Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I'm always amazed at how easily the human body adapts. Today I did my two mile warm up on the elliptical and tried not to pay too much attention to the heart rate monitor, especially since it registered an unlikely 189 BPM when I first stepped on. I'm never within the proper zone for my age because I just can't go slow enough, and categorizing me with a sedentary 350 lb man of the same age is just ridiculous. Today is Back and Biceps Day, or simply put, a "Pull Day".

I see the regulars chatting next to the benches and I'm very happy not to interact with them. They seem to spend more time resting than exercising, which probably explains why they don't look any different from year to year. M has taken to coaching a few of the ladies. I know one is an ex-cop who has a permanent limp from being thrown through her cruiser windshield during a car crash. M is a retired cop, or that's what B has told me. He's probably in the best shape out of all of them, but I'm so not interested in being part of that clique. Too much chat. Today they all seem to be wearing beige or oatmeal T-shirts. The Mayor is wearing his red oven mitts.

That 2 miles has taken a lot out of me, but I'm still determined to proceed with my routine as best as I can. The body's adaptable. I'm a lot better at wrangling the 45 lb plates now. Practice makes easier. I get my three sets of 12 at 155 lbs but they're hard. And then I get my 20-repper at 135 lbs. Last week I did two sets, so of course, I have to do another set. For fun. And I do. I'm about to tilt the bar skyward to pull off the last plate when a young dude motions to me. My music is blaring so I can't hear him at all, but I figure he wants me to leave the plates on if I'm done. I motion that it's all his. I wish he'd come sooner, before I wrestled off the first plate. The regulars have congregated by the DBs so I completely nix the idea of doing DB Rows. I'd like to do the Lower Back Extensions but it's busy so I set up on the Lat Pull Down machine.

I'm a little worried that my arms are too tired to do this properly but I'm not a good judge. I start with 75 lbs to warm up but realize too late that it's too light. Next time I'll just start with 90 lbs. Much to my surprise, I actually get my three sets of 8 reps at 135 lbs. I just need a bit of rest in between. The Back Extension machine is still busy so I grab an EZ bar for BB Curls. Then I add a pair of 10s. Then a pair of 5s. That's enough. I've curled heavier but my elbows aren't happy with me right now. Three sets and then I see my chance at the Lower Back Extension machine. Just three sets there. The DB area is finally clear so I grab a pair of DBs. Just 20 lbs for three sets. Last week my hands got tired too soon. This week is better. I can actually do Reverse Grip BB Curls afterwards, just not as heavy.

I finish with three miles on the elliptical, and then a full Mat Stretch, complete with two sets of Dive Bomber Push Ups, and a 60-second plank. I was hoping the plank would get easier. Instead, now I can hear the bubbly popping of my spine as I try not to slip on my sweaty forearms. The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs but all I care about is taking a hot shower. D and I compare notes about the new program on the Nexersys machines. She's also suffered a loss of accuracy from the new software but her's seems more dramatic, dropping from near 100% to 30. I just went from 80 to 60 so I don't feel too bad. It's just something else to figure out, and adapt to.

Pull Day

21 minutes elliptical = 2.02 miles

15 x 45 lbs (bar)
12 x 135 lbs
3 x 12 x 155 lbs
2 x 20 x 135 lbs (for fun)

Close Neutral (V-grip handle) Lat Pull Down Bar
12 x 75 lbs
12 x 105 lbs
10 x 120 lbs
3 x 8 x 135 lbs

EZ Barbell Curl
12 x 15 lbs (bar only)
12 x 37.5 lbs (Rogue ProLoc collars = 2.5 lbs)
3 x 12 x 47.5 lbs

Lower Back Extension Machine
3 x 20 x 180 lbs

Seated Alternating Twisting DB Curl
3 x 12 x 20 lbs

Reverse Grip BB Curl
3 x 20 x 40 lbs

32 minutes elliptical = 3.02 miles

Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 Dive Bomber Push Ups; 60-second plank, splits, upper & lower back stretches

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