Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Paying Attention to Little Things

The threat of another winter storm looms over the day even though it's brightly overcast and simultaneously raining. Today is also Leg Day so off I go. I'm surprised to see B's car in the lot and she tells me that she was just getting a quick workout while she could because her husband was busy this morning. She's planning on taking a few weeks off to get her deceased parents' house ready for sale. I have things to do as well!

I feel tired in spite of having had breakfast and coffee, and 7 plus hours of sleep. Oddly, I log in more mileage on the first cardio session than on the second intervals set. But at least I've made my 8 mile "quota" so I feel pretty good. I'm wearing my old royal hoodie that doesn't unzip all the way. It's 100% cotton. My newer boy's hoodies are a mix of poly-cotton, and although they keep me warm, they're not as absorbent as the all cotton ones. When I pull it off for the Mat Stretch (because I can't have my hoodie flopping over my head when I'm stretching!) I realize how sodden it actually is. Yuck! It's destined for immediate laundering!

I miss the Febreze®-scented Tide® I bought on sale last year. Now I have the "clean breeze" scent, which isn't as nice or long-lasting, but is loads better than the "mountain spring." That one makes your clothes smell like you washed them with janitorial supplies! Gross. Because I get so stinky during my workout, I'm actually contemplating spritzing something pleasant-smelling on my clothes beforehand. But I'm at a loss as to what wouldn't actually be offensive to someone. B uses Calvin Klein's Eternity and it's really nice smelling, but she's said that she's had complaints from people! Also, I'm not the type to spray perfume or cologne on myself BEFORE working out. I do admit to using a vanilla-scented body spray after showering because I hate the smell of the dry skin cream I use: it smells like milk to me (Amlactin® cream).

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.17 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.02 miles  Grand Total = 8.19 miles Wahoo!
A Standard Squat Rack
Smith Rack Squats: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs (I know lots of people frown on using the Smith but if that's what it takes for you to actually do them, then use the Smith! Just do your exercises correctly so that you don't strain your back or knees. At some point I will indeed attempt to do Squats at a regular Squat Rack but only after assessing whether I'm tall enough. I don't think it's that adjustable. If I'm not, then my bar will hit the rack unexpectedly, causing a lot of noise and suffering.)
Smith Straight-Legged Dead Lifts: 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs (sweat is dripping off my face onto my shorts as I do each set, and I find myself gasping a little when it's finally over)
I don't do Thrusters today because my knees and ankles feel odd and I don't want to chance an injury.
Cage Stretch and 6 Pistol Squats each leg
At first my left ankle and knee twinges when I stoop into the squat but gradually improves until my last rep is relatively pain-free.
Seated Leg Curl: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs (I could feel my leg biceps working while doing cardio earlier and I wonder if I should be doing a heavier weight or less reps to even out my legs since my thighs appear to be all quads and not much else)
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 60 lbs
Torso Twist Station: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs (Just because I feel guilty if I don't do some sort of abs)
Mat Stretch

A lot of the regulars don't show up until I'm pretty much done with my workout. I catch glimpses of M, J, skinny J, RangerRick, Towel, PJ Pants, Tall and Short Pace, LoudMouth. I haven't seen Mo in a long time but other women pop in and out of the locker room. The scale reads 106.8 lbs, my hair is plastered to my head with sweat, and I still have water in my bottle. I'm not really sure what to make of this reading, other than well, it's not over 110 so that's good!

As I contemplate running off to the ShopRite for a big bag of oranges on sale (8lbs for $3.99) and some fish for dinner, it starts to rain. Then hail. I sit in my car watching icy chunks splatter my windshield like super-coarse ground salt. Then I see a bevy of cars stuck at odd angles at an intersection near the supermarket. It's either an accident or about to be one. Okaaaay, I see all the signs telling me to just go home now... and I do. Because sometimes, you really need to pay attention to all the little things.

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