fast beats lumbering any day, especially if you want to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

I'm pleased that I can get on the Precor today and only vaguely wonder where that group of small chatty women went. Most people seem unable to sustain a routine for more than a few weeks. Work and other scheduling conflicts are the usual culprits. The air conditioning doesn't seem to be working today. The doors are wide open and I break a sweat fairly quickly. After my 2 miles, I wander down to the BB area and grab an Oly bar for RG BB Rows. I do miss pulling heavier than 155 lbs, but not enough to change my routine. I can feel my lats and the erector spinae muscles in my lower back. I've gotten much quicker at pulling those 45 lb plates on and off the bar as well.

If I want to do 3 more miles, I know I have to get back on the elliptical before 10:40 am because I also want time for a full Mat Stretch. I cut my sets short on the V-grip Lat Pull Down because that requires the most rest between sets. Three sets of Lower Back Extensions and Rip Crushers are routine so that's not a problem. I vary the Incline and my speed on the elliptical to break up the monotony of a steady-state "run". I always feel pretty good after cardio, but lately my clothes have reeked of "cat piss". Yuck. I substitute crunches for planks today, but keep the Dive Bomber Push Ups. I always think that two dozen sounds awfully lame, but when I'm actually doing them, I realize that these are so much harder than regular push ups.

The gym scale wavers between 112.0 and 111.8 and finally settles on the latter. Yay. The hot shower feels good but I'm mindful to turn the water to cold for a the last minute or two just to cool myself down. I hate getting all sweaty after a shower. One of the trainers, G, has told me that standing under ice cold water after a workout is suppose to boost testosterone levels too. One of her clients is a middle-aged fellow who's obsessed with his T-levels. I don't really care about that although I suppose it would help one retain that hard-earned muscle mass.

I rush home to meet the school bus. The dog seems okay if not a bit depressed and sore. He's not limping but I know he hurts. I'm hoping he'll be better in a few days. I know how stressed he gets going to the vet and if all the vet is going to say is Well, let him rest and keep an eye on him, then there's no point in taking him there. Tomorrow is the last day of school for my son. It's also my Double Cardio Day. Oh boy!

Wednesday Workout

Calorie :   172 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Duration : 00:22:00
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 135x15
Set 3 : 155x12
Set 4 : 155x12
Set 5 : 155x12
Set 6 : 135x20
Set 7 : 135x20
Set 1 : 180x15
Set 2 : 180x15
Set 3 : 180x15

Set 1 : 90x12
Set 2 : 120x8
Set 3 : 135x8

Set 1 : 17.5x12
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12

Calorie :   260 CAL
Distance: 30 mile
Duration : 00:32:00

Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Full Mat Stretch with Splits and Upper/Lower back stretches

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Abbreviated Cardio

Waking at 3 or 4 am to pee makes for a good assessment as to whether the vertigo is gone. It's not. Everyone I know is tired. I'm tired. My husband is tired. The weekend wasn't particularly physical either. Today I'm having trouble with my cardio routine. Bad enough I have to be mindful of the time so I don't miss the school bus.

I'm surprised that I can actually get on a Precor today. Usually they're all busy. The 4 minute Tabata is hard, but it's never been easy. The Cage Stretch is easy and my head doesn't feel too bad when I bend my face to my shin, my leg 90 degrees straight out. I wrap my hands to box and kick the Nexersys. After 9 rounds at Beginner Level, I realize that I'm beat. I usually do another 5 rounds at Intermediate Level but I know that I can't. Not today. Instead, I do 3 rounds. Because doing 3 rounds is better than not doing it at all.

Those three rounds are tough, perhaps due to the high humidity. The gym tends to rely on cross-ventilation via open doors early in the morning, reserving air conditioning for the heat of the afternoon. I'm also mindful of the time. Each round is 3 minutes, with a minute between rounds. I have limited time. My pink kickboxing gloves are soggy, the wraps are soaked through. I wonder if I can wash the gloves because I really hate the way they smell lately. Fabric refresher doesn't seem to last long enough and since my hands are always up by my face unless I'm striking, I get a good whiff of sweat-stink leather.

12 rounds and I'm done. I walk over to the Mats to unwrap before finishing my cardio workout. Another 20 or so minutes and I'll be done. Normally I finish with 3 more miles. Today I only do a total of 4 miles, but I make it up by adding 5 minutes of Tabata. It's painful. I'm hoping to improve my cardio vascular endurance. The gym scale reads 112.4 lbs. I'm so sodden that I'm blotting my hair with my hoodie. Is it silly to dry off before heading to shower?

Today I have a date with my son to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. But before that happens, my dog, in ill-fated youthful exuberance, tries to leap over a large package in front of the door and lands unceremoniously and painfully at the bottom of the steps. Nothing's broken but he's badly bruised. Hugs, kisses and after a gentle but firm examination, we decide to go to the movies anyway because if no one's home, he'll get bored and go to sleep. And we want him to rest instead of following us restlessly from room to room. He seems a bit better when we get home. His appetite is good. He's an old man in dog years. He just doesn't know it.

Tuesday Abbreviated Workout

Calorie :   168 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Duration : 00:22:00
Lap/Rep :  12 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:48:00
Calorie :   166 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Duration : 00:22:00

Photos posted for actual stats:

Monday, June 23, 2014

Underwater Benching

We forgot to formally celebrate the Summer Solstice but we were out and about all weekend since it was pleasantly sunny and we had events to attend. We also ate. On the menu: smoked ribs and chicken, seasonal fresh lychees, savory pork pastries, dragonfruit, brownies, layer cakes, veggie sushi rolls, and an assortment of seaweed rice crackers and shrimp chips. We also retrieved my car from the shop and my husband reluctantly returned the 2014 courtesy loaner Impreza sedan (with kick-ass air conditioning and a much roomier interior than our current 2002 and 2005 Forester models). His car is on the verge of breaking 200K this year with his frequent trips to Boston. He put 300 miles on the loaner in 2 days but so far no one's complained from the dealership.

The peas vines are almost as tall as I am with pink and white flowers. I'm hoping for a good crop of snow peas this year. Because I grow my own, I'm spoiled and can't bear to eat packaged snow peas -- those taste old and stale. We've not been so fortunate with the zucchini. I only see two plants. A friend says the slugs have eaten all her squash, basil and tomatoes. This is the first year we've seen actual shelled snails so I'm not sure what to expect. There are dragonflies flitting everywhere and I'm glad to have them eat as many mosquitoes as they want.

Lately, my vertigo only bothers me at night when I'm laying flat on my bed. But that doesn't mean it's gone. Today I go to the gym feeling disoriented and fuzzy, as if I was still asleep and merely dreaming my routine. It's not a good mindset especially if you're going to move weight over your body or face, as with the Bench Press. I'm very mindful of all my movements today. The gym is cool enough that I don't break a sweat until minute 17 during the 2-mile warm up. I have to adjust my ponytail when I lay down to bench. The room's not spinning, but nothing feels real. I have to be extra cautious. Feeling disassociated from reality gets people into a lot of trouble.

I have my tunes up loud so I can't hear the Zumba instructor screaming from the other side of the big mirrored wall. But I have to count out loud to myself in order to focus. And I can't dawdle either. This week will be abbreviated workouts because my son's school is only 1/2 days. Friday he'll be at the gym with me, but he won't be able to work out. He'll be stuck in the child care room. Hopefully there'll be other kids his age. I get my 3 sets at 115 and do a 20-repper at 95 lbs. Yay! I skip the Inclined Bench Press because I just don't have time, especially if I want to finish with my standard 3 miles. No Tabata or HIIT today.

What's important today are chest, shoulders, biceps, abs and a stretch to get the kinks out after a vaguely inert weekend. Lateral DB Flyes are fine. I do three sets of Inclined DB Reverse Flyes on the Incline Bench Station because there are only flat benches in the DB area now. Then I super set the next three sets with Alternating DB Twisting Curls. I have time for a few Crunches and a set of Pulse Ups before I run back to the cardio platform. After 3 miles, I do a Mat Stretch with Dive Bomber Push Ups but leave out the plank. I keep catching whiffs of cat pee and I'm hoping that's not me. Yuck. Time for a shower. The gym scale reads 112.6 lbs which is still pretty odd for me for a Monday because I'm used to the scale reading heavier. But I'm happy with it. I make it home just in time to wait by the bus stop for 10 minutes in the blazing sun. Tomorrow I'm sure the bus will be earlier. I'm planning to take my son to an afternoon showing of How to Train Your Dragon 2.

Monday Workout

Calorie :   173 CAL
Distance: 2.03 mile
Duration : 00:23:00

Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 95x12
Set 3 : 115x8
Set 4 : 115x8
Set 5 : 115x8
Set 6 : 95x20

Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 20x12
Set 5 : 20x12
Set 6 : 20x12

Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 20x12  sets4-6 super set with Bicep Curl
Set 5 : 20x12
Set 6 : 20x12

Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12

Set 1 : 50
Set 2 : 50 
Set 1 : 25
Set 1 : 12
Set 2 : 12
Calorie :   267 CAL
Distance: 3.04 mile
Duration : 00:33:00

Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm a 5-Day Workout Gal

Privet flowers
Wild Daisies?
I had to skip the gym yesterday to wait for the septic tank guy. He came right on time, pumped the tank and then tried to clear the line that leads from the house. The rain and sudden swarm of biting insects made me think of the Maui rainforest. And I got bit up all over my hands and neck, all the exposed skin not hidden under rain gear. "I can't clear it. I think it might be just inside the trap under the house," he told me, "You'd better call Electric Snake."

I'd been planning to call them anyway but was surprised that a company that promoted itself as "specializing in the installation, repair, and maintenance of residential & commercial septic systems, electric/water/sewer utilities, site excavations and landscape construction" would have me call a sewer and drain service. But I only had to wait a few hours for a same-day appointment, and after 20 minutes, they managed to clear the clog. By this time it was mid-afternoon, the sun was out and my son was due home in another hour. No time to go to the gym.

Japanese Honeysuckles
Today is a beautiful sunny day with a refreshing breeze and I'm surprised to still have vertigo. I can smell the lush syrupy fragrance of the Japanese honeysuckles hanging off the privets in our driveway. The privets themselves are also abloom with tiny seed pearl buds and white star-shaped flowers. They have a sweeter, lighter perfume and the bees are intoxicated. Summer means happy humming hedges. The grassy strip across from our house is filled with tiny daisies. I've never seen them there before.

I briefly debated whether I should do Legs (Smith machine Squats and SLDLs) or cardio (kickboxing the Nexersys) but it wasn't much of an argument. Next week, my son's elementary school will be in session for only 4 days, and only for 2.5 hrs each day. I'm not quite sure what the point is other than to qualify for Federal school funds. This means my workouts will be very short. At least for me. On days that I bring him to the gym's Child Care Room, my sessions will be even shorter. It's a bummer because I really like my current routine as it is because I think I'm starting to see some progress. Finally. Which means I'm going to continue with my current cardio program, and just try to make my weight training more efficient.

I get to the gym late but at least the Precors are available. My vertigo makes me feel slow and confused in the mornings. Working out makes me tired, but my head feels better. My heart rate isn't behaving at all. The Tabata still feels like it's going to kill me, but I'm able to push my pace to 260 for several seconds for more than one interval. I only start to sweat at the 17 minute mark. I always do a Cage Stretch before kickboxing. The Cage is tucked into a mirrored corner, flanked by a few stretch seats and two cable machines. The trainer from yesterday is there with DBs and a yoga mat all over the floor. Oh no, not again. Well, at least he's confined himself and his clients to a more private area of the gym. The Nexersys stations are only a few yards from there. I pay no attention to him, or the two or three different women he's training simultaneously.

I feel tired already. Kickboxing the Nexersys gives me proof of it because my scores are lower than usual. I briefly consider skipping the Intermediate Level but not seriously. I know my scores are going to be abysmal and I still punch in 5 rounds. My form falls apart on the 5th round. Because I'm concentrating hard on my accuracy, my power score drops. The Intermediate Level moves so much quicker than the Beginner Level, and sometimes I'm not sure if the machine is actually signalling a punch, or if the image is just a residual electronic blip. I'm not usually so tired. And I took yesterday off! Normally I'd've done boxing the day after doing Back and Triceps. Perhaps my body needs those 5 straight days of workouts to function at optimal mode?

I towel off my ponytail with my hoodie before I clamber back onto the Precor. After 5 minutes of a light jog, I do 5 minutes of Tabata. Because I can. But I won't lie. It hurts like hell and leaves me gasping like a fish. But only for a few seconds. Then a steady-state pace until I log 3 more miles. And like last Friday, I decide to do a few minutes on the Step Mill as well. For some reason I'm not inclined to do planks when I get around to the Mat Stretch, but add crunches at the end. So done now! The gym scale reads 111.8 lbs and I've just about sucked down all my water. Hmmm. My home scale reads 110.8 lbs (which seem really odd) and 20.2% BF. It's a tiny decline and it might just be a blip but it makes me happy.

Friday Workout

Calorie :   167 CAL
Distance: 2.01 mile
Duration : 00:23:00

Lap/Rep :  14 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:56:00

Calorie :   253 CAL
Distance: 3.06 mile
Duration : 00:35:00

Calorie :   108 CAL
Lap/Rep :  731 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:15:00

Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep

photos posted for actual stats:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Anger as Fuel

Yesterday I was convinced that I'd seen the last of the vertigo fairy, only to be disabused by an episode of rolling blackness. Nothing more disturbing than being half asleep, turning over in bed and having your brain feel as if it's doing somersaults inside your skull. Morning light didn't make it any better. Plus I had to adapt myself to my husband's car to drive to the gym, since he's significantly bigger than I am, and his car is a different model year. Everything's similar and just different enough to be annoying. The door locks button moves in a different direction. The window buttons sit further back. The sound system is awful and tinny. He usually hooks his phone up to the radio to stream Sirius. I have an actual Sirius antennae in my car and better speakers. The phone holder stuck to the windshield is right in my line of vision but because I'm only borrowing his car while he takes mine for repairs, I try not to make too many adjustments.

I'd half convinced myself to take it easy today. I only did 2 miles warm up on the Precor. No Tabata. Then I get down to the free weight area and see it's a wreck. A member seems to be training a small woman with a free weight circuit routine. Which means he has his crap draped over benches he's not actually using at the moment, two Oly bars with different plates on them, DBs of assorted sizes all over the floor, and a yoga mat between the racks. I do a few sets of Lower Back Extensions while I assess the situation.

He's really pissing me off. They have all this crap all over the BB area but they're over in the DB area on one of those benches? When they return, I ask him if they're using ALL THIS STUFF? And he says yes, and I look at him like he's a big a-hole and he says, "Oh but you can use this bar 'cuz she's done. What are you doing?" I tell him Rows and he says I can use her BB, like he's doing me a big favor. I strip the single 25 lb plate off, do a quick set with just the bar and then grab the 45 lb plates. Because I'm doing RG BB Rows. He's doing what look like Pendlays. When I'm done, I strip the bar and roll it to the wall, out of the way. I hate people who leave stuff for the maid to pick up. I look around and they've got two stripped Oly bars, one on each stay (high and low), of the Inclined Press. Really? WTH?

Matrix Breaker Bench: too big,
too high, too wide, and I really
hate the separate head area.
I'm in such a mood that I ignore the vague dizziness that lingers after I set up for V-grip Lat Pull Downs. I'm mad enough to actually just barely get all my reps for my three heavy sets. I still want to do Rip Crushers so I put my towel at the end of a Breaker Bench, placing my feet on the support bars. I have to adjust my ponytail because it's uncomfortable to lay on. After three sets (not including warm up) I look for the Cable V-bar Tricep Press Down but it's in use. Instead, I grab a DB and do One-Arm Tricep extensions. I don't think these really do much for me because although my triceps could probably handle more weight, my wrists and elbows can't. Still, it's better than DB Kickbacks which I think are fairly worthless.

I'm a little tired so I wonder how my next 3 miles will go. After 5 minutes, I stop thinking and just do the Tabata. For 5 minutes this time. There was a second after the 4 minute point when I thought, Hey, I can just stop. But the next thought was, Hey, let's see how godawful hard this will be. And then it was done. And I got to lope along for the remaining time until I hit 3 miles. And my heart rate stayed mostly within reasonable range. I do a full Mat Stretch although not fully inverting my head to touch my nose to my shin from a standing position. I can feel the vertigo lurking in the background, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let it ruin my day.

Tomorrow I have to wait for the septic tank people to come inspect our system. We have a "state of the art" peat moss "digester" installed by the county to preserve the local water quality. Our land is clay and swamp atop granite rock up a very steep hill. There's little drainage except for the stream that feeds into the small lake across the road. That lake is one of many "back ups" for the NYS reservoir system. It needs checking every two years. They're suppose to come tomorrow morning and that means I might not have time to get to the gym. Oh well...

Wednesday Back & Triceps Workout 
Calorie :   169 CAL
Distance: 2 mile
Duration : 00:23:00

Set 1 : 180x15
Set 2 : 180x15
Set 3 : 180x15

Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 135x12
Set 3 : 155x12
Set 4 : 155x12
Set 5 : 155x12
Set 6 : 135x20
Set 7 : 135x20

Set 1 : 90x12
Set 2 : 120x8
Set 3 : 135x8
Set 4 : 135x8
Set 5 : 135x8

Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12

Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12

Calorie :   254 CAL
Distance: 3 mile
Duration : 00:32:00

Set 1 : 00:01:00

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Inching Along

Today I had my regular oatmeal and instant espresso breakfast before heading to the gym. The temperature is already mid-60s and promises to peak just under 90. Thank goodness there's A/C at the gym. My husband is finally taking my car to the dealership shop tomorrow to get that Check Engine light looked at. It's only been on since last September but my car shouldn't explode like Penny's in Big Bang Theory. It shouldn't because our auto shop said it was the exhaust system. But they weren't certain what specifically was wrong, and it would be hit or miss to fix it. Better off taking it to the dealership shop they said. I have my fingers crossed. We've decided that if the car repair bills are more than a few thousand dollars, well, we could probably get a 2014 Forester for the price of an older pre-owned vehicle since this is Inventory Clearance Season. My car has 146.000+ miles on it. I'm kind of hoping it'll go to 200K but with the body starting to bubble and rust, well, many a Subaru has fallen prey to rot and rust, not mechanical failure.

I'm always tired and sluggish when I get to the gym lately. My vertigo is almost gone, but I still have a residual feeling of unease. I wake up with my ears feeling wet and hot but it's nothing. The popping is annoying but there's less of it. At the Cage Stretch, I can touch my nose to my shin and the room doesn't spin wildly. Yay!

Starting cardio with a gentle jog (130 Stride Per Minute pace) for 5 minutes helps me with the 4 minutes of Tabata that follow. Then I vary the Incline for the remaining time until I hit 2 miles. I'm happy that my heart rate now behaves like a normal athletic heart and isn't dramatically erratic. A quick Cage Stretch and then the Nexersys. I've decided to do fewer Beginner rounds and increase my intermediate rounds. But the machines fall blank and silent in the middle of the first round. WTF?!

One of the trainers is showing a new client some of the equipment. As he moved a bench out of the way, it unplugged the power cable for all the machines along one wall, my Nexersys included. Well, at least it was only the first round and not the last round of a long bout. These machines don't store any data if the power's interrupted. I have my hair in two oddly placed pony-tails because I hate having my hair stuck to my face when I'm boxing and kicking. A single pony-tail leaves odd strands that frame both sides of my face.

My husband finds that really cute like animé characters, but I find them annoying. The only reason I haven't cut my hair is because my husband really seems to like it, especially when I keep changing 'hairstyles". I guess it's like being with someone new each time. He's been extremely attentive lately, perhaps because I keep telling him how good he looks since he dropped 25 lbs just doing HIIT cardio, some P90X routines, and eating better. It's almost like we're dating again. Except of course, now our son just rolls his eyes at us.

My form falls apart at the last round of the Intermediate level which means I've planned this correctly. I'll try to do this again on Thursday, but the septic tank people are coming Thursday morning for their bi-annual inspection and pump. Unfortunately I think there's a clog in the line somewhere. I'm just hoping they don't have to rip up my vegetable garden to get to the line because the snow peas have just started to flower. Maybe it's just a clogged filter. I'm hoping anyway.

I've gotten used to doing 4 min of Tabata during both the 2 mile and 3 mile sessions. As tired as I am, I can still do this. And it might seem crazy, but I'm considering adding another minute to the latter. The last thing I need to do are Abs: 3 sets of 50 crunches. And 2 sets of Pulse Ups but I tend to keep my elbows over my face instead of down on the ground by my sides. That might make them easier. LOL!

I'm so sodden that my pony-tails are dripping. The gym scale reads 112.2 lbs. I'm surprised because I stuffed myself with pasta and turkey meatballs last night. But it's so hot that we'll probably be eating those yummy sardine and avocado sandwiches for dinner tonight. I bought more sardines, a few tins of brislings (King Oscar brand), more avocados, fresh cilantro, a cilantro plant for later harvesting and another rosemary olive oil boule. Tomorrow is Back and Triceps Day. Oh boy.

Cardio Tuesday
Exercise Name
1 RM
Lifting Logs

Calorie :   171 CAL
Distance: 2.02 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:22:00

Calorie :   --
Distance : --
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  14 Laps/Reps
Duration : 00:56:00

Calorie :   252 CAL
Distance: 3 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:33:00

Set 1 : 50 Laps/Reps
Set 2 : 50 Laps/Reps
Set 3 : 50 Laps/Reps

Set 1 : 50 Laps/Reps
Set 2 : 50 Laps/Reps

photos for actual stats:

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Facts and I Don't Always Agree

Duck bacon in background
This past weekend was rather busy with Cub Scouts Rocket Night at Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday (where I stuffed myself with a cheeseburger, hotdog, lots of different pasta salad, bean salad, half a red velvet donut and a whole lemon creme donut) and Sunday when my son and I skipped out on Father's Day (my hubby wanted to have a quiet day actually getting work done because he's constantly putting out other people's fires at his office) and took the train into NYC to meet up with ex-coworkers for a late brunch down in NoHo. We ate at a weird little restaurant called Jack's Wife Freda which is extremely popular. New York prices of course, but the food was really tasty. I had the Madame Freda, an open face sandwich composed of duck prosciutto, gruyere cheese, a cheddar bechamel sauce and fried egg, topped with arugula and slivers of red onion. My son had rosewater waffles topped with a honey sauce, fresh berries and Lebanese yogurt so creamy I thought it was whipped cream. We also shared an order of duck bacon. Yum!

When we got home, my husband asked me to make another sardine-avocado sandwich. It's our all-time favorite thing to eat lately, ever since we saw it on the Alton Brown's Good Eats episode where he explains how he lost 50 lbs. It's very simple and probably one of the best sandwiches I've ever made myself. We did tweak the recipe though, using cilantro instead of parsley, and finding limes interchangeable with lemons. I bought rosemary olive oil bread and it toasts nicely. We also aren't going to quibble over brislings. Plain ol' sardines in olive oil work fine. It's really tasty and extremely satisfying.

today's selfie
My gym workout started off kind of slow today. I'm mostly over my vertigo but my head still hurts when I turn too quickly. Worse yet, my right front delt felt twingey so that put a damper on my benching. I got one set of 8 reps at 115 lbs but I felt as if I was babying the shoulder, and favoring your strong side only leads to problems. So I finished up with just one 20-repper at 95 lbs because even that was bothering my shoulder. I didn't have the same issue with the Inclined Bench though, and my workout thereafter was fairly routine.

What was kind of odd was that the gym scale read 112.6 lbs, usually light for me after a weekend of pigging out. I'm usually closer to 115 lbs on Mondays. But I'll take progress where ever it comes. I didn't eat my oatmeal this morning. Could that make the difference? I doubt it. The blueberries I put in it made it taste very green and I tossed my cereal. Instead, I mixed up a glass of lactose-free milk with a scoop of protein powder (mocha flavored) and drank that. By the time I got home from the gym, I wanted to eat my arm though. I made more oatmeal, tossed in an egg and a banana. Oh well...

Monday Workout

 Exercise Name
Lifting Logs

Calorie :   98 CAL
Distance: 2.2 mile
Speed :    6.54 mph
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:20:00

Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 95x12
Set 3 : 115x8
Set 4 : 95x20

Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 65x12
Set 3 : 85x12
Set 4 : 85x12
Set 5 : 85x12

Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 20x12
Set 5 : 20x12
Set 6 : 20x12

Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 25x15
Set 3 : 25x15
Set 4 : 25x15
Set 5 : 25x15

Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12

Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 47.5x12
Set 4 : 47.5x12
Set 5 : 47.5x12

Set 1 : 40x20
Set 2 : 40x20
Set 3 : 40x20

Calorie :   264 CAL
Distance: 3 mile
Speed :    --
Lap/Rep :  --
Duration : 00:32:00

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep

Set 1 : 00:00:30

Set 1: 18 Lap/Rep

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...