Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Year of the Dragon is Tumultuous

Last Friday's SLT was successful and my IOP dropped from 15 to 12. But I'll need to check in a few weeks to see if that lower number still holds. While I was waiting for the drops to work (anesthesia and dilation drops), the floor rumbled as if a large truck had passed. But no vehicle drove by. It was a 4.8 earthquake centered in New Jersey. Everyone's phone started buzzing with calls to and from friends and family, with announcements broadcasted on local news stations. Two hours later, the state sends an alert to everyone's phone warning of aftershocks and not to call 911 unless it's an actual emergency. Well, duh. But yes, people are stupid.

The nor'easter dropped a lot of rain and some trees went down. A woman was killed by a falling tree as she drove home on the highway. The skies cleared on Saturday but filled with clouds on Sunday. My husband wanted to drive to Buffalo to experience totality even though the forecast didn't look promising. We should've stayed home because we would've seen more of the eclipse, albeit a partial, than what we experienced in Buffalo. My kid took some vids of the campus celebrations. They had a cloudy view but could actually make out the sun through the clouds. Not us.

Actually, we would've experienced something in Buffalo, but my husband decided to drive to Binghamton (closer to home and less rainy) so wound up in a Home Depot parking lot, not seeing much of anything. Should've stayed home. Drove home afterward and got the dogs the next day. It was brilliantly sunny before and after Eclipse Day. Oh well. We have plenty of eclipse glasses for the next time. 

It's unusually warm and I'm hit in the face and ears by tiny kamikaze bugs. I finally made it to the gym today. After a week away, I'm having a hard time with everything. I woke up not feeling rested, and with a sore shoulder. Cardio is a struggle but better the longer I pedal. Pull-ups, on the other hand, really suck today. And Seated Cable Rows feel harder than they should be. 

The only things that seem easy today are Dead Bugs and Wall Squats. Push-ups have my shoulders complaining. Air Squats make me a bit breathless at the end. I feel slow and heavy. Still taking all my medications religiously. The SLT for the other eye is scheduled for the end of the month. Next month we get to travel to Buffalo to bring our kid (and all his stuff) home for the summer. I guess we should clean out the garage because I'm not sure where we're going to put that mini-fridge.

10 April 2024 12:22-2:02
Wednesday (after a week off)

Precor elliptical #2
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5602)
Distance: 2.85
Cal: 316
Avg Hr: 159, 186-85
Fitbit: 51-132

HGPU 14.5 (well that sux)

Seated Cable Rows
50 lbs x 15
60 x 15
70 x 15, 15, 15
(Feels harder than usual)

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 37 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s (!!!)

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