Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Early and Cold

There was still frost on most of the windshield by the time I drove my son to the school bus stop. Thank goodness I had packed my gym gear the night before so I could go straight to the gym afterward. I was surprised that the gym was so empty with just a few members working out. Of course, the back door was open and it was chilly, but that's what hoodies are for. 

I planned a short workout because the dogs are expecting time with friends between 10 and noon. I'm at the gym by 7:15 and on my way back home by 9:30. This means that today is just a Cardio & Core workout. As long as I get the heart racing a bit, work up a decent sweat, and stretch the lower back and hamstrings, I'll feel okay. I pushed weights yesterday, no need to do it today. Besides, I'm experiencing a peculiar visual anomaly: a new oddly shaped floater in my right eye. It looks like a crudely drawn ring, irregularly circular with a thickness at the top. Yesterday, I experienced bizarre tiny flashes of light that I mistook for a gnat flitting up the right side of my right eye's peripheral vision. But gnats aren't luminous. 

This repetitive but singular distraction lasted from late afternoon until I fell asleep. I'm not experiencing it today, just the annoying floater. The floater itself could be a sign of retinal damage. That happened to my brother. He also has glaucoma, but only in one eye. He had emergency laser surgery to fix the retina but he's still got the monster floater. I've got an appointment to see my glaucoma doc this Friday afternoon. Last time, that flash of light was me catching the edge of the new lens in my eye. It still amazes me that I can see perfectly well with a non-specialized artificial lens, with the exception of night driving because headlamp halos make me a bit crazy. People will say that the halos mean you have cataracts. Uh, not necessarily. I've had cataract surgery in both eyes so I don't technically have cataracts, and yes, oncoming traffic headlamps have halos.

My brother wants me to sit home and do nothing but watch TV until my next eye doc appointment. Uh, nooooo. Unlike those "staying safe by staying home" people, I'm not going to sit under a rock waiting for the world to end. I take precautions and avoid crowds and closed spaces, but just going to the doctor's office is taking a risk. I haven't been pushing heavy weights but I'll be upset if I have to give up pushing any weights whatsoever. 

Frosty Early Tuesday

Precor elliptical
35 min
Program 2
HR 149, 188, 123
Cal 313
Distance 2.83

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Plank 60s
Pushups 40
Piriformis Stretches
Quick Mat Stretch

LF x-trainer
15 min + 3 cd
Manual Level 1
Cal 143
Distance 1.99
HR? 135-137


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