Friday, August 17, 2012

So What's Normal?

Well, my glutes are still sore but that didn't keep me from doing 45 min on the elliptical this morning. I got 5.14 miles and I console myself with the idea that I'm doing over 25 miles a week. I know, it's a weird thing to use for consolation, but spending 2.5 hours 5 days a week working out is probably not what most people call normal either. Still, it beats commuting, but I do miss the paycheck. Oh well, you can't have everything in life.

The owner of the gym tells me that he used the Smith yesterday and didn't find anything wrong with it. So now I'm worried that it's me. That somehow my body is glitching when I'm pushing hard. I need a second opinion. B hasn't used the Smith at all this week. I guess I'll check it out for myself on Monday when I attempt to press heavy again. I'm pretty sure it's not me. I'm not having any trouble with anything else, dumbbells, other machines, cardio, barbells. Just the damn Smith.

Today's a Pull Day (back and biceps) and I studiously avoid eye contact with V when I glance him in my peripheral vision. He's a complete killjoy when you've got momentum going. Rows feel good and so do cage stretch and kicks. Even the dozen close grip chins with my knees up to my chest aren't too stressful. I almost feel like a flag unfurling when I'm done and extend myself to drop to the floor.

I know I should probably up the weight on the lat pull downs but B has already scolded me on my form when I pull 105. I could add the 7.5 lb half-weight to the stack instead but I'm too lazy. So lazy that at my second go-round at the Lower Back Extension machine, I leave the 7.5 lb half-weight in place and do 2 sets at 97.5 lbs instead of the 90 lbs I normally use. But what's normal?

Today's Total Workout: 
45 min cardio #6 hill = 5.14 miles
Rows: 12 @ 90 / 4 x 12 @ 105 / 12 @ 90 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks & 12 close grip chin ups with knees against chest
Torso twists: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Lower Back Extension: 2 x 25 @ 90
Lat Pull Downs: 6 x 12 @ 90
Ab Crunch station: 4 x 50 (2 sets upper, 2 sets lower)
Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbsDumbbell Hammer Curls: 12 @ 15 / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso twists (again): 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Lower Back Extension (again) 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20  30 lbs (boy do these hurt today!)
Mat stretch

At the beginning of my workout, my clothes smell freshly laundered, as they should. By the end, I can't even stand to put my nose to my knees because the clothes reek so badly. The hoodie is sodden and I have to wrestle my tank off while holding my breath. The scale reads 107.4. Who am I kidding? I was up late last night watching a bunch of PopUp Videos on my DVR while munching chips. If I want to get serious about bodyfat and the like, I'd better start watching my fat intake. But again, I haven't actually decided if I really want to or not. Right now, I'm just being normal.

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