Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mystery Solved

My butt was sore this morning. My back was stiff and my legs felt a bit leaden. That's just mornings though. Most mornings anyhow, so I've come to accept it as normal. Elliptical #3 was free this morning so I did my 45 min to my heart-thumping cardio mix and got 5.29 miles. It's my 2nd Push Day and I've already pushed heavy this week, so I'm going for reps (repetitions) today.

Flat bench press is fairly straight forward so I do sets of 25 reps for increasingly successive weight. B comes over to chat between sets and I take a moment to turn off my iPod (because I forgot to charge it last night and I don't want it running out of juice). As much as I'm interested in her tales of woe (she went for an x-ray or catscan of her lungs because her new doc is concerned about her past 2-pack-a-day-20-years-of-smoking — yikes!), I'm itching to finish my sets. The pause actually hurts my performance as I suspected it would, and the set of 25 reps (at 85 lbs) feels heavy. It shouldn't. I can't dwell on it. 25 reps at 65 lbs feels easy so I knock out 50 reps with just the bar and THAT feels good.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.29 miles
Flat bench: 1 x 25 @ bar / 25 @ 65 lbs / 25 @ 85 lbs / 25 @ 65 / 50 @ bar (45)
Cage stretch & kicks
Front & lateral dumbbell raises supersets: 3 x 12 @ 17.5
Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5
Rear inclined seated dumbbell raises: 6 x 15 @ 17.5
One-arm tricep dumbbell extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 1 x12 @ 17.5 / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso twist machine: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
60° inclined twisting situp: 125 reps
Tricep pressdowns: 1 x 12 @ 30 / 3 x 12 @ 40 lbs
Decline Bench Press: 100 reps @ bar (45 lbs)
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

Yes, that's correct, I got 100 reps on the Decline Bench Press with the 45 lb bar. The last 25 took a little bit of time but I counted just under my breath to be absolutely sure. It actually didn't feel too bad, but I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Oh well...

The scale reads 107.0 lbs which is more what I was expecting. Yesterday's reading must've been a fluke, or I was severely dehydrated. Or something. It's a good day. I leave feeling a little spacey and really hungry. Tomorrow's Back & Biceps and I'm looking forward to it.

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