Thursday, October 29, 2020

If You Hear Hooves...

My dogs are mad at me. Well, not exactly mad. More disappointed that I refuse to drive them to the park in the pouring rain. Tomorrow isn't looking any better. There's also the threat of snow tomorrow night when temps dip into the 20s. The boys are scheduled to take part in an extremely limited BSA Camporee on Saturday that is not only broken down into two separate sessions lasting only 3 hours each with 7 events, but is also physically limited to just 50 participants. 

Only 7 Scouts and an adult may accompany the Troop, which in itself breaks Scout safety protocol (requires two adults at all times). But it won't be raining, so maybe I'll take the pups to the park then where they can get their zoomie crazies out. Because it's not like I'll be able to attend the Camporee with all the in-person pandemic restrictions...

I skipped the gym yesterday due to lack of sleep. The husband got up at 2:30 am to go fishing with his buddy on a deep-sea charter. I'm a light sleeper. If he's up then I'm up. If I'm too sleep-deprived, working out might feel okay but my body gets back at me in other ways, like developing canker sores. It's probably why I've had shingles twice already. It's also why I've already had my flu shot, and I dose myself with black elderberry syrup every morning as an immune-system tonic. 

I'm still tired today but because my son doesn't have to get on the school bus during the latter half of the week, we're able to sleep in 30 minutes later. (And the bus has been arriving earlier than the scheduled time!) I consider just making today my Cardio Day but laziness gets the better of me. I don't really want to increase the speed of the Stair Master to 6 or 7 just yet. 

My sciatica isn't bothering me much. However, that twingey lower left hip seems worse. Now, pedaling backward at high elevations causes me to wince. Figures that I'm on Program 2 which peaks at Level (elevation) 13 (Level 1 is flat) at least twice during the session. I do an extra plank and skip the alternating bicycles and get to 40 push-ups before wandering back out to the free weight area. The Smith machine is free so I do my routine Inclined Presses but add back a set for the heaviest weight. It's amazing how much harder it feels with just an extra 10 lbs. 

I'm good with 92.5 lbs on the Seated Cable Row and I can't see myself increasing the weight any time soon. The lone StepMill is occupied and I don't know for how long, so I make my way to the cross-trainers. Both Precors are also occupied but there are more LifeFitness machines than anything else except treadmills on the cardio platform. I'm happy not to pedal backward and I work up a decent sweat blithely pedaling to my tunes so I'm satisfied. 

Yesterday, I noticed some weird bumps on the back of my left thigh. This morning I looked in the mirror and these "pimples" had spread like a rash, but they didn't itch. The right thigh looked okay, but there's a hint of something developing there too. And absolutely nowhere else. Am I allergic to something that only touches the back of my thighs? I've worn the same clothes for years! 

Later, in the locker room, I mention this to one of the gym employees. She tells me the same thing happened to her, rashes in odd places that didn't itch. It turned out to be her laundry detergent. I've used Tide for years without issue, but two weeks ago I tried a different flavor, switching from the Febreze Sport scent to the UltraOxi. I really like the scent of the latter so now I'm kind of bummed. I buy on sale with coupons, so I do have other containers of detergent that are not UltraOxi. 

It reminds me of that old saying, "When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras." But there's an addendum I heard recently on an episode of Lie To Me: "Either way, it's a stampede." Either I'm allergic or I've picked up some sort of atopic dermatitis, and hopefully, not a poxvirus like molluscum contagiosum... I'm probably allergic. I've used the same "homemade craft soap" for years without issue, but then my neck developed an itchy sensitivity and only my neck. I spent years taking antihistamines and using itch creams, only to discover that it's the soap that only bothers the delicate neck skin. So, now I don't use soap on my neck. 


Stormy Thursday

Precor elliptical
35 min
Program 2
HR n/a
Cal 310
Distance 2.81

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Plank 60s
Pushups 40
Piriformis Stretches
Quick Mat Stretch

Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 15
+20 x 15
+40 x 15
+50 x 15, 15

Seated Cable Row (light)
70 lbs x 15 reps
85 x 12
92.5 x 10, 10, 10

LifeFitness x-trainer
Manual Level 1
Min 15
HR 129-14
Cal 118
Distance 1.53

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