Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday is a New Beginning

Some people really hate Mondays. I only hate the fact that I lost an hour of sleep yesterday when Daylight Savings Time ended. I actually like Mondays because it means I can go to the gym! Granted, I'll be sore and winded because I haven't worked out all weekend, but I'm still fairly enthusiastic. This Friday will be the 2nd year anniversary for my gym membership at Gold's as well. They've sent me a postcard offering me a free Birthday Sports Drink, a 15% discount off my next apparel purchase (as if anything there actually fitted me), 10% off any tanning package (never in a millions years!), and a One Week Pass for a Friend. Hhhmmmm. I'm not sure I have any friends who'd actually use it.

I see B early on as she darts into the bathroom. She's working out with D, so now I see her doing pull ups and other exercises she'd given up on months ago. Good for her! I'm not interested enough though, to ask how many she can do, or what exactly she's doing today. Legs? Chest? Back? Instead, I turn my iPod up, pull my hoodie over my face and peddle away furiously to MeatLoaf's Bat Out of Hell. I mouth all the lyrics with my eyes closed because after 30 years or so, yes, I know them all.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio (Precor #3) hill #6 = 4.02 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 12, 10, 8 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs
Between sets, I look up to see grey leggings skintight on massive thighs. René Marven is on the stair stepper, so I go up to her and tell her I'm a fan, that I saw her at the Poughkeepsie show. She asks if I'm on FB and I tell her yes, I've been "following" her. She seems tickled, but I don't want to interrupt her workout so I leave it at that. She's got 12-weeks before her first Pro Show. This is the gym she uses for cardio, and when she's done with the steps, I see her pull on a hoodie and slip out the door. B stares the whole time because she knows I don't often talk to anyone. B's also "possessive" and I don't chat with her male "friends" not just because I don't think they're particularly interesting, but also because some how I think she'd feel as if I was "stealing" her relationships. It's just not worth the potential melodrama.
Cage Stretch
I've finally managed to get my leg nearly straight up the cage and put my face on my shin; it helps with splits during the Mat stretch.
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs 
Rear Bent-Over DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 22.5 lbs 
My front right delt twinges at the end of these sets in what should be primarily a rear deltoid exercise. However, a quick glance at the chart (right) shows all three heads of the deltoid are involved. Good thing I didn't do Front DB Raises too!
One-Arm Tricep DB Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 22.5 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
French Press: 3 x 12 @ 30 lbs
I'm worried that I'll tire my triceps out too much to do Press Downs but what's the worse that can happen? I'm only competitive with myself!
Tricep Press Downs: 12, 11, 9 @ 50 lbs
Last week I did the torso twist before the press downs, and my abs were aching trying to assist in this tricep movement. Today I purposely do the torso twist AFTER doing triceps!
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch

As I'm gathering my gear to head to the locker room, I see R chatting with RangerRick, so I wave Hi to him. There are very few people I wave to at all. Other regulars are here today, including Amazing Stretch, 5o'clock, Tall and Short Pace, M, J, even Mo. The Mayor has also been busy, sporadically working out, offering assistance, yelling out words of "encouragement" to the younger lifters. "Keep your butt down!" he screams at a kid doing pullovers with an 80 lb DB. He's so loud even MeatLoaf's For Crying Out Loud can't drown him out. Hannibal Baggy Knees has been all over the ab stations, twisting and turning. He and The Mayor both seem unusually interested in who I choose to chat with. I know this only because I've seen them straining around corners, jaws agape, when I chat with R. Perhaps it's because I don't chat with them. As I go to leave, I see ZZ on the cardio platform. I'm fine with most regulars, as long as they keep their distance.

I'm a nerd. Or at least that's my excuse. I'm so focused on my goals, on what I have to do and what I want to accomplish, that I don't have time/energy for social graces. I see a pair of women who spend equal amounts of time chatting and exercising. They look fine. They could look better. But that'd get in the way of their socializing. It'd be nice to have friends at the gym. But it's not critical. I'd like to have a lifting partner. But again, that's not critical either.

I'd like to witness a few more "transformations" but I suspect those are rare occurrences. Even B's starting to lose tone in her arms although for a 60 year old woman, she looks damn good. She likes to talk, and she's needy. Last week, she asked me why I have 6 of those 2.5 lb magnetic discs and I tell her that I put it on the 60 lb barbell because the 70 lb one is racked too high for me to reach it. "Why don't you just ask one of the guys to help you?" I look at her incredulously. "So I have to depend on someone being around? Usually no one's around." I say to her. She's a product of her culture, and her "age". She won't pump her own gas, doesn't know how to use a computer or email, can't load songs onto her iPod. That's what her husband's for. I'm between amused and aghast, having a hard time asking for help if I really don't need it. Call me Xena Warrior Princess... although her sidekick, Gabrielle, had the better muscled body.

The scale reads 110 lbs and I'm famished. It's a few hours later by the time I get home, and my scale reads 107 lbs. Reasonable enough. Tomorrow's Back and Biceps. I've decided to see if doing Pull Ups with my legs crossed below me is harder or easier than what I've been doing. We all need things to challenge ourselves with, things to look forward to. It can be the oddest, smallest thing. But at least it's something.

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