Friday, August 10, 2012


Sometimes we need a break even before we realize it or admit it. That's my excuse for being a slug on weekends. The fact that my delts were sore and my neck a bit kinked probably also figure in my slow start this morning. I'm actually surprised about my shoulders since I'm using the same weights and doing the same exercises. Perhaps it's also me getting up at 3 am to pee and not readily falling back to sleep. Perhaps it's menopause. Or the fact that it's hot and we don't have air conditioning. Or that it's the end of the week, and I'm bloody tired.

45 min gives me only 5.09 miles but I console myself with the fact that it's at least 5 miles because I was sure I wasn't going to quite make it. I jump right into cable rows which feel pretty good. Then Cage stretch and kicks, and yes, a dozen close grip chins with my legs curled right up against my chest to keep from swinging. Even the Lat Pull Downs don't feel bad these days. I make sure to use the lightest straight bar and grips instead of gloves when I do these, and my forearms don't complain too much.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.09 miles
Cable rows: 1 x 12 @ 90 / 4 x 12 @ 105 / 1 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower Back Extension: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks & 12 Close-grip chins
Lat Pull Downs: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Torso Twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
60° Inclined Twisting Sit Ups: 125 reps
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck and 125 alt knee-elbow ab crunch
I need to figure out how to work my upper abs and obliques without killing my back or stressing the rest of my joints. I think using weights has given my abs a blocky, chunky look so I'm looking for other things to do. The gym scale has a low battery reading. The home scale reads 105.2 and I automatically add 2 lbs to give me an unsurprising reading. This is the heaviest Friday in several weeks, but to keep it in perspective, I look up my weight for August 2011 and see that it read 123 lbs.

I'm still toying with the idea of entering this contest in October. Of course, it'd be in the Masters (over 35 years old) category but I'm nervous that I can't compete with some 36 year old. I like the categories better when Masters means "over 45". That would at least be more fair. To me, at least. Part of me really wants to do this, and part of me feels embarrassed and silly for wanting it. That's probably my Asian heritage and upbringing. But hell, I'm not getting any younger and if I don't at least explore this, I'll always regret it. I tell myself there are worse things than failing. Not trying, for instance. TGIF!

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