Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tabata or Not?

When I read that HIIT cardio entails hitting 90% of your max heart rate on the On portion, and 50% at the Off portion, I realize that there's no way I can do this. My heart rate jumps all over the place even during steady state and jogging at 150 Strides Per Minute is as likely to elicit a heart rate of 180 as it is 144. At 54, my maximum heart rate is suppose to be 220 - 54 = 166. It seems kind of ridiculous that every single 54 yr old person should have a max heart rate of 166. I read on a website that exceeding your max heart rate is fine if you don't have cardiovascular disease but gasp, you put yourself at risk for sore muscles and joints, and perhaps, even overtraining. Oh no!

I came across an article about Tabata cardio training yesterday. I've heard the term but never quite understood it. From what I gather, it's a more condensed, intensive version of HIIT where hitting your max can mean going to 170% of your heart rate. In my case, that would be 282 BPM, something I've never done although the elliptical heart monitors have screamed 212 at me. But you only do the max for 20 seconds, and instead of resting for two to three times as long as the On session, you rest for half the amount, or 10 seconds. The article suggests starting out with a 4 minute session after a 5 minute warm up. And that's what I do today.

And yet, I still want that 5 mile total, so after the 5 min warm up, the 4 min of grueling Tabata (oddly, the elliptical was unable to register my heart rate during this), and another 6 minutes of leisurely loping along, I decide to try doing another 2 minutes of Tabata, and then only as much steady state to get me to two miles, which turns out to be 22 minutes in total. I'm not sure if it's the accumulated cardio and high reps, but I was definitely a bit more tired when I got to the Nexersys.

I know the gym owner has had the machines serviced because now they require Users to log in, which means that passing idiots can't just whack the machine as they walk by. I have to log in for each session, but since it only requires a User Name and your own Password, it's not a big deal. I like how the type is huge and easy to read in the glare, but not thrilled that anyone on the ellipticals behind me can also ready my User Name and Password. I'm completely thrown by the new software in the machine and it messes with my accuracy and strike rating. Now, when the Avatar directs you to kick or punch, not only does the avatar light up, but a hollow arrow illustration "shows" you which direction the blow should come from. I don't know what to look at next and I miss several punches.

When I punch or knee-in too hard, the machine stops with the warning sign, but it also doesn't count the blow at all. The accuracy rating plummets as if you'd totally missed the blow. I pull my punches in order not to trigger the warning sign but eventually I get a bit frustrated and go back to whacking the machine as hard as I can. I've wrapped my hands fairly well so they're only a little pink when I finally strip off my gloves.

Back to the elliptical for a lazy 3 miles of pedaling. My heart rate bounces all over the place, but finally settles down at 155. By minute 17, my stomach is growling at me. Three miles takes 38 minutes. I'm not at all happy at how long this takes. I try to keep it in perspective by telling myself that a 5k is 3.1 miles. People get all excited by running 5ks. I think about the advice doctors give people, and about how unrealistic it is. Walk 5 miles everyday. If you're on your feet all day and inspecting equipment, okay, that's probably easily accomplished. But if you sit at a computer desk (as I used to), and drive everywhere (no sidewalks where I live), well, 5 miles is probably damn near impossible without a treadmill or elliptical. Just like it's damn near impossible to get 1200 mg of calcium everyday without resorting to eating a bit of dairy, or taking calcium citrate supplements. I know because I'm trying. Well, at least the sun is out and tomorrow's Pull Day (Back & Biceps). Yay!

Cardio Tuesday

22 min elliptical including 4 min Tabata (20 sec On / 10 sec Off), steady state cardio, 2 min Tabata = 2.02 miles

Cage Stretch

Nexersys 5 rounds Beginner Female Follow Me Avatar
  Accuracy 91% / Strikes 96% / Average Power 137%

Nexersys 9 rounds Intermediate Female Follow Me Avatar
  Accuracy 67% / Strikes 93% / Average Power 105%

50 crunches / 50 knee to elbow crunches

38 min elliptical = 3.00 miles

photos for stats:

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