Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Yep, Schedule's Already Blown!

Today is Week Three, Day One because school got cancelled yesterday, throwing my schedule completely off. It's not as if I can just move everything down a day either since tomorrow's likely to be cancelled as well. Nothing like back-to-back Winter Storms to make a mess of things. Still, if I'm desperate, I can see how awful it'll be to do cardio and legs in the unheated garage. I have an elliptical and my husband's adjustable square dumbbells. I could probably due Program B tomorrow. After all, I did Program A today. And it's not getting any easier. Maybe because it's been three days instead of just two since I last worked out?

top: 20 min HIIT; middle: 10 min HIIT
bottom: 20 min LISS on Stair Master
I dread the 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, wishing it was over by the 11th minute, and pleasantly surprised that I've managed to coordinate gasping with running by minute 18. Yay! The yoga blocks are exactly where I left them last Wednesday so I grab them to do my 20 quick bench presses. I don't even think twice about plopping the 25 lb plates on the bar. All my weights are exactly where they need to be for 20 reppers. As much as I'd like to up the One-Arm DB Row from 35 lbs, I know that by the 15th rep, I'm panting. I can finish 20 reps but might not be able to if I move to 40 lbs. And as much as I'd like to use the 30 lb BB for the Military Press, I stick to the 15 lb DBs instead just because they're so much harder. The only thing that makes me happy is how my arms look when I'm curling the 40 lb BB. And it's not my biceps, but the outer silhouette of lateral delts and triceps that have a nice curvy look to them. Wish I could get a photo of THAT.

I'm not much impressed with the DB Kickbacks either but I do them, noting that my rear delts look flat. Next week I'm going back to my "normal" lifting routine. I'm pretty sure that Super Bowl noshing ruined what little progress I made on the body fat front but I'm not too discouraged. I'm thinking of taking a break from the various online forums I've joined because it's eating into my time and there are other things I need to be doing. After two rounds I get back on an elliptical for 10 minutes. Again, the first 5 go by too quickly, and the last 5 don't go by quick enough. Rounds three and four are harder because I'm a lot more tired. My last set of benching has me pause and rack the bar at rep 17, take three breaths and then finish the last 3 reps. My right shoulder's a little twingey from shoveling snow twice yesterday although I never did break a sweat.

After finishing all four rounds, I chat briefly with B about the impending storm before I realize that the seat is stuck on the recumbent bike and I'd need to be 6 inches taller to pedal. All the ellipticals are busy but hey, one of the new Stair Masters is free. I don't know the difference between a Stair Master and a Step Mill. It's not really either of those but it has moving steps and a monitor. I punch the On button, the steps move and I have to climb up in order to keep my toes from being squished and folded into the base of the step as it rolls downward. It's 20 minutes of LISS and at Level 1, moving tortoise-slow, I'm still busting a sweat. Well, I did put my hoodie back on. A quick turn at the Cage and then a full Mat Stretch before I head back to the locker room.

The gym scale reads 114.4 lbs. I feel very puffy, and had twinges inside my left hip this morning that felt like menstrual cramps. Except that I don't get my period anymore. However, that doesn't mean I can't exhibit all the symptoms of it. Except for the obvious one. Thank goodness for small favors.

Week Three Day One (A) Upper
20 min HIIT 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.66 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
Bench Press 20 reps @ 95 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows 20 reps each arm @ 35 lbs
Military Press 20 reps @ 15 lb DBs (30 lbs total)
BB Curl 20 reps @ 40 lbs
DB Kickback 20 reps @ 20 lbs
10 min HIIT 5 min walk / 1 min run = 0.80 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
Bench Press 20 reps @ 95 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows 20 reps each arm @ 35 lbs
Military Press 20 reps @ 15 lb DBs (30 lbs total)
BB Curl 20 reps @ 40 lbs
DB Kickback 20 reps @ 20 lbs
20 min LISS stair master (have no idea about mileage, etc)
Cage Stretch
Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs and 60-sec plank

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