Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Back Tuesday

Top: 10 min Precor elliptical HIIT
Bottom: 20 min Matrix StepMill LISS
Not sure what the rest of the week is going to be like. I was surprised at how crowded the gym was today with people long thought dead and buried, and some newbies as well. Still, I spent 10 minutes doing HIIT cardio on a Precor before venturing into the free weight area, figuring I'd conserve a little time and energy by only doing 45 seconds On and 75 seconds Off. I did feel a bit warm afterwards, but I'm thinking of upping this to 15 minutes next time.

BB Rows and DB Rows are my big exercises today. I warm up with the 90 lb BB at the rack, and then grab the 110 lb BB and move it to the mirrored wall, careful to walk around the clusters of chatting regulars. My joints are better today but I put on the VGs just to make sure my grip isn't an excuse to fail. I retrieve six of the 2.5 lb magnets from the desk because I know I want 125 lbs. But after I hit 125 lbs, I realize that I've done this weight for reps back in January and really, I should grab another two discs. I find myself alternating between a regular grip and a reverse grip between sets. Okay, that's 130 lbs! It's heavy but I feel it most in my hands and wrists, the VG straps pulling against my tiny joints. Still, I can get three full sets so that makes me happy.
110 lb BB plus eight 2.5 lb discs

One-Arm DB Rows are next. I start with a 50 because I don't want to wear myself out with unnecessary warm ups. I have the stack of magnets under the bench in case the DBs I want become unavailable, but there are very few people in the DB area today. Just a few women I don't recognize and they're flapping their arms with the 5 and 10 lb beauty bells. I drop my reps as I move from 55 to 60. And then I take a deep breath and grab the 65 lb DB. Just five reps. Five reps is all I can manage, especially with my left arm. But I get three sets, and that makes me happy, although you wouldn't know to look at me. At least I'm not laying on the bench, panting between sets this time.

My elbows have been tender so I don't even consider attempting pull ups because they suffer the most from that movement. Instead, I grab the Neutral Handle and set upon the Lat Pull Down station. I know I've managed 12 reps at 120 lbs but the last few reps always feel iffy as my elbows and shoulders start to complain. Today I stop at 8 reps while my joints still feel okay. I can get three sets like this and I'm good with that. Finally, there's the Lower Back Extension which I tend to feel in my glutes and hamstrings. Because I plan to do Squats and SLDLs tomorrow, I only do 3 sets today. Hannibal Baggy Knees is hovering. I can smell the mold on his clothes and I'm happy to escape by climbing aboard the Step Mill for 20 minutes of LISS. I don't even put my hoodie on, but sweat still pours off my nose. I feel a little guilty about not doing abs, so I knock out some crunches on the Mat. Done! The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs and I've sucked down most of my 1.5 liter water bottle.

I've got to pick up groceries and get a few things done before my son gets home from school. My husband leaves for Boston tomorrow and won't be back until next Wednesday. It's good that his company is busy with countless projects, but he's so busy that even when he's home, he's working. It's making him very crabby. I actually made him go out to the garage and do some cardio. "It'll clear your head and make you feel better," I said. He told me that all it did was make him tired, and worried that he didn't have enough time to finish what he had to do. But secretly I think he did feel better because later he and my son were at their computers playing World of Warcraft.

Tuesday Back Workout

10 min HIIT elliptical: 45 sec run / 75 sec walk = 0.89 miles

Reverse Grip BB Rows: 
12x90 lbs (warm up)
12x110 lbs
12x120 lbs
12x125 lbs
3x12x130 lbs +5 lbs Yay!
20x110 lbs (for fun)

One-Arm DB Rows:
12x50 lb
10x55 lb
8x60 lb
3x5x65 lbs +5 lbs Yay!

Neutral Grip Lat Pull Down
12x90 lbs
12x105 lbs
3x8x120 lbs

Lower Back Extension Machine
12x135 lbs
12x165 lbs
15x185 lbs (next time I'll just do sets at this weight)

20 min LISS on Matrix StepMill = 806 steps

Cage Stretch
3x50 Crunches

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