Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week Three Day Four (B) and Done!

I guess I shouldn't complain about -3°F this morning when I know it's been worse. At least the sun came out and warmed us all to a balmy 23! I finally finished my Shred Program today and I'm quite happy about it although I still haven't decided what sort of lifting routine to follow next week. Tomorrow's definitely boxing the Nexersys!

Top: 20 min HIIT; Middle: 10 min HIIT
Bottom: 20 min Stepmill
Yes, 20 minutes of HIIT on the Precor is still ridiculously unpleasant but the weights didn't feel bad, or what I did of them. I got my two sets of 20 rep squats in at the Smith machine, but after the next 10 minute HIIT episode, I had to resort to body squats because a dude was benching there. I still think of these squats as "deep knee bends" because I don't know the difference. Because this is the last day of the program, I decided WTH with the DBs and upped them to 30 lbs for the Lunges and the Calf Raises. The only part of me that complained were my hands from holding the weights. Even the Crunches Knees to Elbows felt easier today. Not easy, just easier.

Afterwards, I clamber up onto the Matrix Stepmill and do 20 minutes of LISS at level 3. Even though I'm not going very fast, sweat is suddenly dripping off my face. Then I stretch out at the Cage. I feel somewhat energetic so I do a dozen close (neutral) grip pull ups there, getting my chin and head over the top of the Cage. I want to do some of the stretches I skipped yesterday so I plop myself onto a Mat and knock out a dozen wide-stance Dive Bomber Push Ups. No plank today. I'll be back to doing an ab routine soon enough. The gym scale reads 113.6 lbs which is good considering how drenched I am.

By the time I get home from doing groceries, there's a plaintive voice on the answering machine. It's my son asking me to bring his snow suit and boots to school so he can go sledding with the rest of his gym class. They went sledding last Friday but the school had sent home a flyer asking for appropriate clothing. Nothing came home yesterday and although I suspected there might be sledding, I didn't want to send my son to school with extra stuff he didn't need. I'm absolutely starving by the time I get home again, but I want to check my scale first. 110.6 lbs and 20.5% BF. That makes me feel pretty good, like I'm on the right track with the cardio as painful as it is. Yay!

Week Three Day Four (B) and Done! Yay!
20 min elliptical HIIT: 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.71 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
20 reps Smith machine Squats @ 60 lbs
15 reps each leg DB Lunges @ 25 lbs (each arm)
50 reps total DB Standing Calf Raises @ 25 lbs (each arm)
50 Crunches
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows
10 min elliptical HIIT: 5 min walk / 5 min run = 0.85 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
20 reps BodyWeight Squats
15 reps each leg DB Lunges @ 30 lbs (each arm) +5 lbs
50 reps total DB Standing Calf Raises @ 30 lbs (each arm) +5 lbs
50 Crunches
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows
20 min Matrix Stepmill level 3 = 770 steps
Cage Stretch with 12 close neutral grip pull ups
Mat Stretch with 12 wide-stance DBPUs

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