Thursday, April 4, 2024

Adapting Good and Bad

I wasn't expecting to have to clear slush off my car this morning so my dogs and I got to the park a bit later than planned. It was flurrying/raining enough that I wasn't worried that the problem dogs would arrive and crowd our park time. They belong to elderly and mildly disabled people who can't trudge up muddy hills, or control their canines because they use those idiotic spooling leashes. 

(Can you tell? I don't consider myself old. I wonder when that'll happen? When I'm in my 70s? 80s? Change like aging can happen quick! I'll probably be shocked.)

I skipped Tuesday doing errands but was game to go Wednesday in spite of the storm warnings. The nor'easter wasn't really going to be bad until later in the day. As it was, the storm toppled trees that killed a few people across Pennsylvania and New York. But my husband wanted me to be home for a package. Which ultimately didn't come. It was delivered this morning right after pups and I got home from the park. It's some sort of "telescope" for IOS and android phones, for use during the eclipse. There's no instructions and the packaging words are in French. We'll have to scan the QR code to find out how to use it. My husband spends a lot of time investing in kick-starters and sometimes they're worth it. Other times, not. Not sure what category this one will fall into.

I still need to run a few errands before getting to the gym so I arrive at noon. That's late! The mostly empty parking lot seems promising. I can get on the elliptical of my choice and begin the slow painful slog that is cardio these days. Eventually I'm able to pick up my pace and log a decent 2.85. I feel okay and get my reps for pull-ups as well. 

I'm taking all my medications so it seems my body has mostly adjusted. Which might be both good and bad. Good in that I'm overcoming the slowed heart rate to still muscle my way through cardio. Bad in that maybe I've overcome the purpose of the medications as well: what are my IOPs doing? I have no idea. But I can see my BP fluctuating between almost normal and definitely too high. Meanwhile, my pulse is noticeably slower. Not sure how this is happening. 

Because it's later than I normally come to the gym, there are different folks in the free weight area. A lot of fat middle-aged men interspersed with teen girls and boys. School is on break this week, and a few districts are closing this coming Monday for the eclipse. My kid's university has cancelled classes and set up viewing spots for their students and faculty. Unfortunately, my town hasn't cancelled classes but allows for parents to take their kids out of class for an excused absence. Well, that's kind of petty. Kids and teachers all want to partake in an event that won't come again for another 20 years! I'll be in my 80s!

It's freezing in the Aerobics Room and everything seems okay. Except push-ups are aggravating my anterior delts. They complained mildly during the Inclined DB Press section of the shoulder workout, but they really don't like push-ups these days. Otherwise, everything is routine, although I almost bailed on Walking Lunges. Because they suck. I even almost went past the 90-second mark for Wall Squats because they weren't horrible today, and I was reading an interesting online article. The parking lot is packed full when I leave and I'm sure they're not all at the gym. It's still sort of raining, but the sun peaks through and everything feels nicer. 

Tomorrow I have an SLT scheduled for my right eye. SLT= selective laser trabeculoplasty, a treatment to reduce IOPs (intraocular pressure) through laser pulses. In a few weeks, I'll have it done on the other eye. This is a procedure that works for most people and I had it done less than a year ago, so it's a bit upsetting that my pressures have started rising after several months at a lower pressure. Again, is my body just adapting to medications and procedures to maintain its own version of a detrimental status quo? Who knows 'cuz I certainly don't. I probably won't be at the gym again until sometime next week... slogging through cardio and then some.

4 April 2024 12:16-2:17
Spring Nor’easter Thursday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30+5 (5618)
Distance: 2.85
Cal: 316
Avg Hr: 153, 192-74 (completely inaccurate)
Fitbit: 50-122


Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 warm up
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 x 25/15/25 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 37 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s

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