It's Wednesday which says Leg Day to me. I've whittled my routine down to basic moves and still I wonder why I'm leaving the gym at 12:30 pm because I'm not wasting time chatting or socializing. Where does the time go?! Okay, tick off at least 70 minutes for cardio but I've never really paid attention to how much time I spend lifting weights or stretching. Still, I don't do a lot of exercises: squats, dead lifts, cage stretch & kicks, pistol squats, leg curl, leg extension, abs, mat stretch. My husband would say if it's missing time, then perhaps there's been an alien abduction that I don't know about. I don't think so.
I hate SLDL |
What I do know is that upping the weight for the Reverse Grip BB Row yesterday made my hamstrings and glutes sore today because the initial movement is basically a dead lift. I was worried I wasn't going to make my 8 mile quota, especially after developing numbness in my toes and thumbs two thirds into my interval session. But I'm stubborn, and persistence prevails. I see B's car in the lot but she's gone by the time I'm done with cardio. The gym is blissfully vacant, and quiet with the exception of the screaming Zumba instructor exhorting her class to move it behind closed doors. Crowds start to appear by late morning and I recognize some faces. As I move from the Cage Stretch to the floor, standing a few feet from the mirrored wall so I can concentrate on Pistol Squats, a baby-face young man appears. He's intent on using the cables which aren't in my way so I pay him no mind. I'd seen him earlier doing shrugs or something while I was squatting and dead lifting. I'm so focused on not falling over that sweat is running off my nose even though the A/C is on. The kid, with a blonde crew cut and patchy beard, seems unable to do his bicep curls. Lack of focus. Peripherally, I can see him give up every time I drop into a one-legged squat position as I alternate legs. If I'm distracting him, he's got a problem. He's certainly not distracting me.
Today's Leg Day Workout:
35 min hill #5 = 4.03 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.29 miles
Grand Total = 8.32 miles Wahoo!
Smith Rack Squats: 12 @ bar / 2 x 12 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 12 @ 145 / 2 x 12 @ 155 lbs
It's about time I squatted more than I bench.
Smith Rack Stiff Legged Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 5 x 12 @ 115
My left elbow is really complaining today so today I wear elbow braces throughout my workout.
Cage Stretch & Kicks
12 Pistol Squats alternating legs
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 12 @ 75 lbs
Seated Leg Curl: 15 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs
Ab Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Mat Stretch
Height of Fashion! |
The scale reads 109.0 lbs and that's a tad disappointing but not totally unexpected. What's unexpected is how damn late it is. I must be moving slower because I'm not getting enough sleep. We've discovered a "new" show that started off very promising, but lately has devolved into another weepy soap. Yes, I'm referring to
Grimm, which has lovely special effects and likable secondary characters, like the wise-cracking Chinese Sgt. Wu (played by Reggie Lee). It's not a role I've seen since Nick Yamana (Jack Soo) in Barney Miller. Captain Renard and Monroe are also entertaining. What's killing it for us is Nick's love interest, the whiny, fragile Juliette. Bleah! We surmise that the actress was probably hired for doing a good job of looking distressed most of the time. Give me Dr Temperance Brennan (
Bones) who can handle herself with a firearm or hand-to-hand. Give me special agent Olivia Dunham (Fringe). Or even
Daenerys Targaryen who pulled a pretty cool coup and got herself an army (Game of Thrones). But do us a favor and put Juliette out of all our misery.
I've actually contacted Abbott, which makes Ensure, and suggested that I be their spokesperson for their High Protein drink. Of course, they also make workout supplements but I don't drink those. I didn't actually expect a reply but their customer service rep said she's send me a release form so they could quote me. Not sure if anything'll come of it, but "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." And I'm still on the fence about even downloading the muscle-building program. Guess I ought to back my computer up first...
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